
Chapter 809 What is cruelty?

Regardless of whether Luo Tian was bragging intentionally or unintentionally, Chen Juxiong was always mentally defeated by this guy. No matter what, Chen Juxiong is also a strong Xuanxian who has traveled all over the world. He has seen all kinds of people in his lifetime, but he has never seen such self-confidence Good three eccentric guys, really eye-opening.

"Okay, since that's the case, fellow daoist, follow me and the others along the way."

After all, Chen Juxiong is a bit more honest. If you are an ordinary person, who would pay attention to three idiots who meet by chance, and don't bother to care about your life or death.However, Chen Juxiong wanted to form a good relationship in his heart, so he had no choice but to take in these three bumpkins who had never seen the world.

"Don't worry, if you encounter monsters in Yunmeng Swamp, fellow Taoists don't need to take action, and the three of us can easily deal with them!" Luo Tian said very seriously, extremely proud.

The five of Chen Juxiong were immediately discouraged. They never thought that human beings could be so ignorant and stupid!Where is this place? This is the Yunmeng Swamp where high-level monsters and fierce beasts are roaming everywhere. Can the three of you fight with your body alone be more unrestrained?

Luo Tian pretended not to see the fleeting little Jiujiu in Chen Juxiong's group. He is destined to be a wild and unwilling person. Since he can't be completely low-key, it's not bad to take a fun way.

Next, a total of eight people including Luo Tian and the other three continued to move forward. Chen Juxiong watched the crocodile being surrounded by four nephews without even spitting out a scale. He couldn't help being a little depressed and The flesh hurts, but it is a monster of the Xuanxian level. Even if the soul is destroyed, the skin, flesh, muscles and bones are still treasures, not to mention the inner alchemy that is still very useful to him.

"Hey, Uncle Master, here is the inner alchemy for you. After all, you have put in a lot of effort." A man with a playful smile came up to meet him, and handed the crocodile essence inner alchemy to Chen Juxiong, finally making Chen Juxiong less painful.

However, Chen Juxiong's face was still twitching non-stop, little bastard, little bastard, what do you mean I have put in a lot of effort, this is all the strength I have put in!You guys know how to pick up ready-made little white-eyed wolves with all your brains!

Chen Juxiong was undoubtedly an honest man, but whoever said that he was an honest man couldn't save face, especially in front of Luo Tian, ​​who had never seen anything in the world, he couldn't lose his momentum.

The three of Luo Tian hanged behind the five of Chen Juxiong, with a distance of one or two feet. They were not worried about Chen Juxiong's sudden attack. Even if the five of Chen Juxiong shot together with all their strength, Luo Tian was sure to kill them in an instant.What Luo Tian was worried about was that the five of Chen Juxiong were not at ease with the three of them, so they created a distance that you and I knew well.


After walking for a day, when the two suns in the west were about to set, Chen Juxiong stretched out his hand with a serious face, and said in a deep voice, "There seems to be a not-so-small group of monsters ahead, everyone should be careful."

Naturally, Chen Juxiong sent the sound transmission to the people behind him, including Luo Tian and the other three. He has the highest cultivation level on the surface, so he naturally wants to walk in the front, so that he can feel more at ease.

"There is a group of monsters?!" Li Minghua's eyes lit up all of a sudden.

"Great! Great! I can finally show my skills!" Natu also rubbed his hands with excitement.

The five of Chen Juxiong didn't faint when they heard the words, so excited, are the three of you rushing to die?Even if the opponent's group of monsters is only in the late Feixian period, the three of you will be torn to pieces in an instant.

"Friend Li Yi, do you see this?" Chen Juxiong immediately turned his attention to Luo Tian.

"It doesn't matter!" Luo Tian waved his big hand and said proudly, "If you want to become a strong man in the fairy world, you have to go through countless tribulations. If you have been hiding under the arms of a strong man, how can you have a great future!"

As soon as Luo Tian said this, Chen Juxiong was taken aback, and the faces of the four nephews behind him blushed slightly, obviously a little guilty.That's right, since they entered Yunmeng Swamp, the four of them have always been under the protection of their uncle, and when they seldom made a move, they were completely second-generation ancestors who came to eat, drink, and treasure.

Personally speaking, Luo Tian's words can convince most people.But Luo Tian's cultivation level revealed at this moment is only in the middle stage of Feixian, so saying this is a bit bragging.

"Hmph! Who can't brag?" A young man from the Wuwu Sword Sect snorted coldly, "Young master can single-handedly kill a golden fairy with his mouth!"

Luo Tian smiled slightly when he heard this, but there was no trace of anger on his face.

Chen Juxiong couldn't help thinking that this person might not be as superficial and simple as he appeared on the surface.


At this moment, a roar of a tiger came, and in a short while, it came from far to near, and soon galloped towards the place where Luo Tian and the others were.


This time, before Luo Tian gave Li Minghua and Natu a signal, the four young disciples of the Wuwu Sword Sect who were obviously stimulated made a move, but seeing the cooperation of the four, they stepped forward tacitly, and typed out the magic formulas in their hands one after another. Countless and chaotic sword energy descended from the sky, instantly shooting a galloping giant tiger into a sieve.

"Uncle, these guys are too stupid!" Li Minghua sighed when he saw this.

"It's really stupid, it's just a stupid pig, isn't it a surprise!" Natu also said unhappily through voice transmission.

"Hehe, don't be in a hurry." Luo Tian seemed to give them a reassurance as soon as he opened his mouth, "Let's watch the performance of these guys first."

Chen Juxiong's expression changed immediately.

"You guys really did more than fail!" Chen Juxiong is very experienced and seasoned. He naturally knows that the unscrupulous actions of these four nephews have already aroused the vigilance of the monsters not far away. What he will face next is, I am afraid. It is well-trained and continuous attacks.

"Uncle, what's the matter?"

"Uncle! Didn't he just kill a tiger demon?"

"That's right, with my uncle's strength, I don't need to be afraid of these beasts at all!"

The four guys from the Wuwu Sword Sect defended each other with one word at a time.

Chen Juxiong's livid face never improved, "You know what! It's true that the highest cultivation level among the tiger demon clan is the Feixian peak, but you don't have to think about it, you can still be safe with such a weak clan strength. Living in the central area of ​​Yunmeng Swamp, do you think it is a fluke? Huh?!"

hoo hoo hoo!

Sure enough, as soon as Chen Juxiong finished speaking, the group of monsters and beasts not far away roared in unison, and then many lights shot up into the sky, quickly gathering in mid-air, as if they were gathering.


At the same time, a gust of wind came directly towards Luo Tian and the others, and there were light sounds of feet trampling on the grass, which were extremely dense and consistent. It seemed that the tiger monster group was well-trained to the extreme.


Li Minghua and Natu had long looked eager to try, but they didn't dare to make a move, so they could only cast their pitiful eyes on Luo Tian.

"Don't worry, let these guys know what cruelty is when they are in a state of desperation."

Luo Tian smiled wretchedly, falling into the eyes of Li Minghua and Natu, they couldn't help shivering.

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