
Chapter 808

Just as Li Minghua and Natu worshiped Luo Tian infinitely in their hearts, the crocodile spirit obviously suffered even more inhumane torture.The Xuanxian of the Wuwu Sword Sect obviously has some strength, he has a few brushes in his hand, especially the skills he cultivates are extremely fierce, and the mountains and plains are filled with sword energy all of a sudden, killing those layers and vegetation. They were smashed together, and a long deep pit was literally scraped out on the ground.

"Four Swords Lingchen!"

The middle-aged man of the Wuwu Sword Sect was obviously becoming more and more courageous as he fought, and in the end, he almost performed supernaturally. The magic tricks in his hands were so fast that it was dazzling. The sword energy condensed in the void became more sinister and more ferocious ...

The crocodile is crying!

Who says crocodile tears are fake?That mother is complete bullshit!No one in this world is a hypocrite when he cries!Like now!

"Come, come, two little guys, eat some fruit to calm your shock."

What stunned the four Wuwu Sword Sect disciples was that the ugly man in white slapped his butt, then flipped his hands and took out three fruits, threw them to the two little guys one by one, and then looked after himself. Chewed up.

"This fellow daoist is really fierce! I admire him from the bottom of my heart!"

The four disciples of the Wuwu Sword Sect suddenly felt that their concept of life was a bit confused. This leisurely expression seemed to be hunted down and killed miserably?

"Yeah, it's too fierce!" Li Minghua's mouth was drooling, the fairy fruits that uncle brought out were all top grade.

"..." Natu didn't even say a word, and swallowed the fairy fruit in one gulp. Since he followed Luo Tian, ​​he is now extremely picky about his taste. He almost doesn't eat those blood foods, and only eats the top-grade ones in Luo Tian's hands. Fairy fruit and elixir, and occasionally a blood food that tastes good, but it's rare.

When Luo Tian ate all the fairy fruit in his hand and there was only one shell left, the one-sided battle over there had almost come to an end, but Luo Tian frowned slightly, but all monsters have their own unique trump cards, such as Self-explosion or something, Luo Tian can't deceive such a good person.

call out!

A trace of primordial spirit appeared out of nowhere soundlessly, and with just a slight change, it changed into the shape of a chain, which penetrated into the body of the crocodile spirit extremely quickly, and then locked its primordial spirit silently.

"I hate your mother!"

The crocodile essence can be cultivated to the realm of the mysterious fairy, and it is naturally extraordinary. Soon, it sensed the chains that completely bound its soul, and couldn't help cursing, because no matter how hard it struggled, it couldn't break free from the comfort of the chains. I don't even have the chance to escape from the soul.

Whoever it was, would have to be in the same mood as the crocodile spirit, cursing out loud.

It's a pity that the middle-aged Xuanxian from the Wuwu Sword Sect thought that the crocodile spirit was scolding him, and when he saw this, he couldn't help but shouted with a livid face, "You are so stubborn, I can't keep you!"

The attack in the hands of the middle-aged man is even wilder...

It didn't take long before the crocodile spirit that Luo Tian slapped from head to tail fell into a desperate situation, and was finally beheaded under the middle-aged man's sacrifice of a top-grade peak immortal treasure flying sword Even the primordial spirit was wiped out at the same time.

"Huh? Could it be that his strength has soared recently?" The middle-aged man also thought to himself, this crocodile spirit is also in the early stage of Xuanxian, if it is the opponent's peak cultivation base, even if he does his best, he can do it with the selfless sword art. The method of leapfrog fighting is at most comparable to that of the opponent, but from the current point of view, this crocodile spirit is really helpless after being beaten by him, and he didn't even use it to explode himself. How strange!

"Friends of Taoism are amazing!"

At this moment, Luo Tian, ​​who had seen enough of the good show, stood up, and praised with a dignified expression, "It must be that the formula practiced by fellow daoist is extremely powerful! This crocodile spirit was instantly destroyed by the attack of fellow daoist!"

In fact, Luo Tian had already dissipated the invisible chains of the primordial spirit at the moment when the crocodile spirit was strangled to death. Even if the crocodile spirit wanted to explode at that time, it would have been too late.This set of methods was learned by Luo Tian in the Yuqing Yuan Shixuan Kungfu, and this small test of the sword is really powerful.

"My seat, Chen Juxiong, you are being polite here!"

Although the middle-aged man of the Wuwu Sword Sect killed the crocodile spirit, he was not arrogant, with a gentle smile on his face, and his character was not bad.

"Old man Li Yi, I've met a fellow Taoist." Luo Tian would not foolishly tell the other party everything before he had a thorough understanding of the other party's personality.

Li Yi?

Li Minghua's complexion remained unchanged, and he secretly laughed in his heart. Of course, he heard the name from the elder. Now Shu'er can be regarded as an official resident of Qingyan Town, and there is already a name on the genealogy, but the cheap parents who arranged for Shu'er are In Qingyan Town, a childless old couple who died a long time ago, even if someone cared to check, they couldn't find anything.For all of this, Li Minghua wisely chose to forget about it. Who knows what kind of big conspiracy the treacherous and cunning Great Elder and the cruel and sinister uncle are brewing?He is a carefree pawn, he only needs to improve his strength, who wants to worry about it.

Natu, on the other hand, opened his mouth and giggled. His bronze-colored skin, combined with his white teeth, was quite attractive.

"Fellow Daoist, is this?" Chen Juxiong asked with a chuckle.

"Take two little guys out to practice." Luo Tian said boldly.

"..." Chen Juxiong and the four nephews behind him immediately collapsed, right?Which family leader is so careless? You must know that this is a place near the central area of ​​Yunmeng Swamp!To let three guys from the realm of flying immortals come here to practice, could it be that they are bored of life?To be able to come here safe and sound is a great luck.

"Uncle is very powerful!" Li Minghua finally found a chance to speak, and waved his arms fiercely, "You can tell by my strong physical body."

"..." Chen Juxiong was speechless again, heartless, how could he be such an uncle, and bring the two children directly to Yunmeng Swamp just to temper his body?What is the difference between this and courting death?

"I don't know where you come from?" Chen Juxiong, whose heart was twitching, finally regained his composure and asked.

"The three old men are from Qingyan Town!" Luo Tian continued proudly.

Chen Juxiong had heard of this place before, and he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, "Hehe, it turns out that Fellow Daoist is from Qingyan Town in Juling Prefecture. I was lucky enough to go there once."

In fact, Wuwo Sword Sect and Qingyan Town are one north and one south. At this moment, the direction of the two groups of people is the top of the triangle, which can be regarded as the same goal by different routes.

"That." Luo Tian smiled reservedly, spread his hands and said, "Chen Daoyou, look, the old man and the three of you are a bit too fierce, there are too many monsters and beasts killed along the way, I am afraid they have already formed a problem , why not go with a few fellow Taoists, so as to have someone to take care of you, what do you think?"

Now, including Chen Juxiong, the five members of the Wuwu Sword Sect were all in despair. With this meager strength, you still say that you are too fierce?Can you blow it too much?

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