
Chapter 819 Five Color Kings and Lie Que Kings

Chen Juxiong remained silent. Since he knew Luo Tian, ​​he had never seen this unfathomable man in front of him utter half a word of real big words. He seemed cynical on weekdays, but once he got serious, he really gave people a kind of shock. Juechen's bitter feeling.

"I'm looking forward to it too!"

Chen Juxiong exhaled a foul breath in his chest, and straightened up suddenly.In terms of aptitude, it is a sure thing that he ranks among the top three among the thousands of people in the Wuwu Sword Sect. It's impossible to have any amazing performance with your hands tied.But thousands of years ago, when he was traveling in the fairy world, he met a strange person. The strange person gave him a divination, saying that there would always be a day in his life where he would emerge from the abyss, and from that day on, he could truly reveal himself. out of talent.But at that time, Chen Juxiong was a little downcast and unsure. He thought it was a joke at the time, but he didn't expect...

Luo Tian smiled faintly, noncommittal, and looked down quietly.

Soon, the six of Li Minghua searched the hiding place of the monster from both sides, and without even saying hello, Li Minghua and Natu took the lead.

"who is it!"

The monster that had turned into a human form suddenly tightened its skin, and its hair stood on end. As a monster, he still sensed the approaching danger instinctively.

Pom Pom!

As soon as the words fell, two strange figures that appeared out of nowhere shot at the same time, one in front of the other, and the shots were like thunder, without giving anyone a chance to react.

The monster only had time to wave two fists to face the approaching figures, but felt the palms sinking deeply, and couldn't help being shocked, it was amazing strength, if the opponent used Taoism and supernatural powers, he would definitely not It is possible that such a close body can escape his perception, so it can be seen that the other party only launched a physical attack.

Then, with the body of the monster as the center, two invisible waves of air suddenly flew up, twisting and spreading towards the upper and lower spaces, and there were bursts of explosions in the void, and the feet of the monster were cracked into deep strips. Pit, looks extremely scary.

"Where did you come from, the junior, you are so angry with me!"

The monster almost exploded with anger. Even though he is not a strong person in Yunmeng Swamp, he is very low-key and careful on weekdays. At least Xuanxian and monsters acquiesce in his low position. Bullied?

"Triple combat power!"

"Twice the combat power!"

What made the monster's complexion change drastically was that four figures reappeared in the void, and each of them threw down viciously with howling winds.

Li Minghua and Natu were the only ones who could display three times their fighting strength. Although Qi Jie and the others had not practiced the Seven Sky Splitting Styles, their fighting strength could also be increased by the Void Assassination Technique.

The six figures are like revolving lanterns, cooperating tacitly around the monster beast to kill.


That mysterious fairy beast opened its eyes resentfully, and its tall body fell to the ground with a bang, and it was so unrepentant.

"All the muscles and bones of the whole body were broken, and there is no one left. It's a pity that the other party's soul has escaped." Chen Juxiong appeared in the air with a flash, and said lightly.

"Yuanshen didn't run away." This sentence was said by Luo Tian, ​​but seeing him looking at Li Minghua, "Do you want to eat alone?"

"Hey, uncle taught this!" Li Minghua said with a thick face now, and said with a smile, "What uncle often said is that the Eight Immortals have shown their magical powers across the sea. They don't want this soul, so I will Reluctantly accepted."



Natu and the others cursed angrily in a low voice, but they also admired Li Minghua very much in their hearts. This guy unexpectedly took away the soul of the monster without anyone knowing it. In terms of overall strength, I am afraid it is even more terrifying.

Hearing this, Luo Tian couldn't help laughing and cursing, "When did I teach you this? You bastard!"

"Hey hey." Li Minghua didn't refute, he's not stupid, it's a good thing to fight against uncle!

"Let's go, I'm going to meet some guests who can't wait."

Suddenly, Luo Tian smiled faintly, stretched out his hand to touch the body of the monster in front of him, and the monster fell off, leaving only the skin, and the essence, blood and vitality disappeared immediately.


Chen Juxiong's pupils shrank, and he stripped a monster so clean in an instant. This is not only because of his amazing supernatural powers, but also because he has an extremely good understanding of the body structure of monsters. Moreover, the skin of the monster looks like it was made by itself. It is generally falling off, and there is no clue.

call out!

Luo Tian stretched out his hand to wrap it around, and Chen Juxiong and others immediately levitated involuntarily, and as Luo Tian slowly stepped out of the void, Qi Qi disappeared.


Somewhere in the void thousands of miles away, a five-color halo kept flickering and floating in the void. In the five-color halo sat a short old man in colorful clothes with his eyes closed, and his appearance looked extremely naive. .

"This fellow Taoist has been with this old man for a while, what's the matter?"

Suddenly, the five-color halo in the void suddenly swayed, and then a portal was separated by itself, and an ugly young man in white walked out of it.

It was Luo Tian.

The short old man who was sitting upright with his eyes closed opened his eyes immediately, showing great color. He looked calm, but in fact, a deep fear flashed in the depths of his eyes.

"Hehe, it's the little old man's abruptness."

A bright smile suddenly appeared on the face of the short old man, and he stood up, Jishou said.

Chen Juxiong and the others behind Luo Tian saw this, but their complexions changed slightly. The aura circulating in the person in front of him was the very strong Da Luo law, and he was obviously also a Da Luo Jinxian, and his cultivation base should not be too weak.

"Old man Li Yi, I met fellow Taoist." Luo Tian returned the salute impeccably.

"I am a five-color scattered person, and ordinary people gave me a nickname, five-color king." The little old man smiled faintly.

"The congenital five-colored peacock has attained the Tao, so do you think that this old man can't do anything to you?" Luo Tian's tone changed suddenly, and the aura in his whole body was oppressed directly.

The little old man was overwhelmed by Luo Tian's momentum, and immediately stepped back a few steps one after another, and said with a panicked expression, "Half-step Taiyi! Please be merciful, Your Excellency!"

"Let's be honest, the old man hates going around and playing the game, it's too crooked!" Luo Tian snorted coldly, and stood with his hands behind his back, panicked and not to be offended.


Chen Juxiong and the others immediately felt a sudden shock in their hearts. They had long suspected that Luo Tian's real cultivation might be a Daluo Golden Immortal, but they hadn't thought that it was actually a half-step Taiyi Golden Immortal.For them, this is already a rare big man who is rarely seen on weekdays, but they did not expect to be by their side.

The little old man quickly restrained his arrogance, and said politely: "Of course, the little old man doesn't want to offend Your Excellency, but just wants to form an alliance with Your Excellency, and plot that ancient cave."

"Tell me, who else did you contact?" Luo Tian said indifferently, with no change in expression.

"King Lie Que."

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