
Chapter 797 Let's grow up, Minghua!

woman? !

The Great Elder Li Qingming fell into deep thought with a dignified expression, like a stone statue, motionless.

Luo Tian shook his head helplessly, and sighed softly, "Oh, troublesome times!"

After a while, Luo Tian's figure flashed, and he went back to the house, closed his eyes and meditated.

What Luo Tian didn't know was that after a long, long time, the elder Li Qingming's face suddenly changed, as if remembering something, his whole body trembled violently.

"Could it be her? Could it be her?!"

At this moment, if someone is standing opposite Li Qingming, you can see two lines of turbid tears flowing down Li Qingming's old face, and he murmured, "If it's her, add Han Yi, I, Qingyan Zhen will be able to break the shackles this time!"

After standing still for a long time, Li Qingming finally turned into a cloud of green smoke, which slowly dissipated.


"Uncle Han!"

Early in the morning, when there was still more than an hour before dawn, Li Minghua came running wildly, his face full of joy.

"What's wrong with you boy?"

Luo Tian woke up from his trance, and said with a trace of helplessness on his face, this kid is so energetic that he doesn't look like a human being.

"I went back yesterday and studied your insights hard all night, and finally made a breakthrough! I am now in the middle stage of Feixian, hahaha!" Li Minghua shouted happily when he saw this, dancing and dancing.

"It's not bad." Luo Tian raised his eyelids and glanced at Li Minghua, and said calmly, "I just broke through the original realm, and instead of taking the time to consolidate it, you come here to show off. You really don't want me to worry about you, kid."

"This..." Li Minghua's smile immediately froze on his face, "I'm so happy, I forgot about it when I got excited..."

"Well, just this one time is not an example."

Luo Tian waved his hand, and shot a burst of immortal energy into Li Minghua's body, and said casually, "If I don't want to accompany your sister Qin'er these few days, I will go out with the old man."

"Going out?" Li Minghua couldn't help being stunned.

"Don't worry, it's not going to a distant place, at most it's just entering Yunmeng Swamp in advance to let you get used to it." Luo Tian said casually.

"Okay, okay!" Li Minghua jumped up immediately after hearing the words, rubbing his hands together, "I've been looking forward to this day for a long time."

"I still have a few small pills here, you can take them, we will set off at midnight tonight." Luo Tian raised his hand, and several pills floated directly in front of Li Minghua.

These days, Luo Tian sneaked into Yunmeng Swamp, found some natural and earthly treasures, and refined several small fortune pills. For Li Minghua, Luo Tian really liked him, so he was naturally very good to him.

"Hey, senior, is senior there?"

He gave Li Minghua a few more words, and after sending him away, Luo Tian yelled at the fourth heaven of the Black Lotus Space again as usual, this bandit fairy appeared once since the moment he woke up, After that, there was no more news, it was like disappearing completely.

This time, the Robber Xianjun still didn't respond.

Luo Tian flew out, and the next moment he appeared directly at the edge of Yunmeng Swamp, and then used the law of swallowing the sky with all his strength, frantically absorbing the energy of heaven and earth.

"Time accelerates!"

In an instant, the flow of time around Luo Tian accelerated hundreds of times, and he couldn't stop swallowing the messy heaven and earth energy in Yunmeng Swamp. Anyway, with the Sky Swallowing Tower, it can naturally filter out the impurities and transform them into the purest heaven and earth energy to help him absorb it.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple to break through to the late stage of Xuanxian." Luo Tian's heart is like a mirror. If he doesn't devour others, unless he has countless spiritual veins, he will only rely on absorbing the energy of heaven and earth. He doesn't know when he will be able to make a breakthrough. up.

Time passed quickly, almost in the blink of an eye, and it was midnight.

"Uncle Han! Uncle Han..."

Li Minghua sneaked out of the house, his heart beating wildly. You must know that he has never entered Yunmeng Swamp since he was a child. This time, he was able to enter it with Uncle Han in advance, and he felt inexplicably excited and excited. .


Looking at Li Minghua who looked like a thief, Luo Tian couldn't help but make a sound with some amusement.

"Uncle Han, I'm here!"

Li Minghua flew over and said with a smile.

"Minghua, if you want to become a strong person in the fairy world, in addition to being strong enough, you also need a way to conduct yourself in the world. You have a pure heart, and it is best for you to follow the sunny way in everything, but before that, you To be able to survive the countless conspiracies and tricks, this is the premise, remember?"

Luo Tian's face suddenly turned serious, and he shouted solemnly.

"I see." Regarding Luo Tian's words, Li Minghua naturally followed Ruo Guigao's meticulous execution.

"Before you entered the Yunmeng Swamp for training, the old man was just a guide. After entering it, everything depends on you, unless it is extremely urgent, and you have to rely on your own strength to survive."

Luo Tian said a few more words, and then took the lead to leave through the air, "Let's go."


Li Minghua nodded heavily, and then sped away behind Luo Tian.



Li Minghua practiced Yuqing Yuanshi Xuangong, and he was already good at the Yuanshen method. Now that Luo Tian taught him the seven heaven-cracking moves, it naturally made up for his lack of attack power in the immortal method. The two had just entered Yunmeng Swamp Hundreds of miles away, I met a wild boar spirit. This wild boar spirit was so powerful that he even cultivated into a flying fairy. However, after fighting hard for half an hour with Li Minghua, he was still beheaded by Li Minghua, and then took his inner Dan.

"Battle experience is too poor."

Luo Tian's figure slowly emerged in the void, and he reprimanded, "Minghua, for the enemy, it is best to first find out the opponent's weakness and make a sure-fire blow. In a frontal battle like you, when you encounter A cunning enemy, it is very likely that the opponent will find out your weakness and kill you."

"It's too procrastinating like you!"

"I understand, Uncle." Li Minghua thought for a moment, and then he was a little sober.

"Continue!" Luo Tian was like the strictest teacher at the moment, without any emotion in his tone. In the fairy world where the jungle preys on the weak, if you want to survive, you need a word of cruelty. If you are not cruel enough to yourself, it will become a disaster sooner or later.

After another moment, this time Li Minghua startled a ground dragon beast. This ground dragon beast was obviously better than the wild boar just now. The Yuanshen attack power of the Qing Yuan Shixuan Gong hit the opponent's Yuanshen into serious injuries before it succeeded with difficulty.

"Your primordial spirit used something wrong to attack the method."

Luo Tian's figure flashed and appeared beside Li Minghua. He waved a wave of immortal power to quickly help him recover his cultivation.

"In this battle just now, you have already consumed [-]% of the immortal's energy. What should you do if you use up all of it?" Luo Tian reprimanded again, "The attack of the original spirit should be like this! Watch it!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian looked up at a group of crows flying high in the sky, and said softly, "Yuanshi Xuanming, come down for me!"

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