
Chapter 825 Shock Taiyi!

There is only one possibility for Luo Tian, ​​who has always been calm, to change his face. The situation before him is far beyond his expectation, and he has almost no ability to grasp it.

What happened to Luo Tian?

Luo Tian sent it!

And make a big fuss!

He had just broken through to the Da Luo Jin Fairyland, so he wanted to stabilize the realm immediately. After all, although his Yuanshen realm was not damaged, there must be no slightest impetuousness or mistakes in cultivation.Otherwise, it is very likely that this little mistake will cause lifelong regrets in the future. Luo Tian has clearly understood this truth along the way, and he dare not risk himself.

But what Luo Tian didn't expect was that just breaking through to Daluo Jinxian, the cultivation base in his body was like a fountain, and he couldn't stop at all!Can't stop no matter what!

At this moment, Luo Tian's cultivation base kept skyrocketing. Although he had experienced countless storms, he was still a little confused.

What is going on here?

Luo Tian firmly guarded the primordial spirit from being invaded, and felt the rising breath in his body with a slight frown.

In a short time, Luo Tian was already in the middle stage of Da Luo Jinxian!

An unstoppable trend!

Gradually, Luo Tian became a little scared. He was afraid that if he continued to grow at the current rate, his body would exceed the limit and explode.At that time, even if Luo Tian could save his life, he would probably suffer a huge backlash from his energy.

"Stop it! Stop it!"

No matter who it is, when the situation is beyond one's control, it is inevitable to be anxious, and Luo Tian is no exception.

Daluo Jinxian late stage!

"Yo ho, not bad, it's been a long time since I saw you, and your kid has encountered a wonderful job like a pie in the sky again?"

At the critical moment, the voice of the Robber Xianjun appeared in Luo Tian's mind calmly.

"Senior save me!"

"The one with the nicest voice first—"

The dog-like robber Xianjun took advantage of the fire to rob!

"Shout or not? Let's go to rest without including this deity."


Luo Tian's complexion fluctuated, and finally he bowed his head to the old and disrespectful Robber Xianjun. In fact, it's nothing to call him, Luo Tian can afford to shout, and the robber Xianjun can afford it, but Luo Tian is very Tired of others taking advantage of the fire and putting forward various conditions.

Squeeze you clean sooner or later!

This was the only thought in Luo Tian's mind after shouting, there is such a living treasure mountain as the Bandit Immortal Lord, it's really not Luo Tian's style not to squeeze him out.

"Little bastard, didn't you change your mind and think about how to squeeze the deity dry?" The robber Xianjun laughed and scolded like a roundworm in Luo Tian's stomach.

"... "

"Okay, let me take a look, Si!" The Robber Immortal had just finished speaking, before he took a breath, "Why is your shit luck always so good? Even such a rare treasure as innate power Can you touch it, could it be that your kid is really the reincarnation of the fairy king?!"

Luo Tiankuang rolled his eyes, "Senior, I can't stand it anymore, you old man, please stop making sarcastic remarks, okay?"

"There's nothing you can't resist." The robber fairy sneered, "If you don't attack Taiyi Jinxian with such a good opportunity, when will you wait!"

Robber Xianjun's voice was like a blow to the head, hitting the weakest part of Luo Tian's heart hard.


"Nonsense, do you still want to miss this great opportunity?" The Robber Immortal said speechlessly.

"But I'm not ready yet."

"Opportunities are always reserved for you lucky kids who are never ready!"

"... "

"What's the matter with you kid?" The Robber Immortal was visibly annoyed, "Get ready to attack the Taiyi Golden Immortal!"

"I, I'm really not prepared to attack the Taiyi Golden Immortal!"

"My deity is watching here, nothing can go wrong, you are afraid of a ball!" The Robber Xianjun started his roar again.


Gradually, Chen Juxiong and his group soon became at a loss and found that the innate power they could absorb was getting less and less, and they all woke up from the trance immediately, and all looked at Luo Tian.

"It's over! I'm about to break through to the limit of Xuanxian, how can uncle do this!" Li Minghua wailed first in his heart.

Natu looked the same, equally depressed.

Chen Juxiong, on the other hand, glanced at Luo Tian quickly, and then let out a long roar, running wildly to devour and absorb the innate power with all his strength. He had just broken through the half-step Golden Immortal, and he was about to step into the Great Luo Golden Immortal soon. How can you give up?

Compared with the previous three, the four of Qi Jie are not dissatisfied. Qi Jie has now steadily advanced to the late stage of Xuanxian, and is only one step away from reaching the peak of Xuanxian. Compared with Li Minghua and Natu He was inferior, and the other three juniors also broke through to the middle stage of Xuanxian, all of them were full of joy.

"If you don't hurry up, the old man will leave [-]% of your innate power to you. This is your last chance!" Luo Tian shouted suddenly.

"Idiot! It's too risky to break through to the Taiyi Golden Immortal with only [-]% of the remaining innate power!" The Bandit Immortal roared crazily, which shocked Luo Tian a lot.

"It should be fine."

"There must be a problem." The Robber Xianjun rolled his eyes.

"Senior, have you forgotten that I am the Holy Body of the Five Elements, and the symbol of the Taiyi Golden Immortal is to reverse the laws of the Five Elements. Do you think there is no shortcut?"

"That's right!" The Robber Immortal's eyes lit up, "I actually forgot about this! Hahaha, the Five Elements Holy Body, the Five Elements Holy Body, you broke through to the Taiyi Golden Immortal, it is the most embarrassing for others This realm of Wohuo is actually the most comfortable, you really have a great opportunity for great fortune!"

"In that case, let's get started!"

Luo Tian clenched his hands into fists, this time, no matter what, he had to fight!

Daluo Jinxian peak!

"Okay! Now you follow the law of reversal of the method that the old man said!"

Ka Ka Ka!

Rao Luotian is the five-element holy body, and his physical body is also a late-stage holy artifact, but the first time the law is reversed, the physical body is still [-]% broken.

"Maintain the immortality of the primordial spirit, and reorganize the physical body!" The Robber Immortal roared crazily as if he wanted to break through the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Fortunately, there is still a lot of innate power here, otherwise Luo Tian's physical body reorganization would be infinitely slower. At the moment, he endured the severe pain from the primordial spirit, and gritted his teeth again!

The innate power soon wrapped Luo Tian's broken body and reassembled it together again.

"That's it?" Luo Tian wondered.

"If you want to successfully survive the Great Tribulation of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, you must endure the pain of five reversals." The Bandit Immortal laughed.

"My grass!"

Hearing this, Luo Tian almost died of depression. He had to experience this kind of pain that he almost couldn't bear five times.

Bang bang bang!

Luo Tian's body exploded again, forming countless crystal-like fragments. Once reorganized, his body became much tougher again!

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