
Chapter 805 Sanctions Scepter, Nativity

Li Minghua didn't have any information about how devout Luo Tian was in his memory, so he was stunned all of a sudden.

"Isn't this too foolish?"

Unexpectedly, when Li Minghua's thoughts burst into his mind, the face of the great prophet of the barbaric tribe on the other side suddenly became extremely solemn. His eyes widened, his whole body was as straight as a javelin, with his hands on his chest There was a strange handprint on the forehead, and a strange feather stuck on the linen belt around the forehead trembled slightly, emitting a faint light.

"The heavens are above, and the thick soil is the proof, this distinguished guest, are you serious?!"

"I don't need to deceive you. As for the truth, you only need to use the holy weapon of your clan to find out!" Luo Tian's voice was clear and high, like beautiful notes, full of demagogic meaning, " Otherwise, as a great prophet, you did not execute the two of us on the spot before, which shows your deep meaning."

"Never mind."

The great prophet of the barbaric tribe sighed softly, "During countless years, there have been several outsiders among the barbaric tribes, but none of them were sent by God to save my barbaric tribe. .”

"Uncle, this great prophet of the barbaric tribe is full of Qingliwen, the common language of the fairy world. Is there any fraud in it?" Li Minghua said through voice transmission with his face unchanged, expressing the doubts in his heart.

"In the fairy world, there are so many such primitive tribes, and no matter how small the tribe is, they are all born to awaken a prophet. The status of this prophet is extremely high among the primitive tribes. Everyone in the tribe thinks that only Prophets can lead them to prosperity." Luo Tian explained.

"Then isn't this prophet saying that one is the same as the emperor of the earth among the primitive tribes?" Li Minghua was slightly startled.

"That's understandable."

At this time, the great prophet of the barbaric tribe stretched out his palm like a dead wood, and slowly grasped the void in front of him, a strange wave suddenly spread, this kind of energy wave did not belong to any kind of heaven and earth in the fairy world The rules are really strange.

Luo Tian's face didn't change a bit, but the primordial spirit consciousness had already quietly spread with a trace of the power of the law of swallowing the sky, and soon grabbed a trace of the strange fluctuations and primordial power displayed by the Great Prophet.

"Brilliant heavenly power, measure the nine heavens, sanction the scepter, and roam the world!"

The Great Prophet suddenly moved, with strange steps under his feet, his long gray hair fluttering in the wind, he opened his mouth and sprayed several streams of blood.


Li Minghua looked with admiration on his face, this was too cruel, it was more desperate than risking his life, the blood was sprayed out as if he didn't want money, and he was not afraid of spraying himself to death.

Next to him, Luo Tian stood with his hands behind his back with a calm expression on his face, watching all this happen quietly, unmoved.


Soon, a void in front of the great prophet shattered like a broken ice layer, but the shattered area did not exceed five feet in the end.


The blood essence that was about to be sprayed by the great prophet completely merged into the shattered void, and he grabbed it fiercely at an extremely fast speed, and then grabbed out a green scepter that was all over the body.

This scepter was only over three feet long, and it was covered with densely packed ancient characters, and at the very top was inlaid with a beautiful crimson gemstone.

"Sanction Scepter!"

Luo Tian's heart skipped a beat, this sacred weapon of the barbaric tribe turned out to be a peak holy treasure!

Next, Luo Tiandeng took a step forward without any trace, and stopped in front of Li Minghua vaguely, and the power of the Heaven Swallowing Law surged out, covering Li Minghua inside.This can't help Luo Tian not to be vigilant, this sanction scepter is too high-level, even if Luo Tian tries his best at this moment, he may be seriously injured if he resists this holy artifact. Never existed.

"You two distinguished guests, don't panic."

Next, the Great Prophet chuckled, his face pale.

I'm not panicking, but I'm afraid that your old boy will suddenly turn his back on you and make a ruthless attack!

Luo Tian immediately cursed in his heart.

The next moment, the Great Prophet of the barbaric tribe held the sanction scepter and slowly pointed it in front of him, and a strange scene appeared immediately.

I saw layers of folded spaces and small worlds immediately appeared in the void, among which gorgeous and vast ancient pictures were presented one by one, but when I tried my best to observe, I found nothing.

"There is no past, no present, and there is a future!"

After a while, the Great Prophet let out a sigh of relief, tremblingly put the sanction scepter in his hand back into the broken space in front of him, the broken space healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally A trace of light red blood flew out of it, and it turned into blood essence again and fell back into the mouth of the Great Prophet.

Does this work too?

Not to mention Li Minghua, even Luo Tian couldn't help but roll his eyes.It is true that the world is full of wonders, but there is such a strange method in the world. After the blood is sprayed out to cast the holy weapon, the blood can be restored again?

This is too outrageous!

If everyone can learn such a method, then the fairy world may be in chaos.

"God bless, the two honored guests have indeed complied with the judgment of the sanction scepter, and they turned out to be the long-awaited benefactors of my savage tribe! We have finally, finally waited for this day!"

The Great Prophet of the barbaric tribe raised his head and roared with tears streaming down his face, his voice continued for a long time in the hall.


Luo Tian and Li Minghua originally only wanted to go to this savage tribe to get the savage bible, but they accidentally became the saviors of the savage tribe. The development of the matter was beyond imagination.

Previously, on the map that Luo Tian stole from King Qingguang, it marked in great detail the division of forces and geographical conditions of most of the central area and the entire inner area of ​​Yunmeng Swamp, and it even used a lot of space to describe these Power, this also let Luo Tian know that this barbaric tribe has been condemned by God very early, and suffered a very vicious curse, that is, people in all barbaric tribes cannot be reincarnated after death. In this life, being unable to transcend reincarnation also means being unable to transcend the laws of space and time!

Even if a peerless evildoer with amazing talents was born in a barbaric tribe, he can only cultivate to the peak of Taiyi Jinxian at most, without exception, he cannot break through to the holy fairyland, and eventually he will disappear forever in the long river of time.

This seems to be a strange circle, and the barbarian tribe will never be able to escape from such shackles.

The two of Luo Tian enjoyed the highest courtesy from the Great Prophet of the barbaric tribe for the past few days, and no one in the entire barbaric tribe dared to bother them for a while, so they lived happily.And Luo Tian even opened his mouth to ask the Great Prophet to take a look at the Barbarian Bible, euphemistically claiming to lift the curse of the barbaric tribe for generations...

"Hey, hey!"

Li Minghua, who had practiced the Savage Bible, improved his physical toughness very quickly, but he didn't dare to practice openly in broad daylight, for fear of causing disaster. In this way, he became acquainted with a boy who often came to deliver meals.

"Natu, take my move!"

Li Minghua fell viciously from the sky, his figure kept changing in the void, so that people couldn't see the real source of the attack at a glance.

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