
Chapter 786 Can't swallow this breath!

The City Lord of Tiandu was alarmed and came here in person, which shows how critical the situation is this time!

In particular, Luo Tian had already secretly guessed in his heart that the Heavenly Capital Divine Gong that was in the distant sky before was likely to be in the hands of the Tiandu City Lord. If so, Luo Tian's chances of winning against the Tiandu City Lord were really slim.

"My lord, please be aware that the boy did not catch the hydrangea successfully. Many people saw it with their own eyes." Luo Tian thought about it, and said neither humble nor overbearing.

"No and no."

A white light suddenly appeared in the void, and the white light swept in, paving a smooth road in the void, and then, a white light and shadow came slowly from the end of the road, seemingly slow but actually extremely fast, just a few With the effort of breathing, the white light and shadow were less than a thousand feet away from Luo Tian.

The black vortex in Luo Tian's eyes flashed away, and he saw the coming white light and shadow clearly in an instant.

Looking at it at a glance, Luo Tian was a little surprised.It turned out that the City Lord of Tiandu didn't look very old, at most thirty or so, wearing a white feather coat, with many golden light spots shining on the feather coat, and wearing a star crown on his head, with his hands behind his back, naked There are two light blue clouds faintly floating under the feet, they are really the immortals on the murals of the lower realm, and this demeanor alone is heart-wrenching.

"See City Lord of Tiandu." Luo Tian bowed slightly, his expression unchanged.

"The old man's daughter was gifted by the gods in the dream, but the hydrangea was derived from the dream. When the god bestowed it, he left a verse. Whoever can attract the hydrangea for three days will be considered a success."

The city master of Tiandu smiled lightly, looked at Luo Tian with a smile on his face, took a few glances, and then he had a result in his heart.

This son is extraordinary!

What kind of person is the City Lord of Tiandu? He is a strong man who has been promoted to the middle stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal for countless years. With just one glance, he can see that although Luo Tian looks ordinary, but everyone else is the best choice. As his son-in-law, It can be regarded as humiliating his own daughter.

Luo Tian's expression remained unchanged, but his heart was extremely miserable. He secretly blamed the three-color disc. It was because this guy was not capable enough, and it took him quite a few days to absorb the mysterious power sealed in the hydrangea in Houtu.

"Reporting to Lord City Master, there is still a cousin lost in the panic. When the boy finds the cousin back, he will definitely go to Tiandu City to meet him in person." Luo Tian rolled his eyes and began to flicker again. After all, he still needs a certain amount of money now. Take time to digest all the information of Tianducheng, so as not to show your feet when it is time.

On Trial Star, whenever the aborigines found outsiders, they would generally kill them.This is the basic iron law, which Mufu told Luo Tian.

"Hehe." City Lord Tiandu smiled faintly, "Are you talking about this woman?"

Then, the City Lord of Tiandu waved his sleeve, and a black light flew out of the sleeve. After the black light slowly dissipated, a woman with a face full of anger appeared.

If it's not Mufu, who is it!

"It's all your fault!" Mufu immediately sent a voice transmission to Luo Tian.

"I have half a penny to do with me!" Luo Tian was also full of bitterness, "How did I know that you have fallen into the hands of the city lord of Tiandu, and I planned to use you as an excuse to leave first, this is over! Really It has become a pair of mandarin ducks with the same fate!"

"Who is a mandarin duck with the same fate as you!" Mu Fu said bitterly, "Grandma can't afford it, and you will soon be the son-in-law of Tiandu City."


Luo Tian was speechless when he heard the words, and it took him a long while before he said, "Let's confess to your counterpart first, so as not to miss the point in time, the current situation has to be taken one step at a time, hurry up!"

"Quick what?"

"Seeing my dearest relatives flying into my arms with an expression of ecstasy, I have to act more realistically!"


Next, Mu Fu fulfilled Luo Tian's bad idea and suggestion very awkwardly in her heart, and flew directly into Luo Tian's arms.

The nephrite jade is warm and fragrant in his arms, but Luo Tian has no other thoughts, only feels that the fragrance of Mu Fu's body is so strong that he almost coughs out of it.

"Grandma, how much rouge and gouache did you put on?!"

"Shut up! My aunt never wipes those things!"

"Then the fragrance on your body...is it body fragrance?"

"Teacher! Dirty!"


When the two of them were communicating with each other, the city master of Tiandu stood aside with his hands behind his back, with a faint smile on his face all the time, and his eyes were full of smiles, as if he had seen everything through time.

"My lord, I will follow you back to Tiandu City." After a while, Luo Tian had already let go of Mufu, and said in a gentle manner.

"it is good."

The city lord of Tiandu didn't procrastinate, he waved his big sleeve, and the stars in the sky turned for it, and then Luo Tian and the two were immediately caught in the big sleeve, and they went away in an instant.

Everything in one sleeve!

This is the real world in one sleeve!

In just a few breaths, Luo Tian and Mu Fu felt that the scenery in front of them changed again, and they appeared in an antique garden.

"The two of you rest here for a while, and the old man will come after a while."

As soon as the mufu fell to the ground, the primordial spirit and consciousness spread out instantly.

"No need to peep." Luo Tian sighed softly, "There are strange and strange prohibition circles all around here, if you want to break through, you will have to spend a lot of effort!"

"Also! It's all you!"

Mufu gave Luo Tian a hard look, "What should I do now?"

"I can't help it, I have to take one step at a time." Luo Tian spread his hands and said helplessly, "Do you think we can fight a strong middle-stage Taiyi Golden Immortal together?"

"The chances of winning are very low." Mufu calculated carefully, "If it is a strong person who has just entered Taiyi Golden Immortal, there is still some chance of winning. But Tiandu City Lord has obviously reached the peak of Taiyi Golden Immortal in the middle stage, and the reversal The supernatural power of the law has already reached perfection, and it is very difficult to escape from him!"

"Then it's over." Luo Tian shrugged, sat down on the jade bench beside him leisurely, poured himself a cup of tea and drank it.

Mufu's cold face changed, and she said angrily: "Are you really going to be the son-in-law of the capital?"

"Of course I don't want to." Luo Tian said without hesitation, "I've already said that I would rather marry you than that fat girl. My taste is not that perverted, okay?"

"Grandma doesn't like you!"

"It's just an analogy, don't react so violently."


When Luo Tian and Mu Fu were bickering with each other, a not-so-weak breath appeared out of nowhere not far away.

"I want to see what kind of ability this ugly ghost has to get into Uncle Ji's eyes!"

While speaking, a young man in brocade clothes who was several points uglier than Luo Tian's changed appearance appeared out of thin air, and the breath in his body kept circulating, almost congealing the space.

"Ice attribute exercises."

Luo Tian took a sip of tea without raising his head, and said to himself, "However, the little Saint Immortal dares to make such a big deal, get out!"

Just imagine, Luo Tian was already in a bad mood, and when he met a guy who came to find fault, he naturally wouldn't give a good face.

With Luo Tian's cultivation level now, he can instantly kill ordinary little saints with just a random palm, and it is said that it is only a fingertip.


As soon as the brocade-clothed little saint appeared, he sacrificed his magic weapon for protection, but immediately a powerful force came out of nowhere, shaking him and his magic weapon directly into the void again, and disappeared.

The next moment, the young man in brocade clothes roared with arrogance and anger, "Here, I have always bullied people, but I didn't expect to be bullied this time! No, I can't swallow this breath!"

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