
Chapter 804 Give you a wheel chapter, how can I repay you?

In fact, even though Luo Tian has recovered all his memories now, except for the primordial spirit, no matter whether it is cultivation base or physical toughness, they are still far from recovering to the peak level. Now the cultivation base is only comparable to that of Xuanxian. In the later stage, it was also a breakthrough a few days ago.And the toughness of the physical body is only half the level of the holy treasure.

For all this, Luo Tian was helpless, the resources in his hands were too few.Even these days, he didn't meet any rich and powerful people who asked him to rob him, so he felt so depressed.

But fortunately, Luo Tian can still toss Li Minghua to pass the time these days, which can be considered happy.

"Uncle, uncle! Look at the results of my battle!"

At this time, Li Minghua's voice appeared from the front, and then Li Minghua galloped over against a hill. The hill was made entirely of the corpses of various monsters and beasts, and it was a mountain of meat that deserved its name.

"That's right, he even killed a monster at the level of a real fairy."

Luo Tian just glanced at Roshan, and said with a faint smile.

"Hey, fortunately, I survived the special training arranged by my uncle these days, and now my physical body is quite strong, and I have reached the stage of the middle stage of true immortality!" Li Minghua shouted proudly.

"You are not proud of victory." Luo Tian said lightly, "Your physical toughness is nothing? You can't even compare to the old man's finger, and you still need to work hard."

When Li Minghua heard the words, he sat aside resentfully. In terms of physical toughness, he was indeed too far behind his uncle. A few days ago, he encountered an ancient beast at the level of a flying fairy, and he almost died. When it was in its mouth, Luo Tian just slapped it lightly, and shocked the ancient beast to death.At that time, Li Minghua's eyes almost popped out. He never thought that the physical body could be so powerful!

Therefore, since then, Li Minghua has been tempering his body even more desperately, just to reach [-]% of his uncle's level as soon as possible, and he is satisfied.

"However, among the strong men with the same level of cultivation in Qingyan Town, you are No. 1."

Luo Tian said slowly, he is naturally proficient in the way of beating a sweet date with a stick.

Li Minghua's face became even more determined when he heard the words, and he raised his head for a long time and said firmly, "Uncle, my goal is to reach [-]% of Uncle's physical toughness as soon as possible!"

"Then work harder."


Another few days passed.

"Uncle, there seems to be a primitive tribe ahead."

Soon, Li Minghua, who was as light as an ape, flew down from the top of the tree, and said with a slightly solemn expression.Regarding some situations in Yunmeng Swamp, the Great Elder Li Qingming once mentioned that these primitive tribes inherit the power of heaven and earth, and their bodies are extremely tough. It was really powerful to tear it into several pieces.Moreover, these primitive residents have some holy artifacts in their hands, have some divine power blessings, and are born immune to some divine channels.

Luo Tian nodded and said, "It should be a barbaric tribe."

"The barbaric tribe!" Li Minghua couldn't help but tremble when he heard the words. Among the countless primitive tribes in Yunmeng Swamp, the overall strength of the barbaric tribe can definitely be ranked in the upper middle. The larger the area occupied by the tribe, the greater the overall strength of the tribe. The stronger they are, and the tribe in front of them seems to have thousands of miles or even thousands of miles of land, so how terrifying is the overall strength?I'm afraid that even if the Great Elder falls into it, the chance of surviving is not high.

"Then, uncle, why don't we take a detour?" Li Minghua looked at Luo Tian's expression carefully and said.

"This savage tribe is our target this time, why did we take a detour?" Luo Tian said with a half-smile, "Don't you think this is an excellent opportunity to test the results of your special training?"


Li Minghua's eyes darkened immediately, and his figure was on the verge of falling. What's the difference between such an opportunity and a wild wolf surrounded by countless tigers?Could it be that uncle wants to let himself go to feed these savages or is he looking for a dead end?

God, it is rumored that these barbarians eat any living beings except their own!

Li Minghua gave Luo Tian a resentful look, and sat down on the ground, "Uncle, you might as well slap me to death!"

"Bastard boy!" Luo Tian couldn't help scolding with a smile, "When did you learn to mock uncle?"

"Then you let me rush into the barbaric tribe alone, isn't that..."

"Of course I don't want you to die." Luo Tian took out a gold-painted folding fan from his portable space, "Elegant and romantic people like us, naturally we want to influence these barbarians, and converting them is the right way."


Li Minghua's scalp tingled for a while, trying to reason with the barbarians?That would be as good as letting him play the piano against the cow, the success rate would be higher!

After a quarter of an hour.

Two simple and honest guys dressed like dogs turned pale with fright, staggered and crawled out of the dense forest in the distance, their faces were terrified, and they shouted loudly.

"Help! Help! Help..."

It was Luo Tian and Li Minghua, the pair of 'honest' uncles and nephews.

But the two of them had just shouted for help twice, and before the third shout was finished, they heard a whizzing sound of piercing the air flying towards them. Enclosed in the center by countless stone spears, there is a trace of sacred and mysterious power faintly flowing above these stone spears.

Next, Uncle Luo Tian and his nephew saw hundreds of barbarians rushing out in front of them, and they rushed up, tied them up tightly, and tied them to a thick long rope like carrying wild boars. On the stick, he marched towards the depths of the barbaric tribe with drums and gongs.

"Uncle, something is wrong with this situation." Li Minghua said via voice transmission.

Luo Tian immediately said, "The situation is right! Think about it, boy, if the two of us rushed in forcefully, how much would it cost? But look now, we entered the enemy's inner area without any effort."

"..." Li Minghua was speechless immediately, and was immediately overwhelmed by Luo Tian's foresight.

Not long after, the two of Luo Tian were carried into a beautiful classical palace, the palace was empty, those barbarians knew some rules, threw the two of Luo Tian directly on the ground, and retreated.


"The Lord is coming soon."

The old god Luo Tian changed a comfortable position on the ground and said.

"It's a shame to welcome the distinguished guest! It's rude!"

Soon, an old man with various colors all over his face walked in quickly from the outside with a staff in his hand, and said politely as he left.

Li Minghua was shocked immediately!

The next moment, the old man who looked like a prophet untied Luo Tian and the two of them by himself. He was humble and polite, not like a barbarian at all.

"Uncle, you are too fierce!" Li Minghua said after being stunned for a long time.

However, Luo Tian shouted loudly with a very solemn expression, his face full of magic, "Give you reincarnation, how can I repay you?"

Li Minghua was shocked again!Uncle, which game is this playing?

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