
Chapter 798

Whoa whoa whoa!

When Luo Tian opened his mouth, he didn't see how he made any gestures, but after the wisps of soul on his body came out, the crows in the sky fell from the sky like a collective stroke, like raindrops.

"Uncle, have you also practiced the Yuanshi Xuangong?" Li Minghua asked dumbfounded. He has practiced this technique for more than a thousand years, and he has never seen such an irresistible power of this technique.

"See clearly?" Luo Tian didn't answer Li Minghua, but asked out loud.

"I understand [-]% of it." Li Minghua replied honestly.

"Just now, the old man only controlled his cultivation base to be on the same level as you, and he has such power. Fighting is not as simple as you imagined. It is easy to experience it yourself. Fighting is to achieve the greatest success at the smallest cost. It’s a step into the room.”

After resting for a while, Luo Tian and Li Minghua set out on the road again after Li Minghua's cultivation had almost recovered.

The two were flying at low altitude, and there were only subtle cracking sounds in the vast night, other than that, there was no other sound.

"Uncle, I feel it."

Li Minghua suddenly sent a voice transmission to Luo Tiandao, but he didn't get any response.

Law law!

Suddenly, a sharp cry came from a few miles in front of Li Minghua, and then the sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded. It took only two breaths, and that cry came from the sky towards Li Minghua with unparalleled momentum .

Chi Chi Chi!

Fortunately, Li Minghua reacted quickly enough to move away, but when he quickly turned around, he saw a sea of ​​flames behind him.

"What a powerful attack!"

Li Minghua's pupils shrank violently, and his mouth was full of bitterness, "This bird is obviously better than myself, so it's a pain. Especially the other party is also good at real fire attacks."

"Seven Heaven-Splitting Styles!"

Li Minghua couldn't help but dodge the opponent's attack in embarrassment, and finally took a chance to complete the formula of the seven forms of splitting the sky.


The opponent must have underestimated the enemy, but he was hit by Li Minghua all of a sudden, and immediately let out a wail, and several feathers fell from the sky.

Luo Tian stood in the void, watching all this quietly. The bird was a flame sculpture. Apart from possessing the extraordinary speed of the bird family, it was also naturally proficient in flame attacks. For ordinary flying immortals, it was a little Difficult.

However, Luo Tian still didn't intend to make a move this time, he wanted to see how Li Minghua would resolve it.

"Give me death!"

After Li Minghua's blow, the Flame Eagle was obviously a little mad, and the attack was even more ferocious. Li Minghua's protective light was dimmed by the impact, but the rabbit would bite when it was anxious. The good-tempered Li Minghua was in danger. Erupted.

Puff puff!

Several transparent primordial spirit attacks directly penetrated the layers of flame pillars rushing towards the face, and landed directly on the body of the flame sculpture.

The Flame Sculpture is the mid-stage cultivation of Feixian, but the monster beasts are born with an advantage. Among the same cultivation level, the strength of the monster clan is higher.Li Minghua's angry counterattack hit the Flame Eagle, and the Flame Eagle was a little difficult to parry at once, but it hadn't reached the point where Yuanshen was seriously injured.

"Seven Heaven-Splitting Styles!"

"Yuanshi Xuanming!"

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in Li Minghua's mind, and he combined the twice the combat power of the Seven Heaven Splitting Styles with the Yuanshen attack method of Yuanshi Xuangong, and immediately condensed a small hurricane in the void, roaring towards Sweeping away with the flame sculpture.


Although the flame sculpture is higher than Li Minghua's, but there is no immortal treasure on his body, Li Minghua hit him right now, his small head was shattered, and a flame of primordial spirit flew out of it, heading towards The distance flies away.

Suddenly, the figure of the flame sculpture's primordial spirit changed, and flew back extremely quickly, and was directly compressed into the shape of a small bird the size of a palm.

Luo Tian clasped his palm, and the little bird wailed immediately and disappeared.

"Cut the grass to eradicate the roots."

Luo Tian said with some dissatisfaction, "However, you are able to adapt to the situation, and you are not a pedantic person. It is worthy of praise."

Li Minghua chuckled, his pale complexion became even paler in Luo Tian's next sentence.

"However, you did a poor job of controlling the enemy first! Previously, you had been talking to the old man in a state of anxiety, but you ignored the other party's sudden attack. This must be corrected!"

Li Minghua's head drooped immediately. Ever since he entered the Yunmeng Swamp, Uncle Han seemed to be a different person. He was extremely strict, and would yell and curse if he made a mistake. He was completely different from the usual good old man.But Li Minghua also knew that Uncle Han was doing it for his own good, although he himself didn't know the reason.

"Having gone deep into Yunmeng Swamp for nearly ten thousand miles, the next thing we have to face is even more difficult!"

Luo Tian reminded, "If you are still the same as before, I am afraid that you will not even be able to reach the central area and you will have to return."

Li Minghua nodded, "I know Uncle."

When Li Minghua had almost recovered, the two of Luo Tian went on the road again, but this time they didn't encounter any powerful monsters. With Li Minghua's more and more proficient fighting, they easily eliminated them.

"Uncle, there are quite a lot of elixir here."

Soon, the two arrived at a warm and humid area, where the aroma was tangy and refreshing, and there must be treasures of heaven and earth.

"How did the old man warn you before?" Luo Tian said with an unchanged expression.

"Every treasure of heaven, material and earth is guarded by monsters!" Li Minghua's complexion changed, but his figure immediately slowed down, and then the primordial spirit and consciousness quickly spread out, covering a radius of thousands of feet.

"There are two black armored snakes."

Li Minghua became a little vigilant. A monster like the black-armored snake was born with hard and invulnerable scales. Ordinary immortal treasures are even more difficult to hurt it. It is good at hiding, and it is highly poisonous.

"Uncle, killed them all?" Li Minghua said to Luo Tian via voice transmission.

Luo Tian glanced at Li Minghua with a half-smile, but didn't speak.


Li Minghua rushed out with arrogance.

After a arduous or even life-and-death battle, Li Minghua flew back with two black-armored snakes full of scars.

Luo Tian didn't make a move from the beginning to the end, and he didn't even open his mouth to remind him.

"Next, uncle will teach you how to distinguish the grades of heaven, material and earth treasures." As soon as Luo Tian spoke, Li Minghua's eyes went dark.


"If you don't study, you can't do it."

Just as Luo Tian instructed Li Minghua to identify the gaps of heaven, material and earth treasures, three bright lights flew from the distant sky, with an astonishing momentum.

"Hey, uncle, there are two guys in the realm of Feixian in front of us, how should we deal with them?"


At the same time, Luo Tian frowned, but remained calm.

"Uncle, there are two arrogant guys coming over, and they seem to be coming for us." Li Minghua also frowned, the other party didn't have the slightest intention to hide his breath, he could naturally feel it.

"Beat the mother."

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