
Chapter 812 Bullying

If it is said that there is an undercurrent, it may have begun to appear decades ago, and it is not a big surprise that it is now appearing in the open and bright.There used to be an old saying in the lower realms, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.In the fairy world, such a sentence can also be derived, where there are creatures, there are disputes.

The Three Mountain Kings are not weak in the central area of ​​Yunmeng Swamp or even in the core area. One of the powerful feet of the monster clan became a registered disciple of the powerful disciple of the monster clan. If it weren't for this relationship, no matter how cold-blooded the three mountain kings were, no matter how cold-blooded the city was, no matter how deep the city was, how insidious and cunning, in Yunmeng Swamp, where everything spoke with strength , he is not qualified to occupy a fertile land boundary in the central area of ​​Yunmeng Swamp, which happens to be very vast.

Leaving aside the Three Mountain Kings, two flowers bloomed, each representing a branch. First, let’s talk about the group of Luo Tian and his party who almost wiped out the group of three mountain kings, a dude cousin, by mistake...

"Hehe, real people don't show their faces!"

Chen Juxiong flew down from mid-air with a wry smile on his face. Together with his four nephews, they looked at the three of Luo Tian as if they were monsters, and sighed in their hearts that they had been beating sparrows all year round, but this time they were blinded by sparrows.

"Chen Daoyou's words are serious. The old man said earlier that we are very tough!" Luo Tian shook his head and said proudly, with an expression of a villain.

"Could it be that Fellow Daoist is practicing the method of sanctification of the body?" Chen Juxiong asked suddenly.

Luo Tian didn't say much when he heard the words, and nodded after a long time, "Well, it's too difficult for the Yuanshen to improve, so he has to take a sideways approach."

Started fooling around again!

Li Minghua and Natu rolled their eyes at the same time. Although they are physically powerful, they are not following the path of physical sanctification.Needless to say, Li Minghua is practicing the Yuqing Yuanshi Xuangong of the Yuqing Immortal King who once shocked the world. It can be said that it is a way to specialize in the cultivation of Yuanshen. Being able to make the other party's primordial spirit scatter and fall, is an unworldly miracle that can be ranked in the top ten in the entire fairy world.Although Natu was born in a barbaric tribe, this guy has followed the Great Prophet since he was a child. Not only is his body strong, but his soul has not fallen. Now the barbaric tribe that Luo Tian opened a reincarnation channel will naturally rise rapidly in Yunmeng Swamp in the future.

Therefore, almost none of Luo Tian's words can be believed.It's completely full of lies, and whoever believes it is a fool.

But in fact, some people believe it.

"Oh, that's how it is." Chen Juxiong said with a strange expression on his face. The method of sanctification of the body is to prove the Tao with strength, and it is almost impossible to cultivate the primordial spirit. The progress is very fast, but it is easy to make mistakes in cultivation. If something went wrong and became obsessed, the ashes disappeared, just like the lineage of the witch clan who became the ruler of the fairy world a few epochs ago, it is very difficult to want to last long.

After all, even the Immortal World has gone through countless epochs, and cutting three corpses to achieve Hunyuan Daluo is the oldest and most orthodox way. If you want to become holy in the flesh, you have only heard of a Houtu empress throughout the ages. That's all.

Moreover, Empress Houtu has also transformed into six realms, and her avenue is far inferior to other immortal kings who have achieved Hunyuan Daluo's Heavenly Dao.

Therefore, almost ninety-nine percent of the orthodoxy in the fairy world is based on the cultivation of the primordial spirit, supplemented by the physical body.Even for a freak like Luo Tian, ​​whose physical body has fully entered the hardness level of the Holy Grade Immortal Treasure, his primordial spirit level is much higher than that of the physical body.

"What are you looking at? This is a tie!"

At this moment, Natu waved his fist at Li Minghua triumphantly, "It's not that simple to beat the young master!"

The anger on Li Minghua's face flashed away, and he quickly returned to normal. Since he followed Luo Tian, ​​this kid's energy-raising skills have been thousands of miles a day, but he smiled lightly and said, "This time, you have overdrawn your physical strength to display it. Lore, next time, I'm afraid you won't be so lucky."

"Let's read the libretto on a donkey, we'll see." Natu replied weakly.

At the same time, Li Minghua and Natu saw a smile in the depths of Luo Tian's eyes from the corner of their eyes, and they couldn't help trembling, and they didn't dare to argue anymore.

They had followed Luo Tian for some time, and they had a deep understanding of Luo Tian's temper. Shu'er was a tiger with a smile on his face. The calmer he smiled, the more sinister he was.

"Hey, fellow Daoist Chen, you just need to know that with three strong men like us here, you can move forward with confidence." Luo Tian slapped his chest loudly, then lowered his voice and said, "The road ahead The treasure of the Tiger Monster Clan, do you want to divide it fifty-fifty?"

"No problem." Chen Juxiong smiled without hesitation, his face was full of helplessness, this guy looks stupid, but in fact he is greedy for money, and he is also a strange flower.

Soon, with a wave of his hand, Luo Tian flew out like a leopard under the dumbfounded gazes of Chen Juxiong and others.

"Whoever grabs the most, I will reward!"

Luo Tian screamed.

"Mom pull a slap!"

Only then did Chen Juxiong and the other five think about it, they couldn't care about anything else, and rushed out extremely quickly.

"Hey, fighting with me, you guys don't even know how you guys died."

Luo Tian had a coquettish expression, and then he jumped with his hands behind his back and disappeared in the air.

Since the tiger demon clan encountered a group of powerful enemies like Luo Tian, ​​they had already fled with their entire clan at this moment, and the journey was unimpeded.But the good baby didn't stay too much, after all, those tiger monsters were not idiots.

Because Li Minghua and Natu made quick and accurate shots, they originally agreed to share [-]% to [-]%. Later, these two guys took [-]% of the spoils of the Tiger Monster Clan, and Chen Juxiong and the other five only got [-]%.However, Chen Juxiong couldn't have the cheek to ask for an equal share, which would be too rude, after all, he had made an agreement with others earlier.At this moment everything has entered the Naxu Precept, how does he know how many treasures there are?I had to suffer a dumb loss.

"Damn it, next time, I must attack immediately, these three guys are too ruthless!"

Chen Juxiong thought so in his heart.

Afterwards, the five members of the Wuwo Sword Sect acted as if they had taken aphrodisiacs. Every time they fought, they charged forward. This way, they have already traveled tens of thousands of miles, which is quite a lot faster than before. times.

But what made Chen Juxiong still speechless was that no matter how hard they tried, even including him, the Xuanxian, who made a move himself, the harvest was not as good as that of the other two little guys.

How did he know that Luo Tian's primordial spirit is currently recovering rapidly. Although the physical body and the monks are not recovering quickly, the primordial spirit has a three-color disk and the recovery speed is not a problem. In terms of numbers, if Li Minghua and Natu don't come out on top, they'd be damned.

It's completely one-sided with the big bullying the small.

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