
Chapter 802


The light in Luo Tian's eyes suddenly disappeared, and he sneered, "That Yao Lie is by no means an idiot, and he is also from outside Qingyan Town. From what I see, the picture he made this time is not so simple, maybe he has other intentions. must."

"Uncle, this is unlikely, right?" Li Minghua frowned tightly, "Although brother-in-law is a little gloomy on weekdays, he is still a good person, especially to my sister and our family."

"Minghua, your knowledge and experience are still too poor." Luo Tian shook his head and smiled, "I have traveled in the fairy world and met all kinds of people. I have seen quite a few people killed by my parents."

Li Minghua's complexion couldn't help changing, and it took a long time before he said harshly, "If my brother-in-law dares to hurt my sister or even any family member, I, Li Minghua, will never forgive him! Even to the ends of the earth, I will take his head!"

The simple and honest Li Minghua, under the threat of his family's safety, finally began to mature!

Luo Tian nodded in satisfaction. If this silly boy had told him this before, he would have been taught in person, and he would have put it aside behind his back. Naturally, he would not believe that his family would do such a thing.But with Luo Tian's gradual training and guidance, he finally began to realize the problem.Of course, if possible, Luo Tian didn't want to teach Li Minghua so complicated, but as long as he was in the fairy world, he couldn't escape the rules of survival in the fairy world. Nothing in the world could escape. If Li Minghua didn't adapt, he would be drowned in it sooner or later. Can't afford a single wave.

"Uncle, it seems that my brother-in-law must have done this on purpose." Li Minghua suddenly turned bitter and shook his head in pain, "No, I can't let so many friends go!"

"I knew you would do this." Luo Tian chuckled, "Uncle is not a ruthless person, everyone in Qingyan Town is considered a good person, naturally it is impossible for Uncle to just watch them fall into a trap. We are in danger. So, next, it depends on the two of us."

Luo Tian blinked.

Li Minghua understood immediately, nodded heavily, and then shot out of the tent like a civet cat.

"This bastard, he still doesn't think carefully about things." Luo Tian said helplessly, then waved his hand, and an identical Luo Tian and an identical Li Minghua appeared in front of him.

Puppet art!

Li Minghua has worked hard to practice the concealment method taught by Luo Tian these days, and he has achieved some success. Not to mention under Luo Tian's protection, even without Luo Tian, ​​Yao Lie, who also concealed his cultivation, would not be able to perceive it.


After a few breaths, Luo Tian and Li Minghua appeared one after the other on the hill not far away, looking into the distance.

With a smile on Luo Tian's face, he leaned against the tree trunk and remained silent.

Li Minghua exuded his primordial consciousness with a solemn expression. After a while, Li Minghua withdrew his primordial consciousness and said, "Uncle, there seems to be no movement in the distance, but this is what makes people feel strange."

"That's right, there is no movement in this Yunmeng Swamp, which is really strange." Luo Tian boasted with satisfaction, "That just means that the Silver Moon Wolf Clan has already started to move."

"Then next?"

"Among the Yinyue Wolf Clan, there are no strong ones, and those with the strongest cultivation base are only at the early stage of Xuanxian, so there is nothing to worry about." Luo Tian said lightly.

"Oh, what?!"

However, Li Minghua's complexion changed drastically, and he said bitterly, "Uncle, isn't it? There is also a monster of Xuanxian level, we can't do it!"

"a shame!"

Luo Tian immediately scolded with a smile, "What is the purpose of the old man giving you a set of holy treasures? Just for viewing?"

"Didn't you tell me not to use the god-refinement pile lightly until the critical moment..." Li Minghua said with a full face of grievance.

"Don't worry, you won't need to take action for the time being." The old god Luo Tian said on the ground, "What are you afraid of? Uncle will support the sky falling. What do you think this is?"

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian turned his palms and took out several formation flags polished by black gold and black iron. The flags on the formation flags were made of relatively rare water and fire brocade cloth. The whimpering sound was obviously powerful.

"Uncle!" Li Minghua's eyes almost popped out, "Is this a complete array flag?"

"Hehe, it's just a one-time formation flag. Once the time is up, this formation flag will disappear without a trace." Luo Tian explained a few words, then silently recited the formula, and quickly typed out the formula with his hands.

"go with!"

Luo Tian let out a low cry, and lightly tossed the formation flag in his palm towards the sky, the formation flag split into several streamers of light and disappeared into the dark night.

"Take it."

The next moment, Luo Tian casually threw out a miniature array flag, which hovered directly in front of Li Minghua.

"Uncle, what is this?" Li Minghua was obviously stunned.

"The eyes of the formation." Luo Tian said lightly, "You only need to infiltrate it with your spiritual consciousness, and you can freely control this set of star formations. When you open it, it only takes a moment of your thought, and the effective distance is about [-] miles. If it exceeds [-] miles, even if you have the eyes of the formation, you will not be able to control the formation."

"Is it a defensive circle?"

"Yes, but this defensive formation is not very powerful. I am afraid that the whole family of the Silver Moon Wolf Clan will not be able to completely resist the attack, but it should be no problem to resist it for an hour. Moreover, this formation just blocked the attack on the side. The route can't even pass through the air, if Yao Lie doesn't lead the crowd to escape at this hour, then he will be punished!" A stern light shot out from Luo Tian's eyes.

"Uncle, how should we deal with the follow-up matters between the two of us? I'm afraid we will be noticed after a long time." Li Minghua suddenly realized a very serious problem.

"It doesn't matter." Luo Tian smiled lightly, "I have already placed puppets in the camp, and Yao Lie couldn't see the clue. Later, before the Silver Moon Wolf Clan attacks, I will control the two puppets to come out on their own , to make a false appearance of hunting wild food secretly. In this way, you and I will naturally leave a trace of the lost scene. Unless that Yao Lie has ulterior motives, otherwise he will definitely not work hard for us two guys with low cultivation Chased out."

"It makes sense." Li Minghua pondered for a moment, and looked at Luo Tian with a wry smile. He found that the uncle in front of him was far from being as simple as it appeared on the surface, but fortunately, the old man had no malice towards him.

"Let's go."

Luo Tian withdrew his gaze from gazing into the distance, and said lightly.

"it is good."

Soon, Luo Tian grabbed Li Minghua, hid himself in the void and flew away into the distance.

Sure enough, after less than half an hour, the place where Luo Tian and the others camped before emitted an astonishing silver light.


Li Minghua immediately crushed the eyes of the array in his hand, and the array of stars began to operate immediately.

"Whether it's a blessing or a curse, it depends on my brother-in-law." Li Minghua clenched his palms fiercely, "I hope my brother-in-law won't let me down..."

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