
Chapter 836 One foot after another, the cave key

"This time, it's up to me."

In the void in the distance, Luo Tian smiled faintly, "If he dares to lay hands on you, no matter what his background is, he will stay here."

Chen Juxiong and the others were stunned, with a trace of gratitude and pride mixed in, they were proud to be able to let a Taiyi Golden Immortal find a place for themselves.

"Uncle is going to make a move!"


Li Minghua and Natu's faces were full of joy. It seemed that it was a very satisfying thing to see Luo Tian make a move.

call out!

Luo Tian grabbed it with his backhand, and immediately held the only immortal treasure Jinghong knife in his hand.

"Want to use the fairy treasure to fight against the enemy?"

This time, even Chen Juxiong and others collapsed. Ever since they saw Luo Tian, ​​they didn't seem to have seen Luo Tian display any fairy treasures, and only relying on his tyrannical body was enough to solve everything.

Next, Luo Tian just swiped at the void in front of him with one hand, and threw the Jinghong Knife into the space portal in front of him without hesitation.


Chen Juxiong and the others were immediately speechless.

"Li Daoyou, who are you?" Chen Juxiong asked blankly, not sure what Luo Tian was going to do?

"It's all about raising the rank of the fairy treasure in your hand."

Luo Tian smiled lightly, and then with a thought, a mysterious light mirror appeared in front of him, reflecting the scene of Jinghong Dao immediately.

"Damn, if you want to catch us all without showing your face, who do you think you are, Taiyi Jinxian?"

At this time, the strong young man in brocade yelled proudly, stretched out his hand to touch the center of his eyebrows, and a blue light shot out directly, turning into a green ring, and as soon as the ring appeared, it immediately radiated Thousands of green lights came out, and Xiaguang and colorful clouds emerged from the blue lights, covering himself and everyone behind him in an instant.

"Blue Void Ring!"

The half-hundred old man who exhausted all his strength to barely wipe away the five big hands in the air suddenly changed his expression, "The palace master actually handed over this rare treasure to the young palace master, he really had the foresight!"


Suddenly, a black glow in the depths of the void flickered, and the next moment it directly hit the glowing glow. If the young and strong man hadn't moved quickly enough to sacrifice the green void ring, he might be caught by this black glow go first.

The next moment, the glowing light and the black light were stuck together tightly, motionless.

"Young Palace Master is not good, that black glow is actually devouring the glowing glow!"

The half-hundred old man quickly saw the clues, and couldn't help trembling.

"Don't worry, this green void ring is the peak of the holy rank fairy treasure. It can restrain almost all fairy treasures that are inferior to it, and it can also absorb the spiritual power and weapon spirit of the opponent's fairy treasure, making the opponent's fairy treasure become A pile of scrap iron!" The young and strong old god said in the tunnel, "The other party's immortal treasure is only the first stage of the holy grade, and it can't turn the waves."

"However, the old man has already used a drop of the power of the fairy, why not let the old man go out to fight, so as not to waste this drop of the power of the fairy." The half-hundred old man hesitated for a moment, and said carefully.

"That's good." After the young strong man finished speaking, he slowly breathed a breath of energy towards the green void ring floating above his head, and a blue light immediately fell from the green void ring, enveloping the half-hundred old man, and soon Disappear.

After a few breaths, the half-hundred old man finally locked onto the opponent's aura carefully from the void, and then the 49 long knives on his feet directly broke through the void, and fell towards the opponent with extreme speed, using a drop of the immortal king's spirit After the strength, the half-hundred old man who was originally a half-step Taiyi has infinitely approached the Taiyi Golden Immortal. With this level of strength, I am afraid that he can sweep away all the second-rate and below forces in the Northern Immortal Realm.

But the facts are unexpected.

Just as the half-hundred old man broke through the void, he felt a blur in front of his eyes, and immediately struck out the 49 fiery red long knives under his feet. The 49 fiery red long knives were connected to form a fiery red dragon. Inspired to burn up.

Seeing this, the half-hundred old man secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

But as soon as he breathed a sigh of relief, he was shocked to find that his natal fairy treasure, which he had nurtured with his heart and mind for millions of years, was gently grasped by a figure in white, and the connection between the 49 long knives and himself was immediately lost. cut off.

clap clap clap!

Next, the 49 blood-red long knives burst open one after another, forming a mass of abundant aura, and the figure in white scooped it up lightly, and the aura immediately gathered in one place, and finally the figure in white directly broke through the void , and threw it in.

"A set of holy high-level immortal treasures was smashed like this?"

Chen Juxiong and others were behind Luo Tian, ​​seeing Luo Tian forcibly crushing the opponent's fairy treasure with only a pair of fleshy palms, they couldn't help but stare straight.

Of course, what made everyone even more envious was that Luo Tian rushed up directly next.

"Destroy my fairy treasure! Take your life!"

The half-hundred old man seemed to be insane, flipped his hands and took out another fiery red hexagonal box, and blew on the hexagonal box, countless powerful pale black flames immediately rose into the air.



Luo Tian's next move could be described as thrilling, he even directly kicked the opponent's face with the light black flames that the opponent used.

one foot.

two feet.



I don't know how many kicks Luo Tian has kicked, the half-hundred old man who has not completely dissipated the power of the fairy has been easily trampled into a pig's head by Luo Tian.

"Die to me... woo woo woo..."

The half-hundred old man was pampered and pampered on weekdays, so how could he bear such embarrassment, he couldn't help roaring, but then the other party blocked his mouth...

"The physical body is almost about to reach the state of half-step Taoist immortal treasure!" Luo Tian thought in his heart, and then stretched out his palm expressionlessly, "Use my kind thoughts to refine your evil thoughts, hostility, injustice, and unyielding Wait for all negative emotions!"


The last thought of the half-hundred old man in this life was to watch his physical body torn apart, unable to escape even the primordial spirit. The feeling of the physical body and the primordial spirit breaking apart one by one was really painful to the extreme.

"Beheading the evil thoughts of the first corpse is really due to luck, chance and good fortune. It is really not so easy to cut off the good thoughts of the second corpse, let alone the first one that is tens of millions of times more difficult than the previous two corpses combined. Three corpses!"

It only took a few breaths of effort, Luo Tian completely refined the opponent, but his brows were slightly wrinkled.

"In the future of nothingness, it is true that it falls on these guys. Could it be that something went wrong?"

Then, with a flash, Luo Tian landed directly on the green void ring that had been swallowed up by the Jinghong knife, and stepped on it from afar through the void.


The green emptiness ring condensed into a multicolored glow and blue light, and was immediately dimmed by Luo Tian's foot, and then the young and strong man who presided over the green emptiness ring turned pale.

"Taiyi Golden Immortal! How is this possible!"

The next moment, the young strong man and everyone behind him exploded into blood mist, and the green void ring that lost its master was crumbling.

"Yuanshen Jade Card!"

Luo Tian sneered, and directly used several formulas to enter the void, cutting off the connection between the young strong man and the Yuanshen jade tablet.

"Without the law of destiny in hand, I'm afraid it can only be covered up for three years at most. After three years, it will still be noticed."

At this moment, Luo Tian couldn't control so much anymore, even though Jinghong Dao devoured the vitality and aura in the void, his eyes fell on the portable space opened by the young strong man after his death.

A dark green jade pendant fell from it.

Luo Tian quickly took it into his hand, his spiritual sense penetrated into it, and he couldn't help but a look of joy appeared on his face, "It really is the key to the cave."

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