
Chapter 789 The Quasi-Sage Immortal Makes a Move!

"Old Ji is wise and martial, and he will surely achieve the Dao of Saint Immortal with ease!"

Don't look at that Ding Yuan is a Taiyi Golden Immortal, and the old man in the Taoist robe is also a Taiyi Golden Immortal, but there is a huge gap between the two.Ding Yuan is only the peak of Taiyi Golden Immortal in the early stage, but the Taoist robed old man has already reached the state of half-step Saint Immortal, and now he only needs to collect enough Saint Immortal Yuan Pills to enter the entire fairy world. The coveted Holy Wonderland!

Saint Immortal Pill!

That's right, this Holy Immortal Pill is a strange thing that has grown into the world since ancient times. This thing can at most strengthen the foundation and restore the power of the immortal, but for the Taiyi Golden Immortal, especially For half-step saints who want to hit the road of saints, it is absolutely crucial!This thing is the only way for a half-step saint to enter a saint. Only in Taiyi Jinxian has this pass. Needless to say.

However, the price of the Saint Immortal Yuan Pill in the fairy world is extremely expensive, and I am afraid that you have to buy it with a first-order spiritual vein at the very least.

Hearing the flattery of Ding Yuan and his son, the old man in the Taoist robe did not show too much emotion. After thinking for a moment, he stretched out his hand and made a move towards the sky. Suddenly, a storm surged deep in the sky, and countless thunder and lightning flashed and fell from it, cutting the sky into pieces Irregular shape.

After a while, countless thunder lights condensed in one place high in the sky and turned into a thunder dragon. The thunder dragon fell straight down from the sky with a long roar, and landed in the hands of the Taoist robed old man obediently and docilely, and finally turned into a clear fist Big and small beads.

"It's actually this treasure!"

When Ding Yuan saw it, his eyes brightened immediately, and the color of greed loomed in the depths of his eyes, but it disappeared immediately.

"I made an oath at the beginning that if I don't become a saint in this life, I will never leave this mountain. Ding Yuan, it seems that I will use your kid this time." The Taoist robed old man said slowly.

"Elder Ji just make a move!"

Na Ding Yuan quickly cupped his hands and said quite generously.

Speaking of it, the Taoist robed old man was nothing more than borrowing the body of Ding Yuan's son Ding Shun, this method became a temporary seizure in the fairy world.There are advantages and disadvantages, and the disadvantage is that the cultivation base of the person who is taken away will drop afterward. Judging by the time, the longer the time of taking the house, the more the cultivation base will drop.The advantage is obvious. Being temporarily borrowed by a strong man who is about to enter the Dao of Saint Immortals, the body will inevitably contain the strong man's precious understanding of the laws of heaven and earth, which will be of great benefit to future practice.Overall, in the long run, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

After Ding Yuan finished speaking, he winked at the young man in brocade clothes, Ding Shun, without a trace.

Seeing this, Ding Shun hurriedly bowed and knelt down, "The boy is willing to sacrifice himself for Elder Ji!"

Next to him, Ding Yuan almost choked himself to death when he heard the words, this bastard, what are you talking about!It is too embarrassing.

The old man in the Taoist robe didn't bother to pay attention to these things. He nodded in satisfaction when he saw this, and then his whole body shook, splitting into two in an instant. .

call out!

The avatar of the old man in the Taoist robe flickered, and it poured directly into Ding Shun's body.

But he saw that Ding Shun's body was trembling unceasingly, it took him a cup of tea to stop shaking, and a lot of blood flowed out from his five holes.

"This body is really too bad, Ding Yuan, you have to strictly discipline it!"

Suddenly, Ding Shun uttered the voice of the old man in Taoist robes, but he saw the old man in Taoist robes breathe out suddenly, and spiritual energy with a radius of tens of thousands of feet gathered and poured into Ding Shun's body, and the blood flowing out of the five holes disappeared immediately.

"Yes yes yes, I would like to follow the teachings of old Ji!"

Ding Yuan nodded like a chicken pecking rice, hesitated for a moment, and still saluted respectfully to the Taoist robed old man who now occupied his son's body, forming a funny picture of an old man saluting his son.

Seeing this, the body of the Taoist robed old man returned directly to the cave in a flash.

"I will go too!"

The next moment, Ding Shun raised one hand, directly tearing the void, and then Shi Shiran stepped into it.


"not good!"

At the same time, the City Lord of Tiandu, who was resting with his eyes closed in Tiandu City, changed his face drastically, opened his eyes in an instant, and stared in a certain direction.

"Why would Father take such a risk to go down the mountain? Could it be because of Han Yi?!"

Thinking of this, City Lord Tiandu's face suddenly turned ugly. He is not a mediocre lord. He has investigated Han Yi's origin for a few days, but finally found out that Han Yi and his cousin are real outsiders. Not native to this world.

"How should this be?"

The city lord of Tiandu's mind was like lightning, and soon he summoned a confidant.

"Hurry up, quickly deliver this jade slip to Han Yi!"

"Reporting to Lord City Master, Han Yi is still in the treasure house at this moment."

"Order Lin Ziqi to forcibly extract him from the treasure house!"



"Haha, I got the Linglong Grass of the Purple Mansion and the five golden mirages!"

In the treasure house, Luo Tian walked out of the smoke and dust in disgrace, his face was full of joy, mother, the forbidden magic circle in this treasure house is really powerful, he spent all his energy to get the two kinds of immortal medicine got it.

Carefully putting away the two elixir, Luo Tian was about to make a move towards the remaining eight places.

Chi Chi!

At this time, two beams of light, one white and one red, suddenly fell from the treasure house, directly binding Luo Tian tightly, and then dragging him back.

"what happened?!"

Luo Tian turned pale with fright. The prohibition circle in the treasure house is so powerful that he doesn't even have a chance to react?


In just a few breaths, Luo Tian fell to the ground from the void, and when he got up from the ground to see it, he couldn't help being a little surprised.

"Sir, are you?"

Luo Tian stared blankly at the civil servant in front of him who was spraying blood, and couldn't help but wonder.

"Fellow Daoist Han Yi, this is the jade slip that the city lord asked me to hand over to you quickly!" After the official said this, he fell straight to the ground.

Luo Tian quickly pasted the jade slip on his forehead, swept away his consciousness, and his complexion changed drastically.

After a few breaths, Luo Tian found Mufu directly, took Mufu's hand and left without saying a word.

"Hey! You are so rude, let me go quickly, what is your majestic son-in-law doing? Being seen by others..."

"To shut up!"

Luo Tian gave a rare snort, "The identities of the two of us have been exposed. It is said that Ji Laogui's avatar who has reached the quasi-sage realm has come. If you and I can't escape this time, then it's really true." It becomes a fateful mandarin duck!"


Mufu didn't say another word when she heard the words, her complexion became extremely ugly. With the current strength of the two of them, even if they were added together, they probably wouldn't be the opponent of an ordinary Taiyi Jinxian, let alone a quasi-talented one. Saint Immortal, even if there is only a clone, there is only one word of death in the end!


Luo Tian took the mufu under the water, intentionally or unintentionally, by the city lord of Tiandu, and soon left Tiandu city, and then fled desperately into the distance.

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