
Chapter 837 The Promise Demon Sect

Afterwards, Luo Tian expended a lot of hands and feet to erase all traces here. I believe that unless a high-ranking Saint Immortal takes action, no matter how many people come, they will not be able to detect the clues of what happened here.

Luo Tian cautiously walked around the area, and finally confirmed that there were no omissions before he broke through the void and left.

The dark green jade tablet in his hand, which is also the key of the cave, Luo Tian had already erased the imprint of the primordial spirit on it the moment he got it.Luo Tian didn't bother to investigate the origin of this powerful team that was wiped out.

"Li Daoyou, are they all destroyed?"

As soon as he came back, Chen Juxiong asked rather nervously.

Luo Tian frowned slightly, and said, "Chen Daoyou, could it be that you recognize the origin of this team?"

"I can probably guess it, but I can't make a conclusion yet." Chen Juxiong said with a sigh, "If my prediction is not bad, this team should be from the Flame Demon Palace of Juling State, which is from the Juling State. A first-class force in the world."

"Kill them all, not to mention first-class power, even a super power, it can only be tolerated." Luo Tian said calmly without changing his face.

"It has to be like this." Chen Juxiong was in a panic. Although the Wuwu Sword Sect is a third-rate force in the Black Prison State, it has offended a first-rate force in the Giant Spirit State. If the other party finds out, even the Black Prison Zhou is extremely defensive, I'm afraid it can't be kind, after all, the other party has a half-step Taiyi existence sitting in the guard, and it is also the guard of the leader of the little saint, the little saint is in the status of the flame demon palace. Certainly not low.

Luo Tian remained silent, but couldn't stop thinking in his heart. This time, because he kept calculating and rehearsing the way of heaven, he finally got a glimpse of a chance in the long river of fate, but this chance doesn't prove that his future journey will not happen Variables, there are no constant things in the world. In the process of cultivation, the higher one goes, the fewer paths one can choose.

This time Luo Tian was able to win easily, it can only be said that he gathered all kinds of favorable factors, but what about the next time?If Luo Tian makes a wrong judgment next time, he will probably fall into a vortex of cause and effect that cannot be easily escaped, which is not what Luo Tian expected.

Next, Luo Tian led the crowd and left the place quickly. According to the vague aura sense on the cave key, Luo Tian only had to identify the area a little bit, and then flew away without hesitation.


Fortunately, although everyone in Luotian has stepped into the inner area of ​​Yunmeng Swamp, the inner area is also infinitely vast. Except for two or three waves of teams who turned around and left after seeing Chen Juxiong and his party from a distance, it would take half a month. Did not see a few figures.

The three major races of humans, demons and demons who can live or enter the inner area of ​​Yunmeng Swamp are all young and strong. Among these people, the weakest ones are probably half-step golden immortals, and there are also powerful people around them. Guards, most of these people are here to try their luck. Of course, everyone is happy if they meet, and they will be knocked down if they don't, but the premise is that they don't lose their lives.

"Bah! These guys pretend to be strong men sent by the sect, and they don't even have the courage to fight! I really look down upon them!"

In the void, Li Minghua, who had been holding back for a long time, complained unhappily.

Natu rolled his eyelids, and said coldly: "It's good to practice, you are only at the peak of the middle stage of Daluo Jinxian, and you will run away when you meet a little saint who has a holy treasure?"

"What? Escape?" Li Minghua jumped up and shouted, "With my current overall strength, I can already use eight times the combat power! What about the little saint? If I don't pay attention, I can't kill him!" error!"

Suddenly, the two of them suddenly shut their mouths together, feeling a chill welling up in their hearts, they directly lowered their heads, sat down on the spot obediently and began to practice.

Luo Tian withdrew his gaze from the two of them, shook his head and chuckled, "These two guys are a little ignorant now. In the fairy world, the limit of a genius is that he can display five times the combat power. The limit of the battle requires at least ten times the combat power, not to mention those evil geniuses and peerless evildoers."

Chen Juxiong laughed beside him, "Speaking of which, these two guys are already very good. I am far inferior to them at their age, no wonder they are so arrogant."

"It's hard to say." Luo Tian shook his head, "The measure of whether a person is a real genius is not based on previous achievements, but on current achievements. There are countless geniuses in the fairy world like crucian carp crossing the river. They must be far behind Daoyou Chen. You Now that I have practiced the Seven Sky-Splitting Styles, and with some pointers from the old man, I am afraid that I can display about fifteen times the combat power now, right?"

"Fourteen times." Chen Juxiong was startled, but when he thought of the opponent's unfathomable strength, he smiled wryly, "I don't know if there is still hope in this life to stabilize the Dao of Saint Immortals, if you can step into the Taiyi Gold Fairyland However, it can barely achieve twenty times the combat power."

"Not bad." Luo Tian nodded. If Chen Juxiong hadn't been in the low-level sect of the Wuwu Sword Sect, if he could join the first-class sect, his achievements might be even higher. After all, Luo Tian's achievements in the fairy world Among the people I have met, except for Chen Lin and some amazingly talented little saints, none of them are as talented as Chen Juxiong.

"There seems to be trouble."

Suddenly, Luo Tian narrowed his eyes and looked into the distance quietly.

Chen Juxiong immediately felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy, and the aura around him rushed out wildly, directly forcing back the auras of several primordial spirits that had already been covered.

Ding Deng Deng.

Next, Chen Juxiong, who was fighting several people with his own strength, suddenly turned pale and backed up tens of feet in the air before he stopped.

"Chen Daoyou continues."

Luo Tian smiled lightly, waved his hand, and a tyrannical breath injected into Chen Juxiong's body. Chen Juxiong's complexion immediately became rosy, and he opened his mouth and let out a clear whistle, which spread out directly.

"Hehe, misunderstanding, it really is a misunderstanding."

Soon, there was a clear laughter in the void, "I thought it was the enemy coming, but I didn't expect it to be a fellow Taoist of the Wuwu Sword Sect. Deng Yu of the Promise Demon Sect is so polite."

Chen Juxiong turned his head to look at Luo Tian.

Luo Tian nodded and said with a smile, "The other party must have known about the existence of the old man, but it's okay to go and see what they are up to."

"Li Daoyou, this Promise Demon Sect is an extremely powerful first-class force in the Black Prison State, be careful." Chen Juxiong said through voice transmission, and then broke through the air first.

In the distant void, a small space has been opened up, surrounded by countless prohibition circles.

"Brother Deng, the Wuwu Sword Sect is just a third-rate force, why call him here?" A young man who looked like a wild lion frowned dissatisfied.

Next to him, a proud young man holding a folding fan didn't say a word, just sneered.

"Big man, don't you always pretend to be a single-minded person? Even I know that Brother Deng's ulterior motives are not in drinking, why are you pretending to be stupid?"

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