
Chapter 788

Above the treasure house of Tiandu City, in the depths of the endless sky, there is a wide water-colored vortex suspended. This vortex is squeezed layer upon layer, reflecting countless blurred colors and traces in the void, and there are many more Runes danced up and down in it.

"That is?"

Luo Tian only needs to raise his head a little, and he can feel the layers of mist blowing towards his face. The mist looks clear, but it is actually difficult to see through it.

But what kind of person Luo Tian is, he is the holy body of the five elements, and it is almost impossible to escape the perception of his primordial spirit and consciousness when the five elements of the world are in motion. It can be said that the Saint Immortal can see everything under his eyes, and nothing can escape his eyes, but being able to see it does not mean that Luo Tian can solve it. With his current strength, he is not a person like the Lord of the Heavenly Capital. The opponent, at most, can escape from the hands of ordinary Taiyi Jinxian.There is an insurmountable gap between the Daluo Golden Immortal and the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

With Luo Tian's eyesight, he naturally saw the water-colored vortex floating high in the sky, and even noticed the abnormality in the depth of the water-colored vortex.

In the depths of the water-colored vortex, there is a snow-white light cluster floating. The radius of this light cluster is no more than three feet, and the diffused light is also extremely soft, but it is that soft light that makes Luo Tian's pupils shrink violently.

"Although I can't see through the body of this treasure, it can be concluded from the coercive aura emitted by this treasure that this treasure must be a quasi-dao-grade fairy treasure. But I don't know how powerful this treasure is. It looks like it suppresses the sky. It’s like a treasure house in the capital.”

Luo Tian thought secretly in his heart, suddenly feeling vigilant.

The Tiandu City civil servant who seemed to be walking at random in front of him finally slowed down, and then saw him wave his sleeves, and the fog in front of him split into two, and quickly spread towards the two sides, forming a winding path suddenly appeared.

"Fellow Daoist Han Yi please keep an eye on the steps under my feet, and never make a mistake."

Next, the civil servant gave a solemn warning, and then walked first, with extremely strange footsteps.

Luo Tian had an expression that I knew, and then carefully followed behind the civil servant. Although he was bold, he didn't dare to act recklessly at such a solemn moment. If he put himself in danger, it would not be just a shameless joke. as simple as that.

Luo Tian has never encountered a precedent where it is easy to reach any treasure house. There must be countless magic circles along the way, and there must be guards, either overtly or secretly. This has almost become a law.

After a while, Luo Tian suddenly realized that while he was walking along with the civil servants in front of him, the memory in his mind didn't have anything about this treasure house, so he couldn't help being a little horrified.

You know, don't say that Luo Tian is now a Da Luo Jinxian's late stage cultivation base, even ordinary immortals in the fairy world have the level of photographic memory, but everything that is recorded in the mind will never be forgotten unless you forget it yourself possible.

But a strange thing happened to Luo Tian!

Suddenly, Luo Tian couldn't help looking up, and found that the white light cluster in the huge water-colored vortex above his head suddenly flashed!

Is it caused by this fairy treasure?

Luo Tian frowned slightly, and then relaxed it slightly. At present, it seems that there are really many secrets in the Tiandu City, but he doesn't know whether the trip to the treasure house can be successfully completed.

In less than half an hour, the civil servant finally stopped with his sleeves fluttering in front of him. He knelt down respectfully and kowtowed three times to the front. The cloud and mist suddenly dissipated without a trace, and a huge portal appeared.

The gate is more than a hundred feet high, and a place on the top is extremely smooth, with a large "Tibetan" character engraved in the middle. The restraining magic circle here is endless and never exhausted, and it can be guaranteed for countless years.

However, after knocking his head three times, the civil servant stood up, reciting the formula in his mouth, his hands kept changing, and finally spurted out a mouthful of blood, and an ancient text suddenly condensed in front of him, and the ancient text circled around , and galloped towards the lightning and thunder.

"go with!"

Luo Tian recognized it for a long while, but he didn't recognize what the ancient characters meant, so he had to give up resentfully.

"I can't go in here, fellow Daoist Han Yi please move." The civil servant bowed slightly to get out of the way.

"Thank you, my lord." Luo Tian agreed, and walked towards the lightning and thunder in front of him without hesitation, showing extraordinary courage, and the civil servants who watched nodded repeatedly.

"Do you want me to break in?"

Just as the thought in Luo Tian's mind dissipated, he was about to use the power of swallowing the sky to forcibly attack the area of ​​lightning, thunder and fire, but he suddenly felt a not-so-strong force attracting him, pulling his body towards it.

That's it!

Seeing this, Luo Tian immediately dissipated the attack that was about to be launched, and then followed the absorbing force to move forward without fear, and in an instant, he directly entered the area of ​​lightning, thunder and fire, without any damage to his body, another With the effort of breathing, Luo Tian's figure disappeared.

The civil servant sighed softly, and finally retreated.

This is obviously a scam!

As soon as Luo Tian entered the treasure house, he felt the aura rushing towards him, and he was in a good mood, but then he was dumbfounded.

It turns out that there are quite a lot of rare treasures in the treasure house, but on each of them, a prohibition circle is set up. If you want to get the treasure, you have to spend a lot of effort.

After a while, Luo Tian finally figured out the situation of the treasure house. It turned out that in this treasure house, the ranks of the rare treasures were higher and higher. Although the outermost ones were gorgeous, they were not too big. Practical effect.

"It's important to find those two immortal medicines first."

After entering the treasure mountain, Luo Tian's heart remained clear, and he did not forget the purpose of the trip, and walked towards the depths of the treasure house without stopping.


"Elder Ji has any consideration?"

Hundreds of thousands of miles away, Ding Yuan and his son carefully guarded outside a cave on the jade mountain, and asked respectfully.

There was no sound coming from the cave, and it was so quiet that it made one's heart palpitate.

"No reason!"

Half a day later, an old voice like thunder came from the cave, and then an old man in a white Taoist robe walked out of it, with a Chinese character face showing no anger and prestige.

"I've seen Mr. Ji!"

It was extremely difficult for Ding Yuan and his son to stand in front of the old man in Taoist robes, they retreated one after another for dozens of feet before staying.

"Congratulations to Ji Laoxiu for making great progress!"

The old man in Taoist robe drooped his eyelids, and said with a chuckle: "I have been comprehending the laws of heaven for thousands of years, and finally saw through the last step. Now, as long as I gather enough holy immortal pills, I can advance to that holy immortal realm. But Before that, I will personally kill the outsider."

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