
Chapter 785 City Lord of Heavenly Capital!

At this moment, Luo Tian turned a deaf ear to everything outside his body.

In fact, it wasn't that Luo Tian wanted to cause such a big commotion, but that he really couldn't get off the tiger. According to the current situation, he wanted to get away with oil on his feet, but the three-color disc seemed to be addicted Frantically grabbing the lavender light in the back soil hydrangea, even if Luo Tian wanted to leave, he was powerless.

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

Luo Tian couldn't help roaring in his heart, but he didn't know that even if he succeeded at this moment, he might not be able to leave. He had already attracted the attention of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, so how could he escape so easily?

"Success! Must succeed, brother!"

The two Xuanxians who came over with Luo Tian were extremely excited, dancing and shouting loudly, without any image at all, like crazy.

Mufu, on the other hand, frowned. The development of the situation has exceeded her previous expectations, and the current trend is becoming more and more difficult to grasp and control.She knew clearly that outsiders were not tolerated by the rules of the Trial Star. If she found out that Luo Tian and herself were outsiders, it might cause everyone here to unanimously speak out, and the consequences would be really worrying.

"Don't succeed!" Mufu prayed secretly.

"What a powerful force! So comfortable!"

At this moment, Luo Tian was still standing there motionless, gathering everyone's attention.He himself did not expect that the benefits brought by the lavender light are beyond imagination. Not only can it repair the second layer of the three-color disc, but it can also improve the physical body and condense the immortal energy in the body. In this way, his comprehensive strength It is constantly growing, and soon broke through to the late stage of Da Luo Jinxian, and is moving towards the peak of Da Luo Jinxian.And the toughness of his physical body has also broken through the middle level of the holy artifact, and is moving towards the high level of the holy artifact.

Unimaginable benefits!

Then Luo Tian began to feel bitter. If the three-color disc successfully absorbed the mysterious power sealed in the Houtu Hydrangea, then he would have obtained the Houtu Hydrangea, and then he would marry that hill-like girl woman……

In the blink of an eye, several days passed.

In the past few days, except for Luo Tian who always maintained the posture of standing in the void with his eyes closed, none of the onlookers left, including Mufu, everyone's eyes fell on the white-clothed figure in the field.


I don't know when, suddenly there was an extremely violent gust of wind between the sky and the earth. When the gust of wind came, the sky was dark, sand and rocks were flying, and the clouds in the sky kept changing colors. The place of residence swayed back and forth, what's more, he was blown back several miles by the strong wind before he stopped.

"This guy is always so restless." Mufu shook her head helplessly, with a serious look on her face, "But although his aura just now blinded the heavenly secrets, he still couldn't escape the perception of my Dementor Silver Cable. He has become stronger again!"


The Houtu Hydrangea, which had been spinning in mid-air, suddenly burst into red light, and then fell straight towards Luo Tian. Where the Houtu Hydrangea passed, the entire void was drawn into a big void of nothingness. The space can't help but spread into the distance.

When the layers of cracks spread, Luo Tian was the first to bear the brunt, but at the moment when the Houtu Hydrangea was about to hit his head, Luo Tian raised his arm and reached out to grab the Houtu Hydrangea.

Shake the back soil hydrangea with the flesh!

Ka Ka Ka!

Soon, Luo Tian and Houtu hydrangea were connected, and countless ripples immediately appeared on Luo Tian's palm. These ripples turned into cracks in the void, swaying endlessly, looking extremely strange.

"What a strong body!"

After seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help being a little horrified. Although no one had the opportunity to try this before, the previous power of the Houtu hydrangea was at least not weaker than any holy treasure.Even though the Holy Grade Immortal Treasure does not have any supernatural power, it is enough for a person to drink a pot just by hitting it hard in this life.

At least, among the strong people watching around, [-]% of them would not choose to do what Luo Tian did.If it is not done well, it will really be smashed into a pile of meat.

"Oh, this is too heavy, who likes to take it!"

After a while, a jaw-dropping sound came out, and then the back earth hydrangea turned into a red streamer and flew out of Luo Tian's hand, flying towards the place with the most people.

"You! How could you hand over the duck you got..."

"How can there be such a stupid person!"

Seeing this, the two Xuanxians who were in the group with Luo Tian hurriedly yelled at Luo Tian in dissatisfaction.

"shut up!"

Luo Tian came to the side of the two in a flash, and then parted his hands, which turned into two big hands in an instant and knocked the two unconscious, and then winked at Mufu.

"Let's go quickly!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian first used the void assassination technique to enter the void and disappeared.

Now, having successfully captured the mysterious power of the seal in the Houtu Hydrangea, Luo Tian has fully entered the late stage of Daluo Jinxian's cultivation base, and is only one step away from entering the half-step Taiyi Golden Immortal level. There is still a big gap in the level of half-level immortal treasures.But even so, Luo Tian's overall strength has grown tremendously, and I believe that even facing the Taiyi Golden Immortal, Luo Tian still has a great chance to retreat unscathed.

Whoosh whoosh!

Luo Tian grabbed the two Xuan Xian who had been stunned by him, and shuttled through the void, passing through countless space rivers and small worlds in an instant, and after a while, Luo Tian's complexion suddenly changed.

"who is it?"

Luo Tian let out a low cry, and spewed out a stream of light, which kept changing in the void, and soon turned into mountains and rivers, sea tides, swords, guns, swords, halberds, axes, hooks and forks, canopy wreaths, pagoda rosettes, birds and beasts, etc. There are at least tens of thousands of changes. This is the change of Da Luo's law that Luo Tian has comprehended after his cultivation base has improved greatly. The changes are unpredictable and really powerful!

"Hehe, your cultivation is really extraordinary. I didn't expect the old man to miss it earlier."

Then, there was a burst of clear laughter in the void, and then one after another seemingly empty potholes suddenly formed, coming together one after another, colliding head-on with Luo Tian's attack.

At the beginning, Luo Tian's attack was like a broken bamboo, eliminating the pits that the opponent rushed up one after another. Unexpectedly, Luo Tian began to be a little bit unable to hold on later, and those pits turned defeat into victory!

"Reverse the laws of heaven and earth! This is a Taiyi Golden Immortal, and at least he is a strong man who has reached the middle stage of the Taiyi Golden Immortal!"

Luo Tianfan suddenly came to his senses, with a bitter feeling in his heart, he immediately said respectfully: "I don't know which senior is here, please be merciful and let the boy go."

"It's okay to be merciful." The voice smiled faintly, "But it is absolutely impossible to let you go. You kid took the hydrangea from the old man's daughter, so you can't let you go."

"Are you? City Lord of Tiandu!" Luo Tian's face changed suddenly, and his heart was bitter.

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