
Chapter 807 Uncle has started again!

In fact, the overall strength of the Northern Immortal Realm is quite a bit higher than that of the Southern Immortal Realm, but the degree of affluence is quite a bit worse.It is also a third-rate force, if it is in the Southern Immortal Realm, then it is rich, at least at a well-off level.But in the Northern Immortal Realm, especially the Wuwu Sword Sect, a third-rate sect located in the Yunmeng Swamp on the border of the Black Prison State, it is really too embarrassing to talk about.

Poor, comparing the two, this Wuwu Sword Sect is not even as powerful as a common fourth-rate force in the Southern Immortal Realm.There are too few cultivation resources, and there are not enough old disciples in the sect, let alone some fresh blood.

In fact, this is exactly the case. Wuwu Sword Sect has not recruited even a single disciple for seven or eight hundred years.There is no way, let alone a genius, even a disciple with middle-to-high qualifications, they would rather go to some wealthy sects and start as a handyman, than come to the Wuwo Sword Sect, a poor clang-sounding sect Be an official inner disciple.

Without cultivation resources, everything is out of the question.

In the fairy world, everything is so naked|naked, and the power is jaw-dropping.

Fortunately, there is no such thing as an unparalleled road. No matter how you say it, the Wuwu Sword Sect is on the verge of Yunmeng Swamp. Although it is dangerous to enter it, there are still some gains, whether it is immortal essence stones, immortal medicines, or even spiritual veins. There are always some treasures of heaven, material and earth. If you are lucky enough, you can harvest the resources for more than a hundred years of carefree cultivation.

After going back and forth like this, Wuwu Sword Sect has not cut off the inheritance after all, but managed to maintain it.Except for some local residents of the Immortal Realm who are mediocrely talented or whose families are too poor to join the wealthy sects, they have not recruited a decent disciple for thousands of years.

Therefore, when the Wuwo Sword Sect's five-member group saw the worrisome figures of the Luotian three rolling and crawling in the distance, apart from frowning slightly, they also had the idea of ​​drawing their swords to help when the road was injustice.After all, at a glance, the opponent's trio is obviously human race, not demon race, monster race or other races.

Moreover, it seems that the cultivation bases of the other three are not high, except for the two flying immortals, the remaining one seems to be the peak cultivation base of a true immortal!

You must know that among the five members of the Wuwu Sword Sect, the weakest ones are all at the peak of Feixian's early stage. Even if the other party has any tricks, they can't play any tricks.

As the saying goes, one force will reduce ten meetings. In the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy and tricks are useless and not enough.

"Let me do it."

The middle-aged man with the highest cultivation level among the five members of Wuwo Sword Sect frowned, "You four should be careful, there might be an ambush by the other party."


The other four members of the Wuwu Sword Sect couldn't help being startled, and then they all stared wide-eyed, not to mention the low cultivation level of the other three, even if there is a strong person with high cultivation behind the other three, it would be difficult for them to deal with them. You won't be playing tricks like this, right?

"Strong man! No, fellow daoist, please help me!"

At this moment, Luo Tian secretly told Li Minghua and Natu not to reveal their true strength, and then he yelled loudly.

Li Minghua and Natu couldn't help laughing secretly when they saw this. The three of them were indeed chased by the crocodile spirit at the early stage of Xuanxian behind them, but that was because Luo Tian didn't make a move, and Natu and Li Minghua didn't allow it. On the premise of using the immortal power, otherwise, with Li Minghua's cultivation level at the late Feixian stage, he could easily deal with that crocodile spirit by himself.Besides, Li Minghua and Natu were still attached to the 60-jin gravitational stone flake that Luo Tian personally cast. Even so, Li Minghua and Natu both tossed the crocodile spirit behind them to death.

It's completely pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!

"Hua Hua, has uncle been like this all the time?" Natu took the time to ask through voice transmission. Since he followed Luo Tian, ​​he also called Luo Tian uncle like Li Minghua.

"Almost." Li Minghua nodded and said angrily, "Don't call me Huahua!"

"That's called Mingming."



"Don't panic, fellow daoists, I'm here!"

At this time, the middle-aged leader of the Wuwu Sword Sect yelled loudly, and then the whole person flew into the air, and he couldn't stop making moves in his hands. The speed was really fast, and it looked dazzling, with countless strong and fierce sword energy Emerging from behind it, it is about to burst out.

"A sword shocking the world!"

"Two swords shake the universe!"

The deep voice of the middle-aged man of the Wuwo Sword Sect suddenly rang out in the air, it was deafening, with a trace of indomitable momentum.

"Master Uncle is so powerful, he was able to use the Wu-Seo Sword Art at the same time in such a smooth manner!"

"This power is even more powerful than the four of us working together!"

"Xuan Xian is really strong!"

"When will I have such strength?"

Seeing this, the four low-level disciples of the Wuwu Sword Sect couldn't help but sigh in admiration, their faces filled with fascination.

"Hurry up, don't get implicated!"

At the same time, Luo Tian shouted loudly in the minds of Li Minghua and Natu.


Li Minghua and Natu glanced at each other, then suddenly increased their speed, and soon rushed out of the range of the other party's Taoism together with Luo Tian, ​​whose speed was also increasing sharply.


The crocodile spirit who had been chasing thousands of miles behind him was about to vomit blood angrily. He was sleeping soundly in his lair, but suddenly three human beings who caused trouble came, and in the end he really couldn't stand the other party's teasing. He shot out in a fit of anger, but when the three opponents saw this, two of them came up together and resisted without dodging. Among them, there were endless tricks and tricks. Later, these two humans were really not opponents, so they began to become more insidious. Extremely tricky and shameless, he almost wounded the crocodile spirit's lifeblood with one move. The angry crocodile spirit was born with one Buddha and ascended to heaven with two Buddhas, so he couldn't help but act even more crazily, determined in his heart to kill these two bastard humans.

Later, for some reason, these two humans ran away together with the humans who had stood by and watched. The crocodile spirit became more and more angry, and finally chased after him furiously.

Seeing, seeing that the crocodile spirit was about to catch up to the other three humans, and was about to kill them.But he was shocked to find a human Xuanxian rushing out in front of him, and when he came up, he shot unparalleled!

The crocodile spirit, who had exhausted a lot of physical strength in the thousands of miles of running, suddenly turned black, and screamed in his heart, I had no choice but to use my natural supernatural powers to resist, but it was a bit hasty.


The crocodile spirit was immediately injured by the opponent's fierce attack and flew backwards.

"Three swords take the soul!"

When the middle-aged man saw that his strike was so powerful, he immediately struck even more vigorously.

"It's amazing, it's amazing!"

Luo Tian's expression was extremely excited, and his face was full of admiration, he was almost cast down.

Seeing this, Li Minghua and Natu couldn't help but rolled their eyes involuntarily.

"Look, Uncle is starting to put it on again!"

"Uncle's acting is so realistic!"

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