
Chapter 831

Next, Luo Tian continued to drink without moving.

On the other hand, Li Minghua sat down with a depressed and bored expression, and continued to chew the weeds in his mouth.

The five of Chen Juxiong were only taken aback for a moment, and then continued to haggle loudly.Qi Jie and the others are not fools, so naturally they don't want to spit out what they ate.The five people immediately quarreled again, regardless of seniority or inferiority.

Seeing this, Natu shrugged his shoulders, and then quietly walked forward step by step. He himself grew up in a barbaric tribe, and he has lived a life dealing with monsters since he was a child. Gao, they all have an innate perception and spying method, otherwise the barbarian tribe would have wiped out the monster group that occupied most of the area in Yunmeng Swamp.

"The technique of concealment is really good, but you have made a wrong calculation this time, so just keep this monkey skin!"

Natu snorted coldly, stomped his feet lightly, and his figure quickly sank into the night like a wisp of smoke.

Whoosh whoosh!

If any of the shadowless monkeys who came to attack could speak out their words, at least they had reached the realm of Xuanxian.Moreover, the shadowless monkeys were innately proficient in the art of concealment. If it weren't for Natu's extreme sensitivity to the aura of monsters, it would be a headache to meet such a group of monsters that come and go without a trace.

Even Luo Tian didn't expect that such a battle with Natu would soon be thousands of miles away.

"Uncle, this guy seems to have too few phone calls these days, so he is holding back a resentment."

Soon, Li Minghua walked up to Luo Tian with a smile on his face.

"No, the rules of the Dao of Heaven with a radius of [-] li have been distorted. It seems that a strong man has descended!"

Luo Tian made a calculation with his fingers, and his complexion changed slightly, "Minghua, quickly recall Natu, the road ahead is dangerous, and the future cannot be calculated!"

Seeing that Luo Tian, ​​the spiritual pillar in his heart, had changed color, Li Minghua knew that this matter could not be delayed, so he jumped into the air immediately, and chased in the direction where Natu disappeared like lightning.

"Li Daoyou, why don't you do it yourself?" Chen Juxiong asked solemnly.

"You think the old man is unwilling?" Luo Tian had a wry smile on his face, "These two are destined to be doomed. If the old man rashly intervenes in the way of fate, I'm afraid the consequences will be unpredictable."

"In this case, we will follow behind, so we can take care of him." Chen Juxiong was also quite helpless. In his heart, the entire fairy world was included, and even the immortals and great figures could not escape the sanction of fate and heaven, so they had to retreat to the next best thing.

"It's also because these two people have killed too much recently, which has caused dissatisfaction with the Dao of Heaven." Luo Tian smiled wryly, "It's all because the old man is too eager for success, but it is a bit counterproductive."

"The so-called fate must be there sometimes. If fate wants to punish you, no one can avoid it. Li Daoyou, don't blame yourself too much." Chen Juxiong smiled casually, looking a bit out of the world.

"Come on! Sometimes you have to have something in order to pay back your life. The things that we have obtained are not threatened and intimidated by you, the uncle, to ask for them back. There is no elder demeanor at all."

When Qi Jie and the four heard the words, they immediately slandered the pious Chen Juxiong in their hearts, and each was unhappy.

There are two flowers on each table.

However, Natu was chasing and killing the Shadowless Monkey Clan by himself, and he was still chasing it for thousands of miles without stopping, but the Shadowless Monkey in front was still tirelessly teasing and insulting in front of him.

Less than a hundred miles away from Natu, a huge ape with a height of three feet, holding a stone stick, stood like a god of war on a towering giant tree. It sank slightly due to the weight of the ape, and occasionally made a soft creaking sound.

"Humans, from the moment you entered our territory, you are doomed to die."

Immediately, two blood-red rays of light shot out from the eyes of the huge ape, and they disappeared in a flash.

"See how you run again?"

Natu suddenly bounced a few times, accelerated rapidly, and directly surpassed the shadowless monkey in front, and his descendants kicked hundreds of leg shadows fiercely in the air, directly blocking the shadowless monkey's escape route up.


That shadowless monkey must be quite powerful. It was kicked hard by Natu, who was almost catching up with Li Minghua recently, but he didn't die. Instead, he flew upside down with blood spurting, and hit a tree trunk directly, sending The thick uncle was broken by the collision.

"Human, so what if you kill me? Our king, killing you is like crushing an ant!"

The Shadowless Monkey was panting heavily, his chest was still sunken, it seemed that Natu's blow made him feel uncomfortable.


At this time, a light and shadow rushed from behind, stepped forward like a phantom, grabbed the shadowless monkey's neck, and squeezed it hard, the head of the shadowless monkey was grabbed and blood spurted wildly.

"Li Minghua? Why are you here too?" Natu wondered.

Li Minghua frowned slightly, "Uncle asked me to call you back."

Just as Natu heard the words and was about to speak, he heard a rumbling sound of the earth trembling from afar.

"Since you're here, don't leave!"

A hoarse voice suddenly resounded through the void.

"Golden fairy-level demon clan!"

Li Minghua's complexion changed suddenly, and he yelled, "Hurry up!"


Natu stood quietly with a bitter expression on his face.

Sure enough, next, the surrounding trees turned like living things, and they all sprayed out countless dark green thick mucus. These mucus turned into layers of large nets in the air, covering tens of thousands of square meters. go.

"These monsters are actually proficient in formations!" Li Minghua shrank his pupils. Generally speaking, the monsters are most proud of their strong bodies. Being approached by the monster race, the probability of defeat is at least [-]% to [-]%. After all, even if you have powerful Taoist magic powers, it is not easy to use them at close range. When you use them, you must also include yourself. It is more worth the candle.

"Then let's fight! If you and I work together, we may not be afraid of this beast!" Li Minghua laughed boldly.


The next moment, a light sound that seemed to shake the sky and the earth appeared from the void, and then a huge black shadow fell towards Natu quickly and inexorably.


Natu gave a low snort, and then the combat power that had been brewing for a long time burst out, and he punched him in the air.


There was a dull impact sound soon, and what stunned Li Minghua was that Natu spewed blood and flew out backwards. He flew thousands of feet before stopping, and he didn't know how many trees and boulders were broken.

"What a powerful body!"

Li Minghua is not Wuxia Amon now, so it is easy to see that the other party is only relying on brute force, not using any innate magical powers to knock Natu into the air.


Natu's physical body is infinitely close to the semi-saint treasure now, and he was only slightly injured when he was hit by the monster in front of him.

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