
Chapter 811 Undercurrent

Li Yi, of course, was referring to Luo Tian.

At this moment, Luo Tian was leisurely standing outside the Great Heaven and Earth's only-me sword formation, the breeze was blowing, and Luo Tian's clothes were fluttering, but his whole body was completely motionless, his face was calm, and there was no reason for any great danger. The arrival was surprised and panicked, not calm like a normal person.

Bang bang bang!

Soon, the number of tiger demons, which was obviously several times higher than that in the sky, rushed forward in groups. The palms of the four flying immortals of the Wuwu Sword Sect were sweating, and they tried their best to stimulate the immortal power in their bodies , added to the sword formation, compared with the tiger monsters rushing up, their strength is obviously higher, but no matter how strong their strength is, they may not be able to withstand so many tiger monsters taking turns to fight.Originally, they could fly away, but this is already the central area of ​​Yunmeng Swamp, and there are powerful monsters and beasts in every area, and it is inevitable that they will end up in a pincer attack, so they have to choose to stay where they are and fight.

In fact, with the exception of Luo Tian, ​​most people can think of the same solution as Chen Juxiong at the first time.

Puff puff!

Soon, those tiger demons who did not reach the realm of Feixian suffered a big loss in the Great Heaven and Earth Sovereign Sword Formation. Many tiger demons were pierced through their bodies by the rebounding sword energy from the sword formation, although they were not too serious about actions. Great impact, but additionally aroused the fierceness of these tiger demons, and immediately hit the Datiandi Weipao sword array even more crazily.

Of course, there were also some smarter tiger monsters. Seeing that the opponent's method formation could not be attacked for a long time, they directly transferred their thoughts to Luo Tian, ​​who was posing as a peerless master.


Immediately, a tiger demon rushed towards Luo Tian first, the speed was fast and anxious, almost in the blink of an eye, it arrived in front of Luo Tian, ​​the sharp front claws and shiny fangs were already full of lust. The light of blood went towards Luo Tian's neck.

"Go aside."

Luo Tian smiled faintly when he saw this, and didn't see how he made any gestures, so he waved his right hand at the tiger demon that was rushing up.


The tiger demon fell into the dust in a firm posture that castrated much faster than it came, and just whimpered a few times, moved slowly a few times, and then stood still.

"All the bones and meridians of the whole body were smashed into powder! Even the soul was strangled! So strong!"

Chen Juxiong's gaze narrowed quickly, and he praised secretly in his heart. At the same time, the magic formula in his hand did not stop at all, and he manipulated the giant sword to stab back and forth in mid-air quickly, and soon several tiger monsters at the level of flying immortals came from mid-air. come down.

"Uncle is too perverted!"

Natu took the time to look down, but saw that with Luo Tian as the center, hundreds of low-level tiger demons had already laid down densely, but the two folds of Luo Tian's clothes did not ripple.

"It's just a small scene." Li Minghua sneered, "You haven't been with Uncle for long, and you will know how perverted Uncle has become in the future. And Natu, you are already behind me now. There are three tiger monsters, and there are only three tigers left, do you think you can handle it in one pot?"


Li Minghua's figure quickly exploded in the void, with an incomparably fierce aura, he slammed into the tiger demon closest to him like a cannonball.


With a loud shout, Natu's aura suddenly rose, and with his face flushed, he punched three times at the remaining three tiger demons.

After three punches, Natu finally fell slowly from mid-air with some exhaustion.

Bang bang bang!

The three flying fairy-level tiger demons who saw the situation was not good and wanted to turn around and escape were suddenly surrounded by a strange force, and then burst into three balls of blood mist without even screaming.

"My grass!"

Li Minghua turned back twice abruptly in the air, only to avoid the tragic end of being stained with blood.


At this time, a mighty roar of tigers came from a distance, and the surviving tiger demons immediately stopped attacking in a humane manner, and finally receded slowly like a tide.

"It's over so soon? It hasn't shown my suddenness yet!"

Luo Tian looked around with a surprised expression.

Chen Juxiong and other guys from Wuwu Sword Sect were as dull as stone statues.


At the same time, hundreds of thousands of miles away from the place where Luo Tian and others fought, there is an extremely lush primeval forest. In the center of the primeval forest, three huge mountains that are unreachable grow abruptly. These three huge mountains Looking from a distance, it looks like it stands towering in the shape of a mountain, giving people an oppressive atmosphere.

The one in the middle of the three mountains is extraordinarily tall, covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of miles.And this mountain starts from the foot of the mountain, it is resting very neatly, an extremely wide huge stone steps winds up, every few hundreds of feet is guarded by a monster with a beast head and a human body holding a weapon.


Soon, a black and white intersecting light appeared on the horizon in the distance, and in just a cup of tea, he reached the foot of the highest mountain, rolled on the spot, and transformed into a pale young man with greasy hair and pink face.

"Master Biao!"

The pale young man hurried forward, and the guards at the foot of the mountain respectfully saluted upon seeing this. Although these guards were not interested in this dude who was related to the king, they would not show it on the surface. Who told this young master Biao to do nothing else? Bullying the weak and fearing the hard? The fox and the fake tiger will repay these bad habits. That is a person who does not fall. He has learned everything.

"Is my cousin here?"

After walking for a while, the young man suddenly opened his mouth and asked the guard in front of him. He hesitated for a long time before asking such a question. It was because he was thinking about it in his heart. Regardless of his low cultivation, he could barely be regarded as a half-step Xuanxian. But the victory is that ghosts have more thoughts, so they can live in Yunmeng Swamp where the strong are like clouds.

If a person lives a long time, it means that this person must have a way of survival, especially in a place like Yunmeng Swamp where competition is extremely cruel.

The guard was obviously taken aback for a moment, and then said strangely, "Your Majesty is here, but he is just receiving guests."

"Oh, so there are guests here." The young man pondered for a moment, and then strode towards the top of the mountain. Since he was meeting guests, he went to the side hall to wait first. He knew this cousin very well. If he provoked him, he would be quite disrespectful and cold-blooded.

mountain top.

In a huge jade palace.

A burly man was sitting at the top, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and gently blew on the tea in his hand.

Three Mountain Kings!

If Luo Tian was here, he would definitely be able to recognize that this guy was the Three Mountain King, one of the three kings who secretly met back then, and he was a tiger trained to become a spirit.

"Since the Three Mountain Kings have no other opinions, then this matter is settled."

Sitting under the right hand of the Three Mountain Kings are three humans, two middle-aged men, and a young man with a relaxed attitude.

Looking at the aura fluctuations on his body, it is obvious that this young man is the real leader, because this young man is actually a Little Saint Immortal!

"Haha, this matter is of course so decided. This seat has never been a person who does not believe what he says. The three of you can rest assured."


Or collusion?

Or both?

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