
Chapter 817 Cut again!Refining the sword!Teach!


Chen Juxiong was stunned for a moment, but he didn't come back to his senses, "What does Senior Li Yi mean by that?"

"Don't call me senior and other clichés, it's boring, just call me Li Daoyou as before." Luo Tian waved his hand lightly, and said lightly, "Meeting is fate, what Chen Daoyou has done these days The old man keeps it in mind, although it is impossible to repay the kindness of a drop of water, it is still okay to reciprocate."

"Oh, thank you Li Daoyou over there first." Chen Juxiong said in awe, with excitement in his eyes.

Dog day!

In the future, who dares to say that the Wuwu Sword Sect is born without the destiny of great fortune, and I will slap him in the mouth!

But soon Chen Juxiong was full of bitterness, these three guys are too good at pretending, right?Obviously powerful and incomparable, but he pretended to be miserable and pitiful.

"Hey hey, uncle, now we are well developed!"

Soon, Li Minghua, who was mainly in charge of counting the trophies, flew high into the sky, and handed Luo Tian a Naxu Ring respectfully, "Uncle, this is the spiritual pulse I received, hehe, this Wanshoumen is really a fat sheep!" , if we rob these forces a few more times, our Qingyan Town's overall strength may go up several steps!"

"Look at how you look."

Luo Tian scolded with a smile, and teased, "Looking at the beaming looks of the six of you, it seems that the great cause of spoils has been perfectly resolved?"

"Of course, of course." A guy from Wuwo Sword Sect smiled and said, "Boy, thank Senior Li first!"

"Thank you Senior Li!"

The four members of Wuwo Sword Sect thanked Chen Juxiong without any mention.It can be seen that the overall character of the Wuwu Sword Sect is not bad. After getting along with each other these days, Luo Tian naturally knows the basics.

"Okay, don't you know how many catties and taels you have?" Luo Tian immediately scolded with a smile, "I just hope that you will practice hard and don't embarrass me when you go out in the future!"

"As ordered!"

Li Minghua, Natu and the Wuwu Sword Sect bowed to Luo Tian sincerely.

Chen Juxiong saw it, and couldn't help sighing, if such a stunning and stunning figure came to be the leader of Wuwo Sword Sect, I am afraid that the day of Wuwo Sword Sect's rise will not be long.It seems that I have to find a good time to mention this matter to Li Yi cryptically. Even if I don't join the Wuwu Sword Sect, it would be good to be an Elder Keqing of the Wuwo Sword Sect.

After Chen Juxiong quietly asked the four nephews through voice transmission, he couldn't help but feel his heart pounding, my God, each of the six of them got a semi-sacred treasure, among them, Qi Jie, who has the highest cultivation level of Wuwu Sword Sect He even got two semi-sacred treasures, one for attack and one for defense, not to mention the other dozens of high-grade treasures.

And Luo Tian seemed to be indifferent to all this, instead he reprimanded Li Minghua and Natu with a solemn expression, "How many times have I said this, relying on external forces will never become a top powerhouse!"

"Uncle, don't worry, we won't use the fairy treasure until it is extremely critical, we know that." Li Minghua quickly put away his playful smile, and replied solemnly, behaved.

"Yes uncle, as long as the other party doesn't play tricks, we will naturally not use the fairy treasure." The corner of Natu's mouth slightly curled up, evoking a sinister arc.

"Also, it doesn't matter who makes a bad move, but for the comrades who are willing to hand over their backs to you, no matter what the reason, as long as you commit it once, the old man will search all over the fairy world and have him Take out Ling Chi's body, and the primordial spirit will light a [-] million-year-old sky lantern!"

Luo Tian turned around slightly, and said calmly, speaking calmly.

"Don't dare!"

Li Minghua and Natu quickly fell to their knees, "Uncle, don't abandon us! You can't be so cruel!"


Luo Tianfei kicked off the two little bastards who were crawling along the pole with both feet, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I won't have the heart to abandon you until I see that you have become the strongest on your own."

But you have to live up to it!

Luo Tian silently added a sentence in his heart.

"Uncle, please accept us too! We are more honest and well behaved than Li Minghua and Natu!"

After Chen Juxiong made a subtle wink, the four members of the Wuwo Sword Sect fell to their knees and kowtowed three times with lightning speed.

"Damn it!"

"These bastards!"

Li Minghua and Natu rushed over angrily, and beat up the group of four headed by Qi Jie, but they never beat them hard.

"Get up."

Luo Tian rubbed his temples, turned his head to look at Chen Juxiong and said, "Chen Daoyou, you threw me a lot of hot potatoes! Ten altars of fine wine, no bargaining!"

Chen Juxiong chuckled, "For the sake of these four little bastards, not to mention the ten altars of fine wine brewed by the old man for tens of thousands of years, even if they were all given to Chen Daoyou, that would be a trivial matter!"

Luo Tian shook his head helplessly, stretched out his finger and pointed at Chen Juxiong, without saying a word.

"Damn it, Qi Jie, you four bastards actually robbed the two of us for your uncle! Huh?" Li Minghua and Natu surrounded Qi Jie from left to right, with malicious smiles on their faces.

"There is no discussion on this matter!" Qi Jie and the others quickly straightened their backs, and said proudly, "We also want to be as fierce as uncle! Even if you smash the handsome faces we rely on to make a living, there is no discussion!"

"Slap them in the face!"


"Li Daoyou, is this trip a little dangerous?"

Chen Juxiong and others were taken into the inner world by Luo Tian again, and Chen Juxiong shouted loudly.

"Don't you suspect that Lao Tzu has always been fierce?"

Luo Tian's wild laughter resounded throughout the inner world, "However, there are only a dozen elementary-level golden immortals, and the highest cultivation is only a middle-stage golden immortal. Just look at my methods!"

Next, Chen Juxiong, Li Minghua, Natu and Qi Jie became numb immediately.

But when Luo Tian faced each Da Luo Jinxian one by one, he insisted on relying on his powerful body and ethereal assassination techniques to easily deal with them, until the last Da Luo Jinxian mid-stage powerhouse also held his hatred in Luo Tian's hands, Chen Juxiong and others Immediately insensitive.

This is not a battle with Jinxian, it's just chopping melons and vegetables!

The eyes of Li Minghua and the other six little fellows stared straight, and the depths of their pupils were extremely hot and colorful.

Bang bang bang!

Next, the blood essence and primordial spirits of the golden immortal powerhouses were shattered by Luo Tian one after another, and restored to the most essential lawful primordial force. Afterwards, Luo Tian took out several pieces of rare immortal iron, and drove the Fumo Ganghuo to wrap around them one after another. , and then threw it into the third heaven domain of the black lotus magic weapon.

"Time accelerates!"

Luo Tian sighed softly in his heart, and then said lightly, "Chen Daoyou, I'm afraid it will take some time before I can give you a handy fairy treasure. Li Minghua and you guys, I will teach you the art of void assassination next!"

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