
Chapter 826 Scary!

God's fortune!

The number of purple micro buckets!

Gossip divination!

All kinds of strange calculations and thaumaturgy were performed in the sky of Yunmeng Swamp, and the fate of the entire Yunmeng Swamp was messed up. This kind of speechless situation has been staged in Yunmeng Swamp every day recently, which led to The only result is that some forces fight and fight like fire and water.As a result, the native residents of Yunmeng Swamp, who originally ruled the mountain as kings, all tucked their tails together and did not dare to show their faces, lest they would harm the fish in the pond.

At this moment, King Lie Que sat cross-legged on top of a black wind, looking at the Lianhua Peak below which he forcibly named Lie Que Mountain with a cloudy expression. , Before he was warmed up, he had already handed over to others, and the situation was changing so fast that he didn't even have time to react.But this time, when he came back to his senses and borrowed a magic weapon of sworn brothers with a very good relationship to return again and prepare to let out a breath of anger, his mother's lotus peak was devastated as if a fierce battle had taken place.


Although the outline of Lianhua Peak can still be seen faintly, it has already been destroyed by [-]% or [-]%. Needless to say, Tianming Cave Mansion is naturally also destroyed.

"Don't let me find out who did it, or I will pull his tendons and skin his skin!"

After a long, long time, King Lie Que roared crazily as if his parents were dead, and threw out a streamer in his hand, and the Lotus Peak below sank straight down, turning into a bottomless pit Hole.


Hundreds of thousands of miles away, in the void, Luo Tian was lying on top of a white cloud, holding a weed in his mouth, lazily looking down at the raging battle below.

One of them is naturally Li Minghua and the others, and the other is the purple cloud mink group here.


Li Minghuanatu and Qi Jie divided into three directions, and Qi Qi sent a Ziyun mink with a size of more than a hundred to fly. If you are shattered, you will definitely not survive.

At this moment, Chen Juxiong is wielding the late stage immortal treasure that Luo Tian has successfully refined for you—the Immortal Sword, and he fought with the number one master of the Ziyun Diao clan. Flying up and down in the middle, it is extremely dexterous, but the number one Ziyun mink clan who is hundreds of times bigger than Chen Juxiong didn't even dare to let Chen Juxiong's sword energy sweep over him, so you know how amazing the power of this treasure is.

The number one powerhouse of the Ziyun Sable Clan is naturally the cultivation base of the Da Luo Jinxian, and it is also the mid-stage cultivation of the Da Luo Jinxian.

But he was unable to do anything to Chen Juxiong, who had just entered the Great Luojin Fairyland, which made him extremely annoyed, and at the same time, he was a little frightened.

Leapfrog battle!

Chen Juxiong, who possessed the Slashing Immortal Sword and broke through to the Great Luojin Fairy Realm, could finally leapfrog to fight.He was very happy at the moment, he didn't expect that some of the powerful methods of the Wuwu Sword Sect could exert [-]% of their power only after entering the Great Luojin Fairyland, and each method was so powerful, no wonder he became more and more courageous as he fought .

"Oh, it's still a little bit worse."

Above the white clouds, Luo Tian sighed softly. Ever since he successfully broke through to the Taiyi Golden Immortal, the Bandit Immortal Lord has never heard from him again, which made him very depressed. Why is this old guy playing around like a ghost?

Bored, Luo Tian turned his attention to Chen Juxiong. He found that the method of Wuwu Sword Sect is tyrannical. Up to now, there really is a set.However, Luo Tian himself was born as a sword player, and his vision is extremely vicious, and he can see some shortcomings in the sword cultivation methods of Wuwu Sword School at a glance, but he only sees one-sidedly, and he dare not rashly guide Chen Juxiong , firstly, this is a disrespectful behavior, and secondly, it is very risky to do so, and it is very likely that something went wrong.

"Human, you are too deceitful!" Ziyun Diao King, the strongest of the Ziyun Diao clan, roared, and the hairs on his body stood upright like steel needles, and the huge sharp claws were four or five feet long. Thick, dancing rapidly in the void, the space made bursts of explosions, shaking unceasingly, faintly about to break.

In fact, it’s not surprising that the Ziyun Diao King is so angry. Although their Ziyun Diao clan would rob some human monks in small troubles on weekdays, they have never encountered a precedent of human monks rushing to their own territory to show off their power. , especially the monsters have a strong self-concept on the boundaries of the land, and outsiders cannot cross the boundaries without permission.

And the group of savages like Luo Tian not only forced their way in, but also turned their backs and killed all directions. However, King Ziyun Diao was entangled by Chen Juxiong, and the people under his command were not the opponents of Li Minghua and the others at all. How can I not be angry?

Layers of light and shadows of animal claws quickly superimposed in the void, bringing out afterimages that were difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.Chen Juxiong took a deep breath, and he volleyed straight up in the air, unexpectedly advancing instead of retreating, and the Immortal Slaying Sword in his hand burst into a radiance like a scorching sun.

"Chen Daoyou, how about the power of this move?"

At this time, Luo Tian's voice rang in Chen Juxiong's ears, and then a formula flooded into his mind.

"it is good!"

Chen Juxiong gave a low snort, and then the Immortal Slaying Sword in his hand slashed towards Ziyun Diaowang up, down, left, and right like lightning. The blurred sword lights that were thick and thin at the mouth of a bowl were incomparably magnificent, like thick chains across the air. Soon, a huge sword-like light net was formed.

Puff puff!

Ziyun Diaowang's originally fast and relentless attack suddenly slowed down, and finally his limbs were bound by the sword light net, making it extremely difficult to move.

"Human, you die for me!"

Ziyun Diaowang was obviously very angry, and he opened his mouth and sprayed out an inner alchemy the size of a millstone. Once the inner alchemy appeared, it hit Chen Juxiong like a thunderbolt.

Chen Juxiong's face was pale.

"It's okay."

In the void, a figure appeared quietly, just stretched out a palm as crystal clear as jade, and gently pressed against Ziyun Diao King's huge inner alchemy, and then pushed back without even looking at it.

Now it was Ziyun Diaowang's turn to be dumbfounded.

"Too... Madam Yi Jinxian!"

Ziyun Diao Wang swallowed hard, his eyes almost popped out, damn it, what the hell, Taiyi Jinxian dare to walk around swaggeringly?Isn't he afraid that the law of reversal on his body will cause him to go mad?

But Ziyun Diaowang also knew in his heart that even if his cultivation was ten times stronger, in front of a Taiyi Golden Immortal, he would only court death, without any suspense.

"Ziyun Diao King, I don't want to talk nonsense with you. This time I entered your clan's territory not to target you, but to borrow this place temporarily. If you are stubborn, I don't mind taking your Ziyun Diao clan from Yunmeng Swamp. erase."

Of course the one who made the move was Luo Tian, ​​but seeing him lightly grabbing it with one hand, the sword aura covering Ziyun Diaowang's body immediately disappeared.

"Scary to death!"

Ziyun Diao Wang, who had escaped from birth, rolled on the spot and turned into a mature and charming young woman, but when she saw her face full of resentment, she patted her chest and cried out in a crying voice, "Didn't senior say that earlier? ! People are going to be scared to death!"

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