
Chapter 790 Luo Tian's Death

In fact, Luo Tian knows better than anyone else that even if the city lord of Tiandu releases water secretly, whether intentionally or unintentionally, his safety is only temporary.In Trial Star, outsiders have always been unwelcome by the local aborigines, even extremely hostile. This is because of the burning and killing of the native residents of Trial Star by outsiders during the initial opening of Trial Star. Looting is unscrupulous, and a bad start will often be passed down forever, so that the seeds of hatred are deeply planted in the hearts of all the indigenous residents of the Trial Planet. As long as the right time is met, they will start to germinate and thrive.

It is also a great honor for Luo Tian to let a strong man of quasi-sacred level make a move in person.But Luo Tian really didn't expect such an honor to fall on his head.


Even the half-step Taiyi Golden Immortal faced the Quasi-Sage Immortal, possessed heaven-defying supernatural powers and immortal treasure body protection, probably couldn't support three moves.

"what should we do?"

Along the way, Luo Tian naturally told Mufu all this, Mufu's complexion did not change much, and he asked indifferently.

Luo Tian thought carefully for a moment, then smiled wryly: "What else can we do? Run away! We haven't entered the trial star for a long time, and it takes a lot of effort to get out. The only way now is to enter the trial star No. .13 floors!"

"But the quasi-sacred immortal made a move, even if we were a lot behind in speed, how could we escape?" Mu Fu spoke, the primordial spirit quickly spread out, and began to look for the person on the twelfth floor of the trial star. space coordinates.

"To be honest, if that quasi-sage makes a move, I can barely resist the opponent's three long-range attacks, and if it's a close-up attack, at most two! What about you?" Luo Tian's thoughts turned rapidly, and he couldn't stop deducing the opponent's trajectory , Yuanshen consciousness spread out very carefully.

"It's about the same as you." Mufu thought for a moment, then said indifferently.

"Okay! Let's seize this opportunity. If we can't seize it, we will have to be a pair of mandarin ducks with the same fate!" Luo Tian said resolutely, and then stepped forward to grab Mu Fu's white jade hand, ignoring the other's greatly changed expression, "Don't worry so much about the plan now, I am faster, and the two of us should try our best to find the space coordinates, which is the most important thing right now!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian shouted, and suddenly two dazzled purple brilliance appeared behind him, which quickly changed into two purple wings.

To the sky feathers!

Even in the battle of geniuses, Luo Tian seldom used the celestial wings. The celestial wings were an excellent magic weapon to save his life at critical moments. If anyone knew about it, he would be in constant trouble.But now at the critical moment, Luo Tian couldn't care about anything else.

Escape is important!

Whoosh whoosh!

With just three light flashes, Luo Tian took Mu Fu and disappeared directly in place, and went out tens of thousands of miles in an instant, the speed seemed to be extremely fast.

"What a powerful fairy treasure!"

Mu Fu thought about it, and added another comment to Luo Tian in her heart, which is mysterious!

"Not good! It seems that the quasi-sage is about to target us!"

Suddenly, Mu Fu frowned tightly, her complexion changed drastically and she shouted in a low voice.

"I know."

Luo Tian used all his strength to reach the wings of the sky, and the immortal energy in his body was greatly consumed, so he had to communicate with the spiritual veins in the world in his body, and began to fly through space with overload.


Soon, the position where Luo Tian and Mu Fu shuttled through the endless rivers of space was locked by a tyrannical sense of consciousness, and then a big white hand suddenly appeared from the distant void, and came down quickly and urgently.

"Don't worry about it, leave this blow to me!" Mufu shouted hastily, and her slightly ruddy mouth spat lightly, "Dementor Silver Cable!"

A beam of silvery white light flew out from the Mufu's celestial spirit cover, and directly met the big white hand in the void, instantly shattering countless space rivers and small worlds. The treasure dementing soul silver cable trembled violently, whining continuously, it seemed that it was difficult to withstand the fierce attack of the opponent.

"Quasi-Sage Immortal, really powerful!"

Luo Tian and Mufu were tens of thousands of miles away from the attack. Under this blow, the two were also affected. Layers of substantial air waves emerged from the void, blowing Luo Tian and Mufu thousands of miles away. outside.

"Sure enough, he is a strong quasi-sage immortal. The blow just now can carry a space and land directly. It is too powerful!" Mu Fu's delicate body swayed, and the pressure on her body suddenly increased, almost shaking Luo Tian's palm away. .

Seeing this, Luo Tian hastily sent a beam of Heaven-swallowing Yuan Power over, directly neutralizing most of Mufu's backlash force.

Whoosh whoosh!

Next, Luo Tian even drove Zhitian Yuyi to gallop forward with all his might.

"Thank you." Mu Fu said with a pale face.

"Now you and I are grasshoppers on the same rope, why bother to thank you."

Just as Luo Tian finished speaking, his complexion changed again, "Damn it! What a lingering ghost! Look at me this time!"


Luo Tian was ruthless, and directly used a drop of the power of the Immortal Monarch, and then punched a certain place behind him very slowly, directly condensing into a deep element point, which suddenly disappeared.

"Come on!"


In an instant, Luo Tian went another hundred thousand miles, and the river of space and countless worlds behind him continued to collapse, which looked extremely terrifying.

"Sure enough!"

Luo Tian opened his mouth and spat out a stream of blood. He staggered and panted uncontrollably, "It seems that I can only resist the opponent's three attacks at most!"

"The opponent is obviously increasing his attack power. If this continues, I can only resist one attack!" Mufu sighed softly.

"It doesn't matter. Since I have dragged you down, I will protect you. Even if I die here, I will send you away safely!"

"35 times combat power!"

The next moment, Luo Tian roared in his heart, pointed his fingers at the void behind him again, and a shocking long sword instantly connected the space, merging countless small worlds in one place, and pierced through the void.

"Found it! The space coordinates are just ahead!"

At this time, Mu Fu exclaimed in surprise, having woken up from Luo Tian's touching words just now.

"Damn it! There's a bastard waiting there!"

Luo Tian Yuanshen's consciousness is naturally much stronger than Mufu's, "Leave it to me, and then you just need to resist the next attack!"


"Want to leave here? It's not that easy?"

Ding Yuan wore brocade clothes and stood outside the space coordinates with his hands behind his back. Shi Shiran said with a smile, there was a sense of self-confidence in his words.

"Step aside!"

Luo Tian was already a madman at this moment, so he didn't care about a Taiyi Golden Immortal standing in front of him, and immediately displayed 35 times his fighting power.

"Qiankun Seal!"

"Wan Dao Yin!"

"Seal the Immortal Seal!"

"Yin Yang seal!"

"Qianjun Seal! Together!"

Luo Tian used all the seals of swallowing the sky in one breath. These seals seemed to have a tendency to merge into one place, and fell towards Ding Yuan in an instant. , no matter how difficult it is to recover.


At the same time, Mufu also withstood the blow of the quasi-sage behind him with great difficulty, and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"Sure enough, there are some doorways!"

Ding Yuan focused his eyes, then frowned slightly, opened his mouth and spewed out countless glaciers, appearing out of thin air.

Boom boom boom!

Luo Tian can be said to be using all his strength now, and Ding Yuan was overwhelmed by this blow. He was directly broken by the divine channel method, and he was forced to retreat hundreds of miles away.

"These two celestial medicines want you to go to Huoluo State and hand them over to an old man named Luo Yun, please!"

At this moment, Luo Tian handed the Purple Mansion Linglong Grass and the five golden mirages to the seriously injured mufu, and then lightly shook the mufu to the space coordinates.

"Let's go! I'll stop!"

Mu Fu looked at Luo Tian very unbearably, and sighed heavily at the next moment, which directly triggered the space coordinates, and the whole figure disappeared.

Almost at the same time Mufu left, the space coordinates were covered by layers of ice and snow, and Ding Yuan rushed over again.

"Based on my longevity, and my original law as the world, break the space!"

Luo Tian slowly closed his eyes. Facing a quasi-sage immortal and a Taiyi Jinxian, he used the secret technique that old man Luo Yun repeatedly told him not to use unless it was an emergency.


Luo Tian's entire body exploded immediately, and all he saw was a faint black glow that leisurely disappeared, lost in the turbulent flow of space.

"how is this possible?!"

Next, when Ding Yuan's 'father and son' met, they were all terrified.

In the trial star, forcibly shattering the space is to die!

ps: This chapter has a lot of weight, everyone understands.

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