
Chapter 818 Hidden Dragon

Void Assassination Technique!

This is one of the important means for Luo Tian's rapid rise in the fairy world. The reason why Luo Tian made up his mind to pass it on to Li Minghua and the others was that Luo Tian really regarded these little guys as his nephews in his heart. Little guys with kind natures are really rare in the fairy world where the weak eat everything and speak with strength.Before Luo Tian traveled to the fairy world, he had never seen any young people, but they all possessed a certain amount of capital and means, as if this was what it should be like to survive in the fairy world.

Luo Tian didn't like it, but he didn't have enough ability to change all of this for the time being.

However, Luo Tian is not a single-minded fool, so it is naturally impossible for him to completely pass on the technique of void assassination to Li Minghua and others.In the fairy world, there are too many examples of apprentices starving to death of their masters. Luo Tian doesn't want to be a lesson for others.

Li Minghua, Natu and Qi Jie didn't know how powerful the technique of void assassination is, they only knew that this uncle with great powers in front of him was really powerful, and the Taoism he taught was something that could be used for a lifetime .

"There is one condition for passing this secret technique to you guys, that is, you must not attack people in the Lingyun Starfield of Jinzhou in the Southern Immortal Realm unless it is absolutely necessary, because this secret technique was passed down by one of the elders."

Next, Luo Tian said half-truthfully, with a solemn face, "Chen Daoyou, if you don't dislike it, you can also practice this secret technique."

Chen Juxiong, who had been itching for a long time, shook his head like a rattle, and said again and again, "I don't dislike it, I don't dislike it, how could I dislike it, I am so talented. Hehe."


This is the unanimous thought in the hearts of Li Minghua's six juniors.And Luo Tian told them not to attack people in the Lingyun Starfield of Jinzhou in the Southern Immortal Realm, so they naturally didn't have any doubts, but most of the strong people wanted to hide their identities when they were young and travel to the Immortal Realm. This is the key to gaining knowledge and experience period.Even in the Northern Immortal Realm, there are still many strong men from the Southern Immortal Realm visiting at this moment. As long as the Northern Immortal Realm is not damaged to a certain extent, most of these strong men can leave safely even if their identities are known.

Afterwards, Luo Tian taught the seven people including Chen Juxiong the technique of void assassination, and at the same time devoted a little attention to tempering the fairy treasure. In his opinion, even in the third heaven of the black lotus magic weapon, time can be accelerated hundreds of times. It will take some time to successfully refine the celestial treasure gifted to Chen Juxiong.

Under the guidance of a person like Luo Tian who is extremely superior in terms of eyesight and experience, everyone's cultivation has really improved by leaps and bounds.Chen Juxiong will break through to the middle stage of Xuanxian almost soon, and Li Minghua and Natu have even broken through to the realm of Xuanxian, but they don't know it yet.The four of them, Qi Jie, have also made great progress, Qi Jie has already reached the state of half-step Xuanxian, and the other three have also reached the state of Feixian late stage.Of course, cultivation doesn't explain everything, the current Luo Tian is accumulating resources, trying to regain the Da Luo Jin fairyland, and with his current strength, no one below Xiao Shengxian is his opponent.The seven Chen Juxiong who had practiced the Void Assassination Technique could at least surpass one realm to defeat their opponents.

The gap between Feixian and Xuanxian is not too great, but Xuanxian can comprehend and use many more methods, and Xuanxian and Jinxian are the most important hurdle.And the next big hurdle is the gap between the Taiyi Golden Immortal and the Holy Immortal, and the last one is the breakthrough of the Holy Immortal to the Immortal Monarch.In the hearts of almost everyone in the fairy world, Xianjun is the limit they can achieve.

Three hurdles!

"I'm afraid it will take dozens or even more than a hundred first-level spiritual veins to restore the cultivation level at the peak." Luo Tian thought silently in his heart, not slowing down at all, and the speed was extremely fast, and he could go out for more than a thousand miles in a short time.


Suddenly, Luo Tian, ​​who was flying steadily in the void, suddenly opened the world in his body, and directly threw Chen Juxiong and others out.

"Uncle, what are you doing?"

Li Minghua and Natu, who was also bruised and swollen, looked at Luo Tian with extremely resentful expressions. Judging from the situation of the two, they might be practicing with each other using the void assassination technique, but it seems that neither of them got a big advantage , is an embarrassing situation of equal shares.

Of course, apart from Chen Juxiong and Qi Jie, the four of them also had swollen noses and swollen faces, but Qi Jie's condition seemed a little better, and it seemed that this guy didn't suffer much.

"What's going on?" Luo Tian's heart brightened, but he deliberately asked with a smile on his lips.

Chen Juxiong shrugged helplessly, "These guys are really in a panic, they don't want to practice hard, they insist on arresting them for void assassination practice."

Luo Tian laughed, and said: "You don't need to use your own people to practice, now there is such a great opportunity, there is a monster beast occupying the mountain not far ahead, the peak of Xuanxian in the middle stage, all six of you make a move together, look Can it be killed?"

Chen Juxiong's complexion changed suddenly, and he said with a bitter face, "Chen Daoyou, I'm afraid this is inappropriate? The opponent's cultivation base is so high, these six boys are no match for him."

"With the technique of void assassination, even if they lose to the enemy, there will be no casualties, don't worry." Luo Tian said lightly, and then his face darkened, "If the six of them can't deal with that monster together, it's better to get rid of it as soon as possible." Get out of Yunmeng Swamp, save me from losing face!"

"Uncle, don't worry!"

Li Minghua was the first to pat his chest and shouted, "If you can't clean it up, I'll be the first to get out!"

Natu smiled faintly, with indescribable pride in his expression.

Qi Jie and the others all agreed with each other.

Soon, six ripples appeared in the void one after another, and then the six of Li Minghua disappeared in place.

In the sky, only Luo Tian and Chen Juxiong were left, but Chen Juxiong shook his head and said with a smile, "Although these little fellows are willing to work hard, they are still not good at assassinating in the void."

"Oh, how do you say it?" Luo Tian smiled lightly.

Chen Juxiong smiled slightly, and then the figure disappeared immediately, leaving only a small ripple that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

Luo Tian's pupils shrank, and finally realized that this Chen Juxiong was really a potential dragon!

Ahead, the six of Li Minghua walked directly in the void, their aura restrained to the extreme.

Suddenly, Li Minghua and Natu flew out in two directions, followed by Qi Jie, who also separated two by two, followed behind the two and outflanked the front.

"These little bastards have a lot of tricks." Chen Juxiong shook his head and smiled.

"The old man is looking forward to the performance of these six little guys. To be honest, these six little guys are not bad. The only difference is chance, which can be regarded as some fate with the old man. I believe that from now on, these little guys will continue to jump over the dragon's gate." Scenario." Luo Tian smiled lightly, with a look of anticipation in his words.

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