
Chapter 821 Taking the Mandate of Heaven

Is it enough?

It was just two short words, but it was blown into the depths of everyone's hearts like a spring breeze, even the guy who didn't show up but suffered a small loss when he tried to test Luo Tianjin.

Compared to the former who shot so brazenly when they met, the sound was like thunder.Luo Tian's move is undoubtedly one or two better.


The hidden strong man let out a cold snort, and the remaining wave of primordial spirit in the void also slowly dissipated, not daring to do anything wrong.

"Really, there are still no rules at all." The King of Five Colors smiled wryly, but he used his supernatural powers to block the space of hundreds of meters around him. If his arch-rival King Lie Que heard about it, he might suffer again.

"Friend five-color, even as a temporary ally, you are not honest enough, I am very disappointed."

Luo Tian's face remained unchanged, the probing blow that seemed to be calm and breezy just now did not seem to cause even a ripple in his heart, and he spoke calmly.

The King of Five Colors looked puzzled, and after a long time, he sighed, "It's my fault for this little old man, and I will naturally come to the door to apologize afterwards."

Luo Tian smiled noncommittally, and said, "No need."

Luo Tian has not yet made up his mind to take this muddy water, and it is too early to make a statement.

The five-color king's face became more and more miserable, and he was even more uncertain about Luo Tian's true thoughts. In the end, he had to sigh again, and then flew down towards Lie Que Mountain as if resigned to his fate.

"Uncle, do you really want to help?" Li Minghua remained expressionless, while Natu asked quietly.

"If you want to help, there must be enough benefits." Luo Tian stretched out his hand and pinched his chin, with a look of careful calculation.

The King of Five Colors is going to die!

At this time, the seven people including Chen Juxiong rolled their eyes together, all of them felt sympathy and pity for the five-color king in their hearts, who could make Luo Tian fall in love with being tricked, and few people could escape it.

"Come on into my internal body world."

During Luo Tian's flight, he thought about it for a while, but still felt that something was wrong, and then he waved his sleeves, and brought Chen Juxiong and others into the inner world.

Arriving at Lie Que Mountain, the Lie Que King who suffered a small loss in Luo Tian's hands before naturally did not show up, but sent a few smart and capable men to entertain Luo Tian and the Five Color King.

The King of Five Colors looked dull.

Luo Tian shook his head slowly in his heart, this King of Five Colors is really tragic, it is really sympathetic for someone to occupy a magpie's nest in such an ancestral treasure, yet he still managed to put on a smiling face.But a sad person must have something to hate.Luo Tian didn't think there was anything wrong with winning the king and losing the bandit, but just felt sorry for the indisputable king of five colors.

After exchanging pleasantries for a short while, Luo Tian randomly chose a living room and lived in it.

"Do you dare to fight against the ban on snooping?"

After Luo Tian entered the room, he saw at a glance that there were many restrictions in the room, but they were all of a spying nature. He couldn't help but sneered in his heart. This place didn't have any powerful masters in command, nor did it have any powerful magic circle restrictions. , he just dismissed a few small restrictions that were too conspicuous, and he didn't bother to pay attention to the rest.

It is night, the moon and stars are rare.

Luo Tian sat upright on the bed, a faint smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Finally I can't sit still anymore, next, it's time for the King of Five Colors to do something."

Sure enough, half an hour later, the aura of the five-color king appeared directly outside the door, and he knocked lightly on the door a few times.

"Come in."

As soon as the five-color Wang Fu entered the door, his expression was extremely solemn, and the five-color halos swirled around his body, and then the other small restrictions in Luo Tianfang were immediately broken.

"Why are fellow Taoists in such a hurry?" Luo Tian smiled indifferently, "Don't be so careful, the Que Wang is already far away."


The King of Five Colors sighed heavily, and said: "Although the Que Kings didn't leave any restrictions or methods on me, the little old man still couldn't leave here. He just saw this, so he just unscrupulously attacked me. Driven at will, hateful!"


But the five-color king stomped his feet fiercely, and the bluestone under his feet shattered into fine powder.

"Let's get down to business." Luo Tian said lightly without raising his head, one palm behind his back kept pinching and counting, circling back and forth, like flowing clouds and flowing water, without a trace of stagnation, if someone saw it at this moment , you will definitely feel that Luo Tian's movements are very pleasing to the eye, and you can't take your eyes off.

"The Mansion of Destiny! It's the Mansion of Destiny!"

The King of Five Colors shouted ferociously, "That is the innate land left by the ancestors of a certain branch of my Five-color Peacock Clan to benefit the descendants of all generations, but now, the Que King has forcibly occupied Tianming Cave Mansion, because he is currently Don't dare to go deep into it rashly, otherwise he won't leave at this time!"


There was no sadness or joy on Luotian's face, but his heart couldn't help but move violently. The innate land is an excellent treasure in the fairy world that can make all the strong under the saints jealous. I don't know much about the land, but I also know that such a precious land is a gift from the heavens, and it is generally used for the inheritance of the entire clan.

"My Five-Colored Peacock Clan has been running the Fate Cave Mansion for countless years. Naturally, there are still people left behind, but the lacking kings don't know about it at all. At this moment, he hastily left, and the little old man can just use the power of fellow Taoists to take control of him again! Please also Daoist friends are perfect, and there will be great rewards after things are done!" The five-color king knelt down on one knee, buried his head deeply, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

"Go and see the old man before making a decision." Luo Tian said indifferently.

"Fellow Daoist, please come with the little old man." A look of joy welled up on the face of the King of Five Colors, and then he got up and left the room, flying in the air.

For a moment.

"Five-Color King, as expected, you are still here!"

Luo Tian followed the King of Five Colors and soon came to an inconspicuous cave. There was no gate in the cave. At the moment, not far from the gate, there were two strong monsters sitting. That person was among them.

"Get out of this seat obediently! You and other small miscellaneous fish are also qualified to enter the Land of Destiny?!" King of Five Colors furiously roared.

"If you have the guts to come in and take the lives of both of us, you don't need to talk nonsense."

"Do you think you can take back the Heaven's Mansion Cave with helpers? It's a fantasy!"

The two people in Tianming Cave couldn't help sarcasm and ridicule again and again.

"Hehehe, the two of you are just poor pawns used by King Lie Que. Do you really think you are so important?" The King of Five Colors smiled coldly, then opened his mouth to spit out a drop of primordial spirit blood, and used the magic formula in his hand one after another. There are words in the mouth.


A moment later, the King of Five Colors volleyed in the air and pointed at the two people not far away in the Tianming Cave.

Luo Tian's eyes changed slightly, because he sensed an invisible and invincible force shooting out quietly, and the restraining magic circle outside Tianming cave couldn't stop it even half of it.


There was only a hint of panic on the faces of those two people in time, but their vitality was cut off, their whole bodies were like porcelain, pieces were shattered, even the primordial spirit was also shattered.

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