
Chapter 829: The Cang Yue Sect Who Incarnates Justice

For the seven of Chen Juxiong, since they knew Luo Tian, ​​the past few years seemed to have subverted the previous thousands of years and tens of thousands of years of cultivation. They never imagined that they could also be so amazing. Everything is not because of God's gift, not because of enough talent and hard work, but because of one person.

Luo Tian.

Chen Juxiong and others were depressed because of their reluctance.But their silence also shows that 300% of the [-] years will pass, enough, enough.

Life always needs a turning point, in order to transform rapidly, from an ant to a dragon elephant.Otherwise, Luo Tian's appearance would seem very meaningless, very powerless and pale.Fortunately, Chen Juxiong and others were up to the task and did not disappoint Luo Tian.

"Go on, for you and me, there is still a long way to go."

After a long time, Luo Tian withdrew his gaze into the distance, and said with a smile, from his face, he couldn't see any emotional fluctuations. When he arrived at the Taiyi Gold Fairyland, it meant that Luo Tian had enough capital to survive in the Northern Immortal Realm. Walk, next, after he goes to Hei Prison State to complete his promise to the robber fairy, he will come back to find his mother, and then he will leave the North Immortal Realm, and it is time to return to the original secret place, although he promised old man Luoyun 700 years ago , but it's better not to procrastinate like this if it can be done in advance, otherwise old man Luo Yun might go crazy.

Soon, Chen Juxiong and others came out of the depression of 300 years of fate, and Luo Tian nodded again and again. If you want to become a strong person, you must first have a heart that is tenacious and never gives up.

Strong Mentality!


a month later.

In the sky above a group of yellow birds, countless yellow birds that had shed their feathers fled away one after another, leaving their old nest where they lived for an unknown number of years without even looking back.

"Don't run, come back and fight again!"

Natu, whose whole body was stained with light yellow blood, waved his fist and roared loudly towards the sky.

Below, apart from the corpse of the yellow bird lying on the ground, is the scene of Chen Juxiong and others sitting on the ground out of breath and panting.


Just now in the battle with the tyrannical yellow bird group, he contributed the most, and he also rushed to the front, but he also gained the most. He did not take away the 500 million catties of gravity stone flakes on his body. He was already very satisfied with such results.

"Fucking Li Minghua, you kid is getting more inner alchemy!"

Although Qi Jie and the others have grown extremely fast recently, they are still a bit worse than the two perverts Li Minghua and Natu. At this moment, Qi Jie can barely move a finger, lying on the ground with eyes wide open. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the sneaky Li Minghua, and immediately roared like a flash of light.

"Hey, don't I have more strength than you guys? Can't I clean up the spoils for everyone first?" Li Minghua had a bright smile on his face. On the surface, this guy is simply honest and unhuman, but After these days, everyone who got along with Li Minghua rolled their eyes when they heard the words. This guy is so black-bellied and shameless that no one else is his opponent except Luo Tian.

Luo Tian stood aside, took a sip of the fine wine extorted from Chen Juxiong in his hand, and smiled.

In fact, for Li Minghua's progress these days, Luo Tian naturally saw in his eyes, and was extremely satisfied with this kid. Even if this guy is now thrown into the Southern Immortal Realm's genius battle field where the weak can eat the strong, he might be able to easily advance to the top. one hundred.Moreover, the gravitational flakes on this guy's body now faintly overwhelmed Natu's half head, and he still carried 400 million catties!Natu, on the other hand, only carried 370 million catties.

Gravity, let alone an extra 30 catties.Sometimes you reach your limit and even a straw can kill you.Therefore, even if it is an extra catty, it is still stronger.Among the crowd, Qi Jie carried the least weight, among which Qi Jie carried 220 million catties.The other three people are about the same, all weighing 180 million catties.

The Yellow Bird Clan would never have imagined that they have been domineering in Yunmeng Swamp for so long and no one dared to provoke them. Today, a group of extremely perverted humans came, and this group of humans actually abandoned their best Taoism They don't need supernatural powers, they all use their bodies to fight them, and even so, they are not the opponents of this group of humans.

This world is really crazy, right?

The demon clan who is powerful and mighty in the fairy world is no match for a group of human beings in physical confrontation!

In fact, the five Wuwu Sword Sect members brought out by Luo Tian, ​​Chen Juxiong, were alright, while Li Minghua and Natu were innately born in the rough, and only owed to Luo Tian and other great masters for guidance. In the past few years of growth, the two of them have been transformed by Luo Tian from the beginning to the end, and now they are new growths with limitless future.

The Yellow Bird Clan, in the category of monster beasts, is only a second-rate monster clan, not even a first-rate monster clan.Chen Juxiong and others are still physically strong now, but compared with Luo Tian, ​​who is at the pinnacle of holy treasures, they are still one day at a time.

The strength of Luo Tian's physical body now has surpassed the physical body of a first-class monster race, reaching an incomparably terrifying level.

Even Luo Tian himself doesn't know what kind of height he will reach when he uses his physical body to fight with all his strength.

"Next destination."

When Chen Juxiong and others had recovered their cultivation bases, Luo Tian led this barbaric team to embark on the journey again.


At a place far away from Luo Tian and his party, several figures stood together on a raised black mountain peak. Below the mountain peak was a vast lake that could not be seen at a glance. The lake was sparkling. Layers of bright fluorescent lights are reflected, and the shadows of countless trembling lakes are reflected on the base of the mountain at the bottom of the mountain, which looks quite quiet.

At this time, on the black mountain peak, the corner of the mouth of a white-clothed boy standing at the very front outlined an excellent arc. After a long time, he looked back at the lake and said lightly, "That team is also funny. What about punishing evil?" Promoting the good, punishing the evil and promoting the good? Don’t be ashamed of your words!”

"Eldest brother! This team's action has obviously disturbed the law and order. Hehe, the country people who don't know where come from, dare to compete with my Cang Yuezong for business?"

"That's right, who doesn't know that the great righteousness cultivated by my Cang Yue Sect is the real way to punish evil and promote good!"

"Hehe, fellow juniors, since everyone has said that it's just a bunch of rabble bragging, let's spare them." The boy in white smiled lightly with an open-minded and refined look.


"How is this possible! The reputation of my Cang Yue Sect cannot be desecrated!"

"That's the way it is! With such a banner being used by these young people, the reputation of my Cang Yue Sect will be tarnished sooner or later!"


Seeing more and more denunciations from many juniors behind him, a fake helpless smile appeared on the face of the white-clothed boy, "Since all juniors think so, how can I be so ignorant as a senior?" Current affairs? Then waste a few more days and destroy that team that still has a bit of background."

"Eldest brother is wise and mighty!"

"Eldest brother is worthy of both talent and appearance!"


Soon, the Cang Yue Sect team, the incarnation of justice, set off...

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