
Chapter 822 No one can violate the fate of destiny!

The King of Five Colors was extremely decisive in the process of attacking, which did not conform to the impression he had left on Luo Tian in the past. It must have been either that this person had already lost his temper, or that he was good at forbearance.

Of course, Luo Tian was more inclined towards the latter.

The majestic King of Five Colors is a little sage at any rate, if he is said to be not firm enough, it is completely deceiving a three-year-old child.

Chi Chi!

After the two people in Tianming Cave Mansion were completely annihilated, a layer of lightning, thunder and fire and a layer of multicolored clouds suddenly appeared at the entrance of the cave. paved road.

"Fellow Daoist, please..." The King of Five Colors just said it, but his expression changed and he laughed, "Please come with the little old man."

Luo Tian was extremely smart, he naturally knew that the five-color king originally wanted to let him walk ahead first, but later changed his words temporarily when he realized something was wrong, and he didn't say anything when he saw the situation, and said with a faint smile, "Then I will trouble fellow Taoists to lead the way ahead. "

The King of Five Colors looked at Luo Tian carefully, and found that Luo Tian's expression hadn't changed, and finally stepped onto the Yunwu Passage.

At the same time Luo Tian stepped onto the cloud and mist passage, a wisp of extremely imperceptible clear flame flashed away on his body.


Oh oh oh!

In Tianming Cave, there are two completely opposite situations at this moment. There is a dark wind howling in the sky, and the lightning is circling erratically.

The King of Five Colors in front of him paused from time to time, contemplating for a moment, before carefully breaking the magic circle in front of him. These magic circles were naturally left behind by King Lie Que, otherwise the King of Five Colors would not be walking on thin ice like this.

Luo Tian followed behind, standing with his hands behind his back, looking calmly as he looked around.

It's just that if the five-color king had a perspective eye in the back of his head, he could see that Luo Tian's hands behind his back were floating in an extremely mysterious posture at this moment, just continuing the unfinished calculation exercise.

"In the nothingness, finally there is a glimmer of light in the future."

The corners of Luo Tian's mouth vaguely outlined a beautiful arc, and he sighed softly in his heart, "It's really too clever to calculate all the tricks, and time is fate, so I have to obey."


Not long after, as the five-color king racked his brains to crack the prohibition circle in front of him, the powerful semicircular mask in front of him burst open a small crack, and then spread slowly, like a sheet about to form spider web.

"Haha, finally, the little old man is finally going to be in charge of the Destiny Cave Mansion again!"

The King of Five Colors laughed out of composure, and then, quickly formed formulas with his hands. As these formulas were completed one by one, countless multi-color rays of light quickly spread out in the entire Destiny Cave with the King of Five Colors as the center. Gathered, sometimes dispersed, and soon re-condensed into a series of prohibition circles.


As the five-color king stopped moving, he finally spurted out a mouthful of blood essence, which transformed into an ancient rune in the void, and then quickly melted into the void.

"Blood ban?"

Luo Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, "This old guy is quite willing to spend his money."

"Also invite fellow Taoists to come with the little old man."

The King of Five Colors turned his head and said with a smile, with a faint paleness on his face, "Now there is only the last wind formation from the barrier arranged by King Lie Que. As long as this formation is broken, the little old man will send it to fellow Taoists." A good fortune!"

Luo Tian smiled lightly and nodded. He did not fully believe the promise given by the King of Five Colors.No matter how valuable promises are these days, they are not as valuable as life.

"Friends of five colors, I don't know how to break the Likan Duanfeng Formation?"

Luo Tian asked such a question very appropriately.

"This formation is difficult to say, but easy to say. The little old man only learned that this kind of strange formation belongs to the death formation after reading through many ancient books." King of Five Colors paused, "That is to say, unless you arrange this The owner of the formation has withdrawn the formation with his own hands, and the only way to go is to forcefully break the formation. To break the formation with force, the caster must have a cultivation level higher than that of the formation owner. Naturally, the little old man can't do it alone, so he has to invite Fellow Daoists will act together."

"So that's how it is." Luo Tian suddenly realized, "Then you and I will act quickly, lest something will change if it is too late."

"It's exactly what I want." The King of Five Colors nodded immediately, "Please come with the little old man."

With the foot strength of the two of Luo Tian, ​​walking in this Destiny Cave, even if they don't use the supernatural power to shrink the ground to an inch, it is as fast as lightning.

After a while.

The King of Five Colors brought Luo Tian to a relatively empty square in Tianming Cave Mansion. This square looked to be hundreds of miles in radius, not too big.What's weird is that there are pieces of sharp winds dancing in the air above the square, constantly changing their shapes.In every gust of wind, there is a raging and violent force of heaven and earth.

"It seems that this is the Likan Duanfengzhen evolved from the natal supernatural power of the one-eyed whirlwind monster that is the king's body?" Luo Tian frowned slightly, "It seems that the power is not weak."

"Fellow Daoist is right." The King of Five Colors smiled wryly, "The Duanfeng Formation from Lie Kan was formed by the natal supernatural powers of the Lie Que Kings, and if it was not absolutely necessary, the little old man would not invite fellow Daoists to come to help. "

"Tell me, how to break the formation?" Luo Tian said directly.

"Later, the little old man will personally activate the prohibition circle in the Destiny Cave, and the breaking wind formation will attack the little old man in a concentrated manner at that time, and fellow Taoists can enter the depths of the formation and break the eyes of the formation. .But there is not much time, the little old man can support a cup of tea at most."

"Will it be dangerous for the old man to enter it rashly?" Luo Tian wondered.

"Of course there is a danger, but it won't be too great." The King of Five Colors pondered for a moment, "With the strength that fellow Daoist showed before, it shouldn't be difficult to break through that array of eyes."

"After the matter is completed, the old man will need to practice for half a year in the Mansion of Heaven." Luo Tian began to ask for prices.

The King of Five Colors looked a little embarrassed, but he quickly replied, "That's fine, just follow what Fellow Daoist said."

"Then, let's get started."

Luo Tian twisted his neck, and immediately exuded a powerful and fierce aura from his whole body.

"Uncle, what are you doing?" In the inner world, Li Minghua was very puzzled.

Natu shrugged his shoulders and said, "What are you worried about? Have you ever seen Uncle make a loss-making business?"

The five of Chen Juxiong nodded in unison, with a deeply approving expression.

"Destiny Chain Formation, set it up for me!"

The five-color king was surrounded by five-color lights, and soon he gave a low shout and rushed directly to the center of the square.As his figure moved, the countless gusts of wind above kept flying down and bombarding him, each time smashing a big hole in the hard ground, filled with dust and smoke.

But the five-color aura around the five-color king's body not only did not weaken at this time, but became stronger and stronger, facing the countless strong winds layer by layer.The two ingenious heaven and earth forces collided together, and the situation changed suddenly, and the mountains shook.

"Fellow Daoist, hurry up!"

The five-color king shouted loudly.

As soon as the words fell, Luo Tian's figure shot towards the sky like a cannonball, and flew towards the eyes in the sky.

"Wan Dao Yin!"

At the same time, Luo Tian cast the Wan Dao Seal to protect his body. Although the raging and weird wind was fierce, it was difficult for him to penetrate within three feet of his body for the time being.

After a while, Luo Tian had already seen the extremely black formation eye, which was like a rectangular rune, quietly suspended in the void, the closer to it, the greater the pressure around his body, and the faster he moved forward. more difficult.

As everyone knows, at this moment, there is a gloomy and weird smile on the face of the King of Five Colors.

"No one can violate the good fortune in destiny!"

Luo Tian shook his head and said with a smile, he opened his hand and grabbed the eyes.

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