
Chapter 820 Is It Enough?

Luo Tian was originally an outsider, how could he know what kind of person Lie Que King was?But his city is very deep, and there is no strange expression on his face when he heard the words, but his deep posture looks more and more unpredictable in the eyes of the King of Five Colors.

Of course, Luo Tian showed an astonishing background, even if there were some small flaws, the pale-faced King of Five Colors who had already been frightened would not dare to pursue it too much?One can't do it right, maybe the other party will directly take his own life, the fairy world is like this, kill you if you don't like it, just find an excuse, no matter you are full of scheming and conspiracy.

Strength will always be the dominant factor with the most say in the fairy world.

"It's just, just so far, the strength of our side may be..." The King of Five Colors thought for a while, and suddenly said with some embarrassment.

Luo Tian frowned and said, "How?"

"That Lie Que Wang usually has no plans, and his own strength is extremely strong." The Five-color King said with a wry smile, "I'm afraid it's just you and me, and he doesn't pay attention to him. The little old man is used to being looked down upon, but Your Mightiness……"

Now, even Chen Juxiong and the others behind Luo Tian were faintly dissatisfied. Everyone who eats tigers can't escape from it, let alone someone like Luo Tian who has already become a master.

"I don't like listening to other people talking in half." Luo Tian gently raised his palm, pinched two fingers suddenly, the surrounding space trembled, and then an astonishing gray sword energy quickly condensed, just the fluctuation of the breath The five-color light around the five-color king's body was torn apart, which shows how powerful this sword energy is.

"Okay, the little old man will tell the truth." The five-color king's complexion changed slightly, as if he had made up his mind, and he said firmly, "The king of Lie Que said he was cooperating in name, but with his strength and influence alone, I'm afraid When the time comes to become arrogant, none of us will be able to control it!"

"It's okay, tell me what cultivation level he is?" The gray sword energy on Luo Tian's fingertips suddenly dissipated, as dexterous as little jumping snakes.

Seeing it in his eyes, the King of Five Colors couldn't help but feel a pang in his heart, thinking, this time won't lead wolves into the house, right?Seeing how arrogant and domineering this guy is, I'm afraid he's not a good talker. For the king of Que, the two must dislike each other. Wouldn't it be depressing to be caught in the middle?

"It's also a half-step Taiyi's cultivation, but..." The King of Five Colors seems to like to leave a tail behind when he speaks. When he saw Luo Tian's eyes gradually turning cold, he couldn't help but said hastily, "But his body is a mutated unicorn. The whirlwind monster, after gaining a glimpse of the heavens, is extremely powerful! I am afraid that no one under the Taiyi Golden Immortal is his opponent."

"One-eyed whirlwind monster?" Luo Tian pondered for a moment. Since this kind of monster has mutated, it cannot be treated with common sense, and it is half-step Taiyi's strength. I am afraid that even if Luo Tian has played all his cards, he will not be able to deal with it. It is impossible to win easily before being promoted to Da Luo Jinxian again.

"Where is that Lie Que King?" Luo Tian asked aloud after thinking for a moment.

"Lieque Mountain, which is [-] miles away from here." This time, the King of Five Colors replied directly without leaving his tail.

"Fellow Daoist just lead the way ahead."


"If you tell me to lead the way, you will lead the way. Didn't you hear what my uncle said?" Li Minghua said with his teeth bared, his face full of domineering arrogance, as if the five-color king who was actually a little saint in front of him was an inconspicuous little person.

The five-color king's expression changed, but he still had a smile on his face. He turned around slowly and walked away. The five-color aura around him was like a water curtain, and his breath was extremely subtle.

"Five-Color King, if you dare to attack him, don't blame this old man for not thinking about our fate."

Suddenly, Luo Tian said flatly.

The five-color king's body froze, and then flew out quickly.

"Minghua, there is nothing wrong with arrogance, but before you have the strength to absolutely surpass the opponent, it may not be unattractive to keep a low profile." Luo Tian thought for a while, and said to Li Minghua via voice transmission, "Now that the old man is here, the King of Five Colors Even if I dare not act rashly, if the old man is not around, I am afraid this guy will immediately turn his face and deny anyone."

"Hey, don't worry, uncle, I know it well." The corner of Li Minghua's mouth twitched slightly, and his eyes fell on the King of Five Colors, unlike Natu, who almost copied his uncle to imitate. What I have learned from him is the most gloomy and favorable side, like a poisonous snake that has been dormant for a long time, it doesn't know when it will suddenly jump up and give you a fatal blow.

Li Minghua, finally began to thrive!


The King of Five Colors and Luo Tian are so cultivated, and they have traveled a hundred thousand miles in a short time.

Luo Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked quietly into the distance like a group of flower-shaped peaks missing a petal. Looking at it, it looks like a dark green illusion with extremely bright colors.

"There's always something wrong with this terrain." Chen Juxiong sent a voice transmission to Luo Tian, ​​expressing his doubts.

Luo Tian nodded and said: "It's true that this place enjoys the advantages of the time and place. It's a small cave, but the people living here can't suppress the power of the gods. Sooner or later, there will be bloodshed."

Luo Tian didn't transmit the words, but said them directly. The five-color king flying in front couldn't help but tremble when he heard the words, and then slowly clenched his hands.

This subtle action of the five-color king did not escape the vicious eyes of everyone headed by Luo Tian.

Have a story?

Luo Tian smiled faintly and waved his hands, and the faces of Li Minghua and the others behind him immediately returned to calm.People with stories are interesting, and this game seems to be getting more and more fun.

"Five-Color King, it seems that you have returned with a full load?"

Soon, countless strong winds suddenly appeared in the world. These strong winds were different from ordinary winds. Among them, the black and dense ones rolled the laws of the heavens and the earth, causing the space to twist and break layer by layer.

"It's just a fluke, little old man." The King of Five Colors' complexion was dull, looking calm and breezy, neither salty nor light.

"Hehe, don't blame me for taking away the Lotus Peak that has been passed down from your ancestors for generations, and don't blame me for forcibly changing its name to Lieque Mountain. All of this is God's will and cannot be violated." The voice rumbled in the sky , continuously.

"Huh? It's just a half-step golden immortal. You have good eyesight, King of Five Colors. I will check for you and see if this person is qualified to cooperate with us?"

After finishing speaking, in the endless whirlwind, several palms formed by strong winds suddenly split out, and directly fell towards Luo Tian as a hood without any politeness.

Luo Tian was still digesting the noble sentiments of the five-color king, a hard-working guy whose lair was taken over by others, but went out to find help for others, but he frowned slightly, and then sneered in his heart, just like a clown.


Luo Tian let out a cold snort, and then opened his mouth to spit out, it was a sky river of nothingness. In the sky river, countless ghosts, gods, gods and Buddhas kept wandering, like strange pictures of time and space. The big hands of those strong winds took it in, and directly swallowed it into nothingness.

"Is it enough?"

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