
Chapter 801 The Soy Sauce Uncle and Nephew

Seen from the sky, Qingyan Town looks like a huge curved axe. The town has only two exits, one in the north and one in the southwest. The center of the town is where the ancestral hall of Qingyan Town is located. At this moment, the small square was densely packed with more than a hundred people.

"Uncle, it's the Great Elder!"

Luo Tian and Li Minghua came late and stood far behind.But when Li Minghua saw the Great Elder, he immediately shouted excitedly, but his shouting was not very outstanding in the crowded square, and was quickly drowned out.

At this moment, on a raised rock in the front of the square, Li Qingming, the chief elder of Qingyan Town, was standing upright with a cane. When he saw Luo Tian and Li Minghua coming, his eyes looked over indistinctly, and then moved away after a short pause. .

In front of the square, at the place closest to the Great Elder Li Qingming, a young man in blue robes stood with his hands behind his back. Gu Pan was bursting with indescribable heroism, and his long and narrow eyes were like a deep starry sky, unfathomable.

Yao Lie!

"Uncle, my brother-in-law is here too." Li Minghua said excitedly, "With my brother-in-law here this time, I'm afraid the experience will be a complete success."

Luo Tian didn't speak, but just took a deep look at Li Minghua, and Li Minghua stopped talking resentfully.

"How many times have I told you that you cannot rely on any external force. The only person you can rely on is yourself."

Soon, Luo Tian's voice appeared in Li Minghua's mind, and it was deafening, like a blow to the head, driving away all the luck and negative emotions in Li Minghua's heart.

"I remember, uncle!" Li Minghua said with a firm face.

Luo Tian's face remained unchanged, and he said lightly, "If you are still the same as before, then don't go with the old man this time, otherwise it will be a burden to bring you along."


Li Minghua immediately let out a miserable howl, "Uncle, you can't abandon me!"

Li Minghua's voice was loud, but it was still covered by an uproar, because the Great Elder Li Qingming spoke.


Li Qingming is worthy of being the Great Elder of Qingyan Town, and he is extremely dignified on weekdays. When he opened his mouth like this, all the people below did not calm down, but called out in unison.

"This experience is the legacy of my ancestors in Qingyan Town. It is inevitable. Of course, if you feel that you can't continue during the experience, you can return to Qingyan Town as soon as possible. You must not be brave. I Qingyan Town can't afford to lose."

Next, Great Elder Li Qingming said some irrelevant words, such as telling everyone what to pay attention to in Yunmeng Swamp. Finally, Great Elder Li Qingming waved his sleeves, and countless stars fell, but Countless jade slips fell down.

"This jade slip is the map left by my ancestors in Qingyan Town when they entered Yunmeng Swamp from ancient times to the present. It is extremely precious. Please keep it in your mind."

Luo Tian took the jade slips and directly copied the map in his mind. Then, the jade slips in his hand turned into dots of starlight, which suddenly disappeared in the void.

"Is it a one-off?"

Luo Tian secretly laughed in his heart. It seems that the Great Elder Li Qingming was afraid that the map would fall into the hands of other people, but this is of no use. It's a little tasteless.

"This map records only the central area of ​​Yunmeng Swamp at most. As for the map in the depths, the old man has never had it in his hands. It makes fellow daoists laugh."

Soon, the voice of Great Elder Li Qingming appeared in Luo Tian's ears.

"It's okay, I have my own way to enter the deep area."

Luo Tian smiled faintly, replied to Li Qingming, and then fell silent.


Go all the way to the north of Qingyan Town, and you will enter Yunmeng Swamp.

Soon, more than a hundred people from Qingyan Town who needed to participate in the experience entered Yunmeng Swamp in mighty force. Yunmeng Swamp was originally connected to Qingyan Town, and after leaving Qingyan Town for only a few dozen miles, it was equivalent to entering Yunmeng Swamp range.

But when everyone entered the Yunmeng Swamp, there were differences. There were dozens of people headed by Li Yuming, who was the strongest among the local residents of Qingyan Town today, and Yao Lie, who was later but the strongest in Qingyan Town. In the first place, the rest are Luo Tian and Li Minghua who have no idea.

There was no fierce quarrel, and the two parties parted ways with a tacit understanding as if they had long been in the mirror.

Luo Tian and Li Minghua naturally followed Yao Lie and his party.

"Uncle, it's so slow to follow them, it's better for the two of us to leave halfway." Soon, Li Minghua couldn't help it. He and Luo Tian entered the Yunmeng Swamp back then, it was called a brazen, now follow My brother-in-law Yao Lie's speed was several times slower, which was really unbearable.

"Be patient, we need an opportunity." Luo Tian smiled lightly, "There is no rush, there are plenty of opportunities."

There are countless roads to enter Yunmeng Swamp, and there are countless forks among them. All the roads lead to the depths of Yunmeng Swamp. The road taken by Yao Lie and his party is completely different from that taken by Luo Tian and Li Minghua. , but it cannot be said that it is the wrong way.

Yao Lie is now a half-step Xuanxian at the peak of Feixian. With him along the way, some monsters and beasts can't stand the ravages of everyone's joint efforts, and the journey is smooth.

Except for Yao Lie, most of the others have just entered the realm of Feixian, and some of them are in the middle stage of Feixian.Luo Tian and Li Minghua were in this ranks.

However, the two of Luo Tian had long used the method of concealing their aura. One had just entered the middle stage of Feixian, and the other was in the early stage of Feixian. When fighting, the two of them pretended to wave the flag and shouted.

a few days later.

"Uncle, it looks like we are about to enter the central area of ​​Yunmeng Swamp, and there must be a chance to leave next."

Li Minghua, an honest man, had a miserable look on his face, but his tone was completely opposite. Naturally, it would be a safe journey to follow his brother-in-law, but it was too boring, and such a fight was meaningless.

Luo Tian withdrew his primordial spirit consciousness, looked at Yao Lie who looked back from time to time, smiled lightly, and said to Li Minghua via voice transmission, "There is a big Yinyue wolf clan ahead, our chance may have come .”

"That's great." Li Minghua stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, "It's still fun to be with my uncle, and it's no fun to be with my brother-in-law."

Another two days later, the sun went down on this day, and as night fell, Yao Lie in front of him waved his hand and ordered to set up camp.

"These people don't know how to hide their aura at all. It looks like they're going to provoke the Yinyue Wolf Clan tonight." Li Minghua stood with his hands behind his back like Luo Tian, ​​and sighed softly when he saw this, "Uncle, should we remind them?" one time?"

"Life and death in this world are determined by God, we don't need to interfere, life is fate, death is luck." Luo Tian said lightly, "There are so many suffering people in the world, we can't save them."

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