
Chapter 799 Lun Zhangguo, Deja vu


Li Minghua's eyes darkened when he heard this, his figure was shaky, and he was about to fall from the sky. He was really shocked by Luo Tian's audacity, and he was thrown into a mess by the wind.

"Well, uncle, the Great Elder said that people in Qingyan Town are not allowed to cause trouble without authorization." Li Minghua said cautiously.

"Don't bother with these red tapes." Luo Tian said rather displeased, "Do you still want to be a strong man?"

"Think about it, dream about it!" Li Minghua swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said, "However, there seem to be three people on the other side, and there is one person whose cultivation level I can't see through. It seems to be a strong man."

"Don't be afraid, just go and beat them up boldly." Luo Tian smiled lightly, "When the sky falls, I have my uncle to support you."


Li Minghua's eyes lit up. This was the first time he had formally fought a human master since he had successfully cultivated. It would be a lie to say that he had no idea.

"The other party has two guys with a slightly higher level of cultivation than you. Uncle will lend you these for protection." Luo Tian said in a flat tone, and then stretched out his hand to turn over the sixteen Buddhas that constitute the small reincarnation passage. The pillar suddenly appeared, and with a flash of light, a Buddhist pillar flew out and landed directly beside Li Minghua.

"This, is it a high-grade fairy treasure?!" Li Minghua's eyes widened suddenly. He has grown so big, except that he has seen a high-grade fairy treasure in the hands of his brother-in-law Yao Lie, but this is the first time he has seen it at such a close distance. Observe a fairy treasure.

"Open your eyes, really open your eyes!" Li Minghua was so excited that he stretched out his hand and couldn't help but grabbed the Buddha pillar, and was speechless for a moment.

Luo Tian shook his head, this guy is really like himself back then.The sixteen Buddhist pillars form the passage of reincarnation, which is a set of holy treasures, but in the mouth of a kid like Li Minghua, it turned out to be a high-grade fairy treasure.

"Don't embarrass your uncle for a while." Luo Tian said lightly.

"Don't worry, uncle, I guarantee that they won't even recognize his parents!" Li Minghua patted his chest and replied, feeling the surging aura from the fairy treasure in his hand, he couldn't help but become more excited, and his self-confidence soared extremely.

"Don't underestimate the enemy." Luo Tianchun taught.

"Hey! The two fellow Taoists in front, why did you break into our sect's area without authorization and snatch the treasures of heaven and earth?"

At this moment, the three rays of light from a distance had already arrived, and when the two guys who were at the peak of the mid-stage Feixian in front showed up, they shouted loudly, their words were extremely arrogant.

Luo Tian and Li Minghua almost laughed when they heard the words, these two guys are really shameless, when did this Yunmeng Swamp become your territory?If you want to say it directly, why bother to find such a low-level excuse that a three-year-old child can't fool, it is really ridiculous.


Li Minghua held a Buddhist pillar in his hand, stepped forward majesticly, and shouted loudly, "The natural materials and treasures here are obviously planted by my family with great pains, and you outsiders just killed two of my family's treasures." The guarded monsters are really disgusting!"

"court death!"

The other party obviously didn't want to continue talking about it, so they immediately made a move when they saw this, and they just made up an excuse, who would want to talk nonsense.


As expected, the two opponents were straightforward. Hearing this, they immediately shot, and they both turned into a cloud of black smoke and flew towards Li Minghua and Luo Tian.


At this time, the half-century old man who had been standing behind the two of them seemed to sense an unusual aura, and hurriedly spoke out to remind them.

"Let's see who dies first!"

Li Minghua's blood was boiling and burning with excitement when he first obtained the fairy treasure. Hearing this, he swung the Buddha pillar and swept across the sky.

"A mere low-level immortal treasure dares to take it out to shame people! King Ming Sword!"

"Black Demon Banner!"

Immediately, the low shouts of the other two came out of the black smoke, and then a black python-like beam of light hovered slightly from the void, and then quickly fell down.Later, groups of ghosts flew out of the black smoke, full of howling ghosts and wolves, the sound fell into the ears, it was extremely unpleasant, and it seemed that it could shake the primordial spirit.


Li Minghua swung the Buddhist pillar, like an invincible vanguard general, sweeping towards the opponent one after another, crushing the void and trembling slightly.

Bang bang bang!

Oh oh oh!

The opponent's beam of light, which looked like a black python, was smashed randomly by the Buddhist pillar in Li Minghua's hand, and there were bursts of palpitating explosions and bangs.However, the other party's other countless ghosts were not affected, and directly attached to the Buddha pillar, but seeing that they had just attached to the Buddha pillar, layers of clear light suddenly appeared on the Buddha pillar. Those ghosts were roasted into nothingness.

Just like, boiling soup and snow.

"Watch me beat you to death!"

Li Minghua saw that the Buddhist pillar possessed such divine power, he couldn't help but feel more confident and joyful, and immediately performed the seven moves of splitting the sky.

"Twice the combat power!"

With a roar in his heart, Li Minghua slammed into the opponent's side with incomparable courage, rushed into the endless black smoke, and showed a bright smile at the two guys who were obviously stunned.

"Uncle, save me!"

Seeing this, the half-hundred old man who was standing behind the two of them flew over quickly, but was shocked to find that at some point in front of him, a smiling young man in white clothes appeared.

It was Luo Tian.

"Fellow Daoist, what are you going to do?" The half-hundred old man suddenly heard the gentle words of the other party while retreating.

"If you don't want to die, get out of the way!"

At this time, no matter how stupid the old man was, he knew that the two of them were not ordinary people, especially the fairy treasure in the hands of the stupid boy, which did not look like an ordinary fairy treasure.


Luo Tian stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, "In that case, the old man will send you on your way."

The next moment, it was also the first and last time in this life for the half-hundred old man who had reached the middle stage of Xuanxian to see such a fierce invisible attack, but seeing that he couldn't even react at all, he felt an unusually strong body covering him , and then lost all consciousness, even Yuanshen did not escape.


After the half-hundred old man died, his portable space appeared in the void, and many things fell out of it.

"Huh? This is it!"

Luo Tian saw one of them at a glance, and his pupils shrank immediately.

Reincarnation fruit!

Soon, Luo Tian collected all the spoils of war, and then pointed at Li Minghua from a distance in the air. The Buddha pillar in Li Minghua's hand suddenly shone brightly, and it only took a moment to smash the two people who were resisting to death died.

"Minghua, a strong man is coming, follow me quickly!"

Luo Tian frowned and said, then grabbed Li Minghua directly, and immediately disappeared into the void.

Just as Luo Tian left, it was only half a cup of tea, when a slender figure fell from high in the sky, she frowned slightly, and after a long time, she said to herself lightly, "Who is this person? The second half breath, but it seems to give me a familiar feeling."

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