
Chapter 796 Borrowing Your Hand! , Fangying

As soon as Luo Tian asked this question, he felt that he had made a slip of the tongue. This kind of behavior of spying on other people's private affairs was really not what he wanted.

"It's okay."

Li Qingming is an old man who seems to have seen Luo Tian's scruples, waved his hands and said, "It's not a secret, most of Qingyan Town knows about it. The other two volumes of exercises in the hands of the old man are not complete either. Now the old man can practice the third volume of Yuqing Yuanshi Xuangong in the realm of Da Luo Jinxian, but it seems that this third volume can at most be able to practice to the point of breaking through the realm of the holy fairy, after that, there is no more kung fu. build."

Luo Tian raised his brows slightly when he heard this, and thought for a moment, "Old Li, since you have made your words so clear, if you have something to say, you might as well just say it."

"Hehe, this old man is asking for something." Li Qingming's complexion changed, and he said seriously.

"Mr. Li, please speak."

"My Qingyan Town's Yuqing Yuanshi Xuangong handed down from generation to generation is not complete, but Qingyan Town has been passed down since ancient times. There are several ancient caves in the depths of Yunmeng Swamp. They only opened once every 5 years. One of the caves is the third generation of Qingyan Town. The old ancestor left behind, but later Qingyan Town gradually declined, and everyone's cultivation base was not high, so no one could enter it." Li Qingming said slowly.

"What does Mr. Li mean?" Luo Tian frowned slightly.

"This old man is responsible for guarding Qingyan Town, so he is not allowed to enter it without permission, so I have to ask fellow Taoists." Li Qingming said word by word, "Perhaps in that cave, there is also a follow-up technique of Yuqing Yuanshi Xuangong. uncertain."

"Mr. Li is proud of me." Luo Tian had a wry smile on his face, "Let's not say that I haven't recovered my peak cultivation level now, even if I do, I'm afraid I don't have much chance of getting the qualification to enter the cave. This cloud The Dream Swamp will open once every 5 years. At that time, not to mention humans like me, even the demons and monsters will probably be watching from the sidelines, and there will even be Taiyi Jinxian among the strong men sent out by then. A strong existence, it is really powerless."

Luo Tian declined.

But Li Qingming obviously didn't want to let go of Luo Tian's "life-saving straw" that fell from the sky, and said quickly after hearing the words: "Fellow Daoist, don't refuse first! This old man has also carefully calculated this matter, it is really beneficial to you And there is no harm, just listen to the old man's words."

"Mr. Li, please tell me, but the ugly words come first. If you can't do it yourself, I can't help you." Luo Tian hesitated and said.

"I have thought about this matter carefully, but I just borrowed your hand." Li Qingming thought carefully for a moment, "Fellow Daoist only needs to enter Yunmeng Swamp. It is considered that the old man has accepted your affection on behalf of the entire Qingyan Town. Of course, you can’t let fellow daoists do it in vain. The three volumes of Yuqing Yuanshi Xuangong can be studied in detail by fellow daoists, and the old man will also arrange a suitable place for fellow daoists in Qingyan town. As for the identity, fellow daoists must have powerful enemies outside, so that you can also cover up the identity of fellow daoists, so that the other party can't find out the origins of fellow daoists!"

Luo Tian smiled wryly when he heard the words, "Old Li, it seems that you have planned this plan for a long time, right?"

"Hehe." Li Qingming said with a faint smile, "There is no such thing as vain effort in the world without benefit. This old man is also based on the common interests of both of us as the starting point. It is not wise, but it is absolutely fair."

"What a fair one!" Luo Tian clapped his palms and laughed, "Since Mr. Li is so sincere, then this time in Yunmeng Swamp, I will be counted as one!"

"Next, you and I need to discuss the countermeasures carefully..." Li Qingming said mysteriously.


The moonlight fell on the earth like mercury pouring down on the ground.

The night is cold as water.

Luo Tian walked slowly on the gravel path in Qingyan Town, and thought to himself, "Now I have another name, Li Yi. That's good, and it will be convenient to walk in the North Immortal Realm in the future, but in my memory, I am clearly a People from the Southern Immortal Realm, why did they go to the Northern Immortal Realm? And how did they get seriously injured?"

Of course, Luo Tian can't remember all of this at the moment, and I'm afraid he can only remember it when he has obtained the fruit of reincarnation.

I can't even see through myself!

Luo Tian couldn't help but wryly smiled, the bits and pieces in his memory were really hard to distinguish, which made people feel extremely headache.

Yunmeng Swamp!

Taikoo Cave Mansion!

Emperor Biluo!

Countless strong men came one after another!

Where will all of this go in the end?

While thinking about it, Luo Tian had already reached his home, but his face changed slightly behind him, and he appeared in the room in a flash, but he saw Li Minghua crossing his legs in the air, the energy of heaven and earth and the laws of heaven and earth around him were extremely disordered, faintly about to Explode the void.

"This kid is too eager for quick success!"

Seeing this, Luo Tian quickly stretched out his hand and typed out several formulas, "Wan Dao Yin!"

Chi Chi!

Once the Wandao seal was cast, the laws of heaven and earth and the energy of heaven and earth surrounding Li Minghua's body suddenly trembled, and then they were wrapped in the Wandao seal, like a trapped animal.

After a stick of incense, Luo Tian finally managed to stabilize Li Minghua's obsession, and then stretched out his hand to shoot out several thick celestial powers, which were directly injected into Li Minghua's body, calming down the messy aura in his body.

"Uncle Han!"

Li Minghua opened his eyes, and couldn't help feeling a little ashamed, "I practiced too quickly just now, and I couldn't stop when I found out."

"Seven Sky Splitting Styles are not practiced like this!"

Luo Tian shouted with some dissatisfaction, "The seven moves of splitting the sky are a kind of indomitable momentum, and you have clearly comprehended the wrong path just now, don't try to integrate with the exercises you have practiced, what you practice Cultivation techniques are biased towards the primordial spirit, while the seven forms of splitting the sky are biased towards the primordial force!"

"Uncle Han, I, I was wrong! I dare not do it again!" Li Minghua was obviously a little scared.

"Okay, here is the understanding of the old man's practice of the seven styles of splitting the sky. You can use it as a reference to practice, and you must not do anything reckless in the future!" Luo Tian sighed, then reached out and took out a blank jade slip, and engraved his own understanding on top.

"I see." Li Minghua took the jade slip, then bowed to Luo Tian, ​​and went out.

Luo Tian couldn't help being a little speechless, what this kid experienced today was exactly what he had already experienced.

"Who is this?"

At the same time, Luo Tian and Li Qingming, who was meditating with their eyes closed, suddenly changed their expressions slightly, and they all showed shock.

Little Saint!

A Little Saint Immortal came from Qingyan Town. Although he was hiding very well, he was still discovered by Luo Tian and Li Qingming.

Li Qingming naturally discovered the opponent with the rare treasure of Yuqing Stone, while Luo Tian noticed it with his own immortal soul.


Luo Tian's figure flashed, and he appeared directly on the roof of his own house, and slowly looked towards the northeast direction, where a faint aura was fleeting.

"Fellow Daoist, did you notice anything unusual just now?"

Li Qingming's voice soon rang in Luo Tian's ears.

"I can feel it." Luo Tian's eyes were burning brightly, and it took a while before he looked away, "It seems to be a woman."

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