
Chapter 810 Strong men like us...

After a while, the tiger demon clan from far away has invaded the sky and covered the earth, and the sky and the ground are densely packed with tiger figures. This scene seems to make people's scalp numb and their feet weak.Especially with so many tiger demons, it looks like there are thousands of them, and the fishy smell coming from their bodies makes people want to vomit.

"Quickly lay down the Great Heaven and Earth Solitaire Sword Array to defend!"

Chen Juxiong only had a few breaths, and he already had a temporary countermeasure, but his words were extremely solemn. Obviously, this situation gave him quite a headache, and he felt very troublesome.

The Great Heaven and Earth Solitaire Sword Formation is a defensive formation. It is excellent in defense. Once it is attacked, the formation will be self-defeating.

"come on in!"

"What are you three still doing in a daze, come quickly to the center of the sword formation!"

"Hurry up, the tiger demon is about to rush over!"


Next, the four flying immortals of the Wuwu Sword Sect each took out a flying sword fairy treasure, and quickly formed a magic circle. After the magic circle was formed, a semicircular mask was formed immediately, and there were countless people on the mask. The thin sword light circulated endlessly, making low-pitched buzzing sounds, and the imposing manner was pretty good.

Luo Tian looked on coldly, shaking his head slowly in his heart, this kind of defensive sword array is fine for defense, but how much immortal energy can your four flying immortals have to support, I am afraid that the opponent's tiger demon only needs to fight a war of attrition to consume them alive Four people.Moreover, although Luo Tian is not extremely proficient in the formation, he is quite accomplished in the formation. With his strength, I am afraid that even though the four-person sword formation of the Wuwu Sword Sect has some power, it cannot stop him.

"Uncle, this sword array doesn't seem to be weak." Li Minghua looked around, "How about the three of us go in and pretend for a while?"

"This sword array is not weak, but it seems that at least 60 people are needed to exert its full peak power. Now there are only four people, and it's just a sneaky moment to go in."

Natu smiled stupidly, and said: "Uncle is right, their sword formation looks flashy, and I can break it with all my strength at most ten breaths."

"Fuck off, you know what!" Li Minghua scolded angrily, "Don't you know Uncle? Uncle has always told us to keep a low profile, you know? Low profile is the kingly way to deceive people and survive! You What a country bumpkin knows!"

Natu rolled his eyes when he heard the words, "As long as you are good, you go out to fight the tiger demon! You are not scared!"

"Shut up the two of you, old man."

Luo Tian said lightly, Li Minghua and Natu immediately kept silent.

"Come in, I'm a fool!"

"Hurry up, three of you?"


The four members of the Wuwo Sword Sect over there were so anxious that their eyeballs were red, and they roared with gnawing eyes.

"I'm sorry." Luo Tian said apologetically and arrogantly, "We are the only macho men in the world, just a group of tiger monsters, we can destroy them by hand-to-hand combat alone, so we don't bother you all." Don't bother!"

Rao is Chen Juxiong's Xuanxian state of mind. Hearing this remark, the immortal energy in his body almost faltered. When is this, and he is so desperate to brag? Are these people really stupid or fake stupid?Fucking hand-to-hand combat with monsters, you don't think you die fast enough, do you?

"The four of you form an formation first, life and death have their own fate." Chen Juxiong finally saw Luo Tian's arrogant look, so he had to laugh wryly and shouted in a low voice.


The four flying immortals of the Wuwo Sword Sect immediately grasped the magic formula with their hands, and a sword formation was formed in panic.

The ones who didn't fit in with the whole scene were probably Luo Tian and the other three. They looked excitedly at the tiger demon group that was about to rush to kill them, and they looked like they were fearless.

"The one with the highest cultivation is only the late stage of Feixian. I'm afraid the two of you can barely handle it. If you win this battle, I will reward you with some good things." Luo Tian said lightly, standing with his hands behind his back.


Li Minghua and Natu were almost insane, their faces were full of joy, as if they had picked up a huge bargain, and they were so excited that they were about to cry.The good things that my uncle brought out, have they ever had ordinary products?That's all good stuff!

"You use the Sky Splitting Seven Styles, and I use the Savage Bible." Li Minghua glanced at Natu provocatively, "Who kills more?"

Natu raised his eyebrows, and quickly licked his lips with his tongue, "Bijibi, whoever loses will take half of the uncle's spoils to the opponent? Is this the old rule?"

"no problem!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Minghua took the lead in transforming into afterimages, and rushed directly to the flying fairy-level tiger demon that fell from the sky.

"You are fooling!"

Natu let out a roar, and stomped his feet on the ground angrily. A terrifying deep pit suddenly appeared on the ground. With the dust flying in all directions, Luo Tian walked out of it in disgrace.

"Ahem, two little bastards, they are so desperate to extort good things from me. It seems that they still have too much energy. Special training should be increased for them! Well, it must be done!"

Chen Juxiong was flying fast in mid-air, and he was too lazy to deal with the tiger demons on the ground who were not in the realm of flying immortals. In terms of threats, he had to count the tiger demons of flying immortal level in mid-air and deal with them. The tiger demon is nothing to worry about.


But when Chen Juxiong swung a huge sword and chopped off several flying fairy tiger demons, he casually glanced to the side, but his complexion changed drastically, and his pupils shrank tightly into a small dot.

"The physical strength of these two guys is so abnormal!"

Just kidding, since Luo Tian solved a hidden danger of the barbaric tribe, he has really done a lot for Li Minghua and Natu. Not only did he personally transform a lot of holy power into their bodies, but these two guys are now They both practiced the Barbaric Bible and the Seven Sky-Splitting Styles, plus Luo Tian's inhumane special training, and now the physical cultivation of the two has reached the level of high-grade immortal treasures, but Li Minghua is slightly worse than Natu.After all, Natu is also a barbaric bible that has been studied for more than a thousand years.

Bang bang bang!

Boom boom boom!

As if barbarism and aesthetics were intertwined, Li Minghua and Natu fought the tiger monster in close quarters, and they did not lose the slightest bit. Among them, Li Minghua's insidious tricks emerged one after another, and the tiger monster he fought with was about to vomit blood depressedly.

"I'm mad at me too!"

Suddenly, a tiger demon yelled loudly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Minghua's big foot landed on the tiger monster's face, kicking its head halfway down.

"Damn it, tell you to scold me!"

Li Minghua retracted his thigh arrogantly and said proudly.

"Give me death!"

In terms of tricks, Natu is not good, but in terms of brute force, Li Minghua is not as good as Natu. At this time, Natu supported the two front paws of a tiger demon with both hands, exhaled and pulled hard, and the tiger demon It was directly torn into two halves, and the colorful intestines flowed all over the floor.

Raw tigers and leopards!

Is this physical body still human?

As two juniors, if they are so fierce, what about Li Yi, who is an elder?

As if remembering something, Chen Juxiong quickly turned his head and looked down.

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