
Chapter 828 Three Years of Fate

"Wa hahaha……"

As soon as the thin middle-aged man spoke, the five younger brothers sitting or lying in the void behind him all rushed out.

"This group of bastards, the other party is only a strong man in the early stage of Daluo Jinxian. In order to snatch the fruits of victory, he even left his elder brother behind." The thin middle-aged man sighed with a smile, but his face was full of complacency. , "However, only in this way is he worthy of being the brother of my Little Saint Immortal Yincheng! Kill as much as you want, and leave as much as you want, who can do anything?"


Suddenly, an extremely light sigh came out of the void, filled with endless pity.

"who is it?"

Little Saint Yincheng's complexion changed suddenly, and he shouted sharply, the world inside his body opened his mouth immediately, a small castle surrounded by endless gloomy aura suddenly appeared from the void, and was suppressed in the void.

With the current strength of Xiaosheng Yincheng, that is, half-step Taiyi can suppress him by one head, and the rest of the golden immortals are not his opponents, but after he sacrificed the inner world and tried his best, he still couldn't spy any information on the other party.



Suddenly, a door burst open in the void, and a big blue light hand protruded lightly from the door, and it landed on the small castle in less than a blink of an eye. The small castle trembled and couldn't resist it. , was directly beaten back into the body of Yincheng Xiaoshengxian.

"Golden Immortal Taiyi!"

Little Saint Yincheng's complexion changed drastically, and then he opened his mouth to spit out a stream of blood. The secret technique was about to tear through the void. The opponent's blow just reversed the law of the five elements, making his inner world useless.

But just as Little Saint Yincheng finished casting the secret technique, the big blue light hand in the void kept falling down, directly wrapping around his body, and then crushing him to death.


A face-to-face meeting, Yincheng Little Saint Immortal has lost both body and spirit, and has no power to resist.

Qingguang's big hand then snatched up the law of abundant Yuanli left after the death of Xiaosheng Yincheng, and then broke through the void again and disappeared.

Not far away, Luo Tian raised his hand without sadness or joy, and a ball the size of a fist that was compressed to the extreme fell out of the void. The energy of heaven and earth and the law of heaven and earth inside the ball were abnormally abundant, faintly dissipating. out.

"This person's cultivation base is quite not weak. I'm afraid I can kill him with the peak combat power before I broke through to the Taiyi Golden Immortal. It is not easy to capture him alive."

Luo Tian smiled faintly, and said to himself, "But now, he can't even take half of my tricks. From this point of view, the Taiyi Golden Immortal who chased and killed him in the trial star really has a lot of water in it."

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian stood up and moved away with one step.

The five juniors under Xiaosheng Yincheng's command are really not weak in cultivation. Two Da Luo Jinxian early stage strong, two Xuanxian invincible strong, and one Xuanxian extreme strong.Among them, Chen Juxiong held the Immortal Slaying Sword, like a mighty god of war, and gained an absolute upper hand against a Daluo Jinxian, who was almost retreating steadily.Then, it was Li Minghua and Natu who confronted a Da Luo Jinxian at the invincible state of Xuanxian. The mirror of life and death and the refining stake had already made their moves, and they had a temporary fight with that Da Luo Jinxian.In terms of strength, Li Minghua and Natu may not be able to sustain the three moves in each other's hands, but the holy treasures in the hands of the two of them are not vegetarians. The suppression of the fairy treasure was dim, and it was difficult to exert its power.In the end, it was the four of Qi Jie. The four of them, led by Qi Jie who had reached the limit of Xuanxian's cultivation, and assisted by the other three mid-stage Xuanxian guys, unexpectedly displayed the Great Heaven and Earth Solitaire Sword Formation, which is good at defense. Although the cultivation base is much higher than that of Qi Jie and others, they can't break through the defensive sword formation of Qi Jie and the others in a short period of time. After all, the four of Qi Jie also have semi-saint immortal treasures in their hands.

"The way of fighting is right."

Luo Tian was hidden in the void not far away, no one could notice his existence at all, because he was the Saint Body of the Five Elements himself, and he had collected all the origins of the Five Elements. After reaching the peak of the early stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal, he is only one step away from entering the middle stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal.

"It's just that these guys are far from reaching the point where they can kill each other. This tactic is so fucking shameless!"

Luo Tian looked at it for a while, then couldn't help but shook his head and smiled wryly.


At this time, the big Luo Jinxian who was fighting against Chen Juxiong was finally timid and annoyed after a long battle, and he was about to retreat. He had just transmitted the voice to the elder brother, but there was no response from the elder brother. , must have been held back by the strong, it seems that this time, my group really had been hunting geese all year round, but they were blinded by geese, and they were ruthlessly calculated by the other party.

He wanted to escape, how could Chen Juxiong, who became more and more courageous as he fought, let him go?At the moment, the unique skills in his hands are being used one after another, entangled the other party to the extreme, and quickly wounded the other party.

"Stay here!"

Chen Juxiong roared suddenly, and he lost his figure in the void, and the next moment, the Da Luo Jinxian who was fighting Chen Juxiong fell out of the void, and his body was cut into two.

"What a selfless sword sect! How dare you destroy this seat's body, just wait for us to take revenge!"

The Da Luo Jinxian's body was beheaded, but his primordial spirit was still alive. With Chen Juxiong's current strength, it would be quite difficult to keep the other party's primordial spirit.


After the big Luo Jinxian finished speaking, he dodged into the void and moved away.

"Did the old man let you go?"

Soon, Luo Tian intercepted the primordial spirit of the Daluo Jinxian in the turbulent flow of the void, with a chuckle on his face, he just stretched out his hand to grab it, and the other primordial spirit was directly integrated into the round bead in his hand gone.

Fighting skills means fighting with morale.A big Luo Jinxian has been beheaded here, and the rest of the people are panicked and have no fighting spirit. Naturally, their shots are a little weaker. Under the ebb and flow, under the leadership of the newly joined Chen Juxiong, the rest The four of them were also beheaded very quickly, and this time, none of the primordial spirits were able to escape.

Because of Luo Tian.

With a Taiyi Golden Immortal like Luo Tian at the side, even if dozens of little saints came, unless they were protected by Dao Grade Immortal Treasures, they would not even have a half chance of escaping.

"Daoyou Li!"


Soon, Chen Juxiong and others returned to the small col, and the thatched huts around the small col had disappeared at this moment, only Luo Tian stood behind his back.

"The whole is good, but the method is not decisive enough." Luo Tian said with a smile, and then threw the bead he was playing with directly to Li Minghua, "You six Xuanxian little guys take it to refine it, I think you Some of them will soon be promoted to Daluo Jinxian. The old man has a relationship with you for up to 300 years, so you can't force it! But within 300 years, it is enough for you to become a strong one. As for the future, it depends on you own."

300 years of fate?

The four of Chen Juxiong, Li Minghua, Natu and Qi Jie fell into deep thought immediately, with gloomy faces all over their faces.

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