
Chapter 806

"You're doing it again!"

A skinny dark boy frowned slightly, then lightly raised his hands, the huge fine iron plate in his hand slowly floated up in the air, and then saw the dark boy's figure shoot out like lightning, In an instant, countless figures appeared, all meeting Li Minghua who fell from the air.

Bang bang bang!


A ray of black light returned to the original place extremely quickly, re-transformed into the dark boy who was always frowning, and opposite him, Li Minghua fell to the ground with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

"No more fights, no more fights! You're too perverted!" Li Minghua said angrily, only relying on his physical body to fight, he was very clear about the gap between himself and the dark boy in front of him.However, he always has a disposition of not admitting defeat, and has repeatedly defeated and fought.

"Actually, you are already very powerful."

When the dark boy walked past Li Minghua, he took a deep look at Li Minghua, "In the beginning, I only needed to use [-]% of my cultivation to defeat you, but after a few days, I had to use [-]% of my cultivation to defeat you!" is you."

"You don't need to deliver food to uncle, uncle never eats these things." Li Minghua knew that what the other party said was extremely reasonable, so he had to change the subject.

"Rules cannot be broken. The task entrusted to me by the Prophet cannot be abandoned halfway." After finishing speaking, the dark-haired boy walked towards the house with the fine iron platter in his hand.

Li Minghua shook his head helplessly.

The dark boy's name is Natu. If you look at him with a sad face from his appearance, you are very wrong. Li Minghua, who has fought against Natu many times, is like a mirror in his heart. Among the young people, the strength can definitely be ranked in the top three.It's just that this kid has always been quiet, but Li Minghua vaguely learned from Luo Tian that this kid seems to be the closed disciple of the Great Prophet.

Sure enough, Natu quickly rushed out of the house with great interest, stopped directly beside Li Minghua, tilted his head and asked, "Master Salvation rewarded me with these blood food, do you want some? "

"No!" Li Minghua shook his head like a rattle. These blood foods are not raw food, even cooked food. Since he followed Luo Tian, ​​his mouth has become very tricky, and he only eats fairy fruits and medicines. Treasures of heaven and earth.

"Then I'll eat it myself." Natu smiled happily, then sat cross-legged on the ground, his hands were like sharp knives, quickly tore open the blood food on the refined iron plate, eating with relish.

Another few days passed.

On this day, Luo Tian called Li Minghua to him, and said calmly, "How is the barbaric Bible practice?"

"Uncle, I'm too dull, but I've learned less than [-]% of it." Li Minghua scratched his head.

"Can you remember everything?"

"Yeah, I've written it all down." Li Minghua nodded fiercely this time.

"Well, since that's the case, we'll set off in a few days. It seems that the weight of 20 jin on your body is no longer enough for you, so I will increase the weight to [-] jin."



Five days later, Luo Tian sat cross-legged in mid-air, with the Great Prophet beside him looking solemn.

"With my strength, I will grant you to wait for reincarnation!"

Suddenly, Luo Tian let out a low shout, and then opened his hand and typed out several formulas. Soon, with Luo Tian as the center, several small black vortexes emerged, flying directly to the high altitude of the barbarian tribe, and then Comes together quickly.

After a while, Luo Tian took a deep breath, and the mirror of life and death floated out from above his head. He pinched a formula, and the mirror of life and death shot straight into the sky and fell directly into the pale black mask that had covered the entire barbarian tribe at this moment. At the same time, the light black mask disappeared immediately.

Puff puff!

After a long time, Luo Tian sprayed three mouthfuls of blood, and his arms kept stirring in the void.

"Who is so bold, dare to offend Tianwei?"

Immediately, a majestic shout came from the depths of the sky.

"Tiantian Pagoda, practice for me!"

The Sky Swallowing Pagoda directly turned into a black light and appeared in the depths of the sky out of thin air, and greeted it without showing any weakness.

"Everything has its own spirituality. If you cut off the vitality of a family of reincarnation, you will not be afraid of being punished by fate! If you leave a way out at this moment, there may be a turning point!"

Luo Tian's thin figure suddenly appeared on the Tuntian Pagoda, and he looked awe-inspiringly at the sky and shouted loudly.

The depths of the sky fell silent.


After a long time, Luo Tian finally withdrew his primordial spirit consciousness a little tiredly, together with the Sky Swallowing Pagoda and the Mirror of Life and Death.

"My lord, how are you?" The Great Prophet asked Luo Tian when he saw Luo Tian opened his eyes.

"It's done, but..." Luo Tian paused, and then smiled wryly, "It's just that I only won one of the reincarnation passages. It may be dangerous for you."

"It's God's will, so why force it." The Great Prophet smiled lightly, with a carefree look, "I am already very satisfied with this result."

After speaking, the Great Prophet bowed deeply.

"You are ashamed, please get up, please get up!"

Luo Tian's figure flashed, and he volleyed directly at the Great Prophet.

"Take it."

Suddenly, a strange force surged out of the Great Prophet, even temporarily shielding Luo Tian's Heaven-swallowing power, and then he knelt down hard on the ground, and when he raised his head again, his face was full of tears, and he couldn't stop sobbing, " Legend has it that in the farthest era, Empress Houtu transformed into the Six Realms for the reincarnation of all living beings, but our barbarians lost the qualification to enter the Six Realms, and now they have recovered one, which is a great gift! Please also accept the old man’s blessing! bye!"

Rao Yiluotian's thick skin made him secretly palpitate. Fortunately, what I fought for was the human race's reincarnation channel, otherwise I would really be ashamed of it.Luo Tian's insidiousness is insidious, that's for the enemy, for the primitive tribes whose nature is not bad, Luo Tianxia will not fight.

Cultivating immortals first cultivates the heart, I have a clear conscience in doing things!

Luo Tian then lifted the Great Prophet up, but saw that the Great Prophet hesitated again, and then said, "Recently, there have been some unusual movements in Yunmeng Swamp, maybe a catastrophe is coming, I have a heartfelt request. "

"Please say."

"Can benefactor take Natu out to practice for several years?"


In the Northern Immortal Realm, Wuwo Sword Sect can only be regarded as a third-rate force at best. This is because there is a Daluo Jinxian who is about to die in the Wuwo Sword Sect. The upper four forces.

The Wuwu Sword Sect is located in the most fringe area of ​​Hei Prison State. This time, they didn't know that there was going to be a storm in Yunmeng Swamp. As usual, they sent their disciples into Yunmeng Swamp for a trial, and with Qingyan Town The trials of the past dynasties are similar.

At this moment, the four middle-level disciples of Yunmeng Swamp, led by a high-level disciple who has just entered the realm of Xuanxian, have already penetrated into the central area of ​​Yunmeng Swamp. , can't go far.

"Help! Help!"

"Run away!"

Soon, the dust started to rise in the distance, and three extremely desolate figures came rushing from a distance, causing the five Wuwu Sword Sect disciples to frown, and quickly looked over.

I saw a tall and ugly young man at the very front walking first, running desperately, behind him two young men, one tall, one short, one strong and one thin, were also running out of breath.

It seems that Luo Tian started to pretend to be pitiful and weak again this time, but there was an extra Natu in the team...

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