
Chapter 830 It's Better to Eat Shit!

This is an inland sea in Yunmeng Swamp. The vast black waves rise up into the sky. With the strong wind, they explode into water smoke and water mist, and then slowly drift away. A vortex of a small size appeared on the surface of the sea, countless ripples disappeared in the blink of an eye, and were swallowed in it. There were even a few poor fishes who wanted to float up to the surface of the water to breathe, but were smashed down by the waves Hitting straight, his little head was dizzy for a while, and then his belly turned pale. After a long time, he fled into the bottom of the sea in panic.


At this moment, above the high altitude of the inner sea, two figures of fierce battle suddenly appeared, falling straight down from the depths of the sky, thirty feet away from the sea surface, the powerful and incomparable aura around the two of them was suppressed, The waves churning on the sea surface are soaring, like long white snakes suddenly rising from the bottom of the sea, the scene is extremely spectacular.

"Come down for me!"

Among them, a middle-aged man in green clothes laughed wildly, and opened his mouth to spray a dark golden flying sword. The flying sword swelled in the wind in the void, and quickly rose to more than a hundred feet long and ten feet wide. , and then slammed down on the white-clothed boy facing him.

"Just entering the middle stage of Daluo Jinxian, how dare you act presumptuously in front of me?"

The white-clothed boy chuckled, then grabbed the air with both hands, and suddenly a brown ruler-shaped magic weapon and a dilapidated book appeared in front of him.

"Haoran Ruler!"

"Book of Righteousness!"

"Break it for me!"

The young man in white calmly pushed up the broken book in his left hand. Countless ancient words appeared in the book. These words were all ancient and strange, and the power of justice was entangled endlessly on it. All will be broken by it.

Next, the boy in white threw the brown ruler in his hand into the air. The brown ruler became as huge as a mountain, covering half of the void in an instant. Go up to the opponent's flying sword.

Bang bang bang!

The middle-aged man in the green shirt struck a sword and directly suppressed the characters and lotus flowers transformed by the opponent, while his own dark golden flying sword also became dim and shrunk a lot, and flew back in front of him.

The boy in white obviously didn't expect the opponent's attack power to be so strange, and with a single strike, there were so many changes in stamina, and this round seemed to be in no particular order.

In the distance, after a very faint ray of light flickered in the void, a middle-aged man in white stepped out first, and stood at the front with a calm expression, looking at the two people who were facing each other on the sea.

Of course it was Luo Tian.

Behind Luo Tian, ​​stood Li Minghua's six men, who were exuding a fierce and fierce aura, but seeing the six men's faces were determined, and although they had suffered some injuries, none of them even frowned.

"Look at this battle, can Chen Daoyou win?"

After a while, Luo Tian said lightly.

"It's not known yet." Li Minghua pondered for a moment, and gave a vague answer. Not far behind them lay a group of dead people whose lives had been cut off. The clothes on these dead people were stripped clean.

"Uncle, this Cang Yue Sect is quite capable. You see, the uncle is about to show his kung fu of pressing the bottom of the box." Qi Jie suddenly interjected.

"The few of you, including Daoyou Chen, have no problem defeating your opponent by leapfrogging, but the young man in white seems to have not used his cards. Even if Daoyou Chen wins, it is a miserable victory."

Finally, Luo Tian sighed lightly. His eyesight was extremely sharp, far superior to Li Minghua and others, and he had already predicted the outcome of the battle between Chen Juxiong and the boy in white.

"The Great Five Elements Annihilation Sword Qi!"

At this time, Chen Juxiong let out a loud roar, and a layer of red mist turned into blood essence sprayed out from his body, and then wrapped his whole body in it. The dark golden long sword in front of him suddenly turned into two, then four, and finally Five identical flying swords came out, and the five flying swords were interlaced and weaved in the void, and the five hundreds of feet long sword energy burst out endlessly, like a huge wind wheel.

"Is it the end of the road?"

The young man in white looked at Chen Juxiong coldly, "With this little ability, it's not enough! The mighty energy!"


"Uncle, do you think you are so risky?"

A few days had passed since the last battle, Qi Jie and other four Wuwo Sword sect juniors surrounded Chen Juxiong, who was still looking weak, and said with a wry smile.

"You fucking think I'm willing?!"

Chen Juxiong's sickly pale face turned red all of a sudden, "That bastard from Cang Yue Sect is simply a stupid pig! I don't want to fight with him, but he insists on fighting with me! I'm so angry!"

"Chen Daoyou, take it."

Luo Tian smiled lightly and shook his head, and directly threw an elixir with pleasant fragrance to Chen Juxiong, "Refine this elixir, and your injuries will almost recover."

"Li Daoyou, I have a question. I don't know if I should say it or not?" Chen Juxiong said with a slightly shy face after taking the elixir.

Luo Tian couldn't help being taken aback, "Chen Daoyou may as well speak up if you have something to say."

"Well, look, I managed to kill the late Da Luo Jinxian strongman with the highest cultivation level of the Cang Yue Sect, but when I woke up, I found that everything on that guy seemed to be gone. I wonder if it was Li Daoyou ..."

Luo Tian was taken aback again when he heard the words, and then looked at Qi Jie and the others with a half-smile.

"Wow! You little bastards, I almost died in the battle there, but you divided up my spoils, didn't you?" Chen Juxiong seemed to regain his energy all of a sudden, and roared angrily.

"Hey, this, uncle, you blamed us wrongly. How could we dare to be so rebellious? We just helped uncle to keep it temporarily." Qi Jie flattered with a smile on his face.

"Fart! I can't trust you, so hurry up and hand over the spoils!"

"The spoils?"

Soon, a teasing laugh came from the dark night, "There are spoils of war, so you can keep them all."

Then, there was a burst of wind in the night.

"It's the Shadowless Monkey Clan."

Luo Tian naturally discovered these guys a long time ago, but in order to exercise the vigilance of Li Minghua and others, he didn't point it out, so these shadowless monkeys bullied him.

Of course, if Chen Juxiong and others were not distracted and arguing, it would be very difficult for these shadowless monkeys to get close.

Hearing this, Li Minghua immediately turned around with a weed in his mouth, with a wicked smile on his face.

Natu was sitting cross-legged on the side, the aura around his body was rising and falling, which was a sign of practicing the barbaric scripture.


Natu gently exhaled the turbid air in his body, and stood up gently, "Go on, everyone, leave these shadowless monkeys to me. I hate these guys who get something for nothing in my life. Want to rob us? Why don't you eat shit!"

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