
Chapter 827 Killed?Killed!

next moment.

Except for Luo Tian's still face unchanged, the seven of Chen Juxiong and Li Minghua cursed in a low voice with flushed faces, and then all looked away from the Ziyun Diao King who had turned into a human form.

"Smelly shameless! You are not ashamed!"

Of course, Natu, a guy who knew almost nothing about women outside the barbaric tribes in his lifetime, finally added angrily, and he was very angry.

What is the reason?

Just look at Ziyun Diaowang's human form.

But seeing the Ziyun Diao King rolling in the void, he immediately transformed into an extremely seductive young woman, her whole body was only covered with a very light purple gauze dress, and her delicate body with bumps Several important parts are clearly visible. When it is really hot, this kind of dressing style that is faintly visible but makes people nosebleed is very similar to those shameless sluts in those brothel hook bars.

Women, especially the enchanting and charming ones, as long as they add a little more flair, they can captivate the seduced mind of a man.

Especially when Ziyun Diaowang patted her tall and upright chest tremblingly, there was a surge of waves, her winking eyes were like silk, and her voice was sweet and sweet. I don't know how many lustful male creatures can be fascinated to death.

"Put away your tricks, or I won't blame the old man for destroying flowers with his hands." Luo Tian smiled lightly, as if the peerless beauty in front of him was no different from a skeleton, and his mood did not fluctuate in the slightest.

What kind of person is Luo Tian?That is a peerless genius who began to emerge when he was reduced to the Profound Sky Plane. Not to mention the several peerless wives in his family at the moment, even during the thousands of years of traveling in the Profound Sky Plane and the Immortal World, what kind of beauties do not exist? seen?Don't say Ziyun Diaowang is such a demon beauty, even beauties from demons and other races have seen countless beauties. Ziyun Diaowang wants to use her beauty to get some benefits from Luo Tian, ​​a miser who recognizes money but does not recognize people. , but it was a wrong calculation.

"The servant obeys."

Ziyun Diaowang's complexion remained unchanged, he gave a blessing with a smile, and retreated to the side in a well-mannered manner.Soon, she shook the palm of her hand vaguely, and there was no other movement.

Luo Tian sneered in his heart, turned around and waved his hands noncommittally.

Chen Juxiong, Li Minghua and the other seven people immediately retreated and returned to Luo Tian's side in beams of light.


The six of Li Minghua respectfully bowed down.

"Don't fix these red tapes in the future, it's troublesome." Luo Tian said lightly, and as soon as he raised his hand, the six of them straightened up immediately, "According to the days, I'm afraid the time is almost up, everyone should get ready in the next few days."

"Uncle, is this the Ziyun Diao family?" Li Minghua glanced at the Ziyun Diao King with a half-smile, and there was a murderous intent in his words.

"Hehe, it's okay." Luo Tian shook his head and chuckled, "It's just some small troubles that the old man can solve with a gesture of his hands. This time, it's time to accumulate merit."

Next to him, Ziyun Diaowang's slightly arched back finally quietly returned to its original shape, and a big stone fell to his heart, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The powerhouse of the Taiyi Golden Immortal series!Ziyun Diao Wang didn't even dare to have the slightest thought of resistance in her heart. Even if she could afford to offend such a powerful existence, she would not dare to drag the entire Ziyun Diao clan to be buried with her.To be honest, King Ziyun Diao was even ready to sacrifice himself, and she didn't feel shabby to be able to dedicate her body to a Taiyi Jinxian. On the contrary, it might be a turning point for the rise of the Ziyun Diao clan.

This is the case in the fairy world. Those little people who are struggling at the bottom also have ambitions, but their ambitions are not directly proportional to their strength, so they have to put their hopes on the idea of ​​finding a big backer. Besides, what hard work and opportunity are there? The fairy world is so big , the number of people is endless, and the resources are so few, how can there be so many shit chances and fortunes falling on him?

Living in the fairy world may be a very remarkable thing in the eyes of the little people.

Of course, it's not that Luo Tian doesn't want to exterminate the Ziyun mink group, but after he stepped into the realm of Taiyi Jinxian and reversed the law of the five elements, the long river of fate between heaven and earth finally seemed to have a clue.


The only word that appeared in Luo Tian's deduction, Luo Tian tried his best to finally vaguely know that if the innocent killing is excessive, he will be able to advance to the cultivation base of a holy immortal in the future, and even successfully reach rank nine, becoming a rank nine golden immortal , Only half a step away from being promoted to Xianjun.At that time, it is very likely to be punished by heaven, that is, the punishment of heaven, and no one can stop it.

Luo Tian has traveled step by step along the way, and he doesn't want to die prematurely on this inexplicable merit because of excessive killing.

Therefore, the scene where Luo Tian led the crowd into the territory of the Ziyun Diao clan appeared.

Luo Tian has calculated that a bloody team will be ushered in the Ziyun Diao Clan soon. This team may not be very strong as a whole, but they are as cunning as a fox and as cruel as a wolf. There are many innocent people along the way People died directly or indirectly at their hands.

What's more, there is another important reason why Luo Tian is often able to kill those who are much higher than him.

Luo Tian has cut off the evil thoughts of one of the three corpses!

Today's Luo Tian is only thinking about how to cut off the second corpse -- good thoughts.After thinking about it, the only way is to use the oldest method, kill all the wicked, and use hostility and evil energy to cut off good thoughts.

Next, Ziyun Diao King, under Luo Tian's unresistable order, quickly cleaned up the dire situation on the battlefield, and then quickly commanded the Ziyun Diao clan to retreat quickly.

"Okay, it's our turn to wait and see."

With a wave of Luo Tian's sleeves, he led the crowd to fly down to a small mountain hundreds of miles away. With a movement of his soul, countless colorful brilliance burst out from this small mountain. After a few breaths, , there have been several exquisite thatched cottages around the originally empty small col.

Five or six days of work passed quickly.

On this day, Luo Tian was instructing Chen Juxiong and others in their cultivation, when he suddenly turned his head and looked towards the northwest, and said with a faint smile, "It came quite quickly."

"Uncle, can we start then?" Li Minghua jumped up first, and shouted, "These five or six days are just for cultivation, and there is no passion in the life, which is really annoying."

"Don't worry." Luo Tian knocked on Li Minghua angrily, "We have to give the other party a chance to make the first move."

Soon, several clouds flew towards the sky in the distance.

"Hahaha, big brother, thanks to your preparation this time, you have gained a lot!"

"Jie Jie, big brother, there seem to be a few guys with pretty good cultivation in front of us, why don't we play around?"

A thin middle-aged man sat cross-legged on top of the clouds and mist quietly. His primordial spirit and consciousness quickly spread out, and after a while, his consciousness withdrew, and a sinister figure suddenly appeared on his gloomy face. With a smile, "The one with the highest cultivation level is only an early Daluo Jinxian. According to the old rules, the brothers should vote with a show of hands. Kill?"


At that moment, except for the thin middle-aged man, the rest of the people shouted.

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