
Chapter 838

"His grandma's, Zixiaguan's little boy, do you want to start a fight? Come on!" The man like a wild lion shouted rebelliously. The sound of gold and iron.

The proud young man holding a folding fan was dressed in white, his palms holding the folding fan tightened abruptly, and his gaze was about to change.

"Okay, okay, we are all allies, why bother to engage in such an unnecessary conflict of spirits?" Deng Yu said with a gentle smile, dressed in black clothes.



The boy in white and the big man in the wild lion snorted coldly and turned their heads away.

"Brother Sikong, what do you think?" Deng Yu turned his head and looked at the last person left in the small space.

The man was wearing a green robe, and the green robe was covered with dense patterns of poisonous substances. The patterns were either stopped or running, as if a series of deep Dao patterns were flowing endlessly, which looked extremely weird.

"There are eight people on the other side, three Da Luo Jinxian peak early stage, one Da Luo Jinxian mid-stage, two Da Luo Jinxian peak mid-stage, one Da Luo Jinxian who is about to enter the realm of minor saints in the late stage, and one whose strength is unknown!"

"Hahaha, brother Sikong is really as insightful as a torch, and this temporary invitation is for this person. I am afraid that this person's cultivation is about the same as you and me, and he has already reached half a stage of Taiyi!" Deng Yu hehe lightly Laughing, "If you bring him in, it will not only increase your chances of winning, but also save me a lot of effort!"

The white-clothed boy and the wild lion man couldn't help but their eyes flashed when they heard the words. Sikong Hai of the Ten Thousand Poison Sect could judge the cultivation level of the other party. They know each other well, but they definitely won't dig out their hearts and souls. They are all thinking about their own little calculations.


Luo Tian came first, and flew out of the small space first, smiled lightly, waved his big sleeve, and countless colorful rays of light flew down from the cuff, directly covering the restraining circle, those restraining circles As if encountering a natural enemy, they melted away one after another, and finally a portal was vacated.

The expressions of the four people headed by Deng Yu in the small space did not change when they saw this, but there was a hint of shock in the depths of their pupils. You must know that the prohibition circle outside this small space was jointly arranged by four people, even if it is four people It is impossible for one of them to break through the prohibition circle in such a short period of time.

Array master!

These thoughts came to the minds of the four of Deng Yu, and each of them secretly rejoiced. This time the ancient cave was opened, the four of them just lacked a strong man who is proficient in the restraint circle, but now they have it!

"Hehe, this seat, Li Yi, fellow daoists, please be polite."

Luo Tian slapped his head in a neither humble nor overbearing manner, and said lightly, and then, the world in his body opened up, and the seven Chen Juxiong behind him were directly taken in.

The four of Deng Yu looked at each other, and thought that this person was refreshing. They also had juniors from their own sects in their inner worlds. The opening of the ancient cave was naturally a chance for good luck, which is not surprising. of.

"Hehe, Deng Yu of the Promise Demon Sect has met Li Daoyou." Deng Yu was the first to slap his head with a smile.

"Ji Chun of the Beast Controlling School has met Li Daoyou." The wild lion man also slapped his head carelessly, a little unaccustomed.

"Wan Poison Master Si Konghai has met Li Daoyou." The green-robed youth still had a wooden face.

"Zixia Guan Bai Xinghui met Li Daoyou." The boy in white said lightly.

Luo Tian straightened his body impeccably in words and actions, and said with a faint smile, "I don't know if there is anything to discuss with Fellow Daoist Deng when he made an invitation earlier?"

"Haha, Fellow Daoist Li is really quick to speak!" Deng Yu said sympathetically, "Since Fellow Daoist is so straightforward, then I won't beat around the bush. Fellow Daoist must have heard that the ancient cave is about to open, right?"

Luo Tian nodded, and it was an answer.

"When the ancient cave is opened, there will inevitably be many strong people coming to fight for it. Even the cave with many treasures has already been targeted by those Taiyi Jinxians. Why don't you join my team, Li Daoyou, so that we can take care of each other at that time. " Deng Yu said gently, "I don't know where Li Daoyou came from?"

"It's just a casual cultivator, just a wild crane." Luo Tian replied calmly.

Deng Yu and the others couldn't help but feel even more joyful when they heard the words. It would be much easier to deal with loose cultivators, without any background or background. When the treasures are in hand, they can use the name of the sect to force him to spit out all the treasures. Where can I find someone who only works hard but doesn't take money?

Luo Tian is not a fool, he has grown old for a long time, he has seen many intrigues and intrigues, he guessed roughly what the other four were thinking in just a few words, he couldn't help sneering in his heart, trying to get something out of my hands, you guys Think beautifully!

"If Li Daoyou doesn't mind, then..." Deng Yu said this deliberately.

Luo Tian said with a simple and honest smile, "Of course I don't mind, I'm sure I won't leave empty-handed after forming an alliance with the four strong men!"

"here we go again!"

"It starts again!"

"Cheating again!"

"Tricking people again!"

In the world inside Luo Tian's body, Chen Juxiong's seven people patted their foreheads together helplessly, and started a silent tribute in advance for the four guys with bad stomachs.Not to mention that these four people are only half-step Taiyi's cultivation base, even if they are Taiyi Golden Immortals, in terms of insidiousness and cunning, few of them are opponents of Luo Tian, ​​the master. How has this guy ever suffered?

A look of joy appeared in the depths of Deng Yu's eyes, and he clapped his hands and laughed, "That's good! From now on, the five of us will formally become allies until the ancient cave is closed again!"

Luo Tiandeng was overjoyed and said, "Okay, okay! I have never seen such a big event in the ancient cave in my life! Just open my eyes!"

Like a country bumpkin who has never seen the world, he looks a little at a loss and ignorant.

The four of Deng Yu looked at each other tacitly, and then secretly laughed in their hearts.

"It's over! These four guys are over!"

In Luo Tian's inner world, Chen Juxiong and others shouted together, and then each found a place to practice silently.With their strength, it is impossible to form an alliance with the other party like Luo Tian, ​​and they are not qualified.

Only those who have strength can be qualified.

"Since Daoyou Li is joining now, the four of us will discuss the next move again." Deng Yu seemed to be a born leader and began to arrange the overall situation.

Two days later, Luo Tian and the five turned into five rays of light, and rushed out towards the distance.

"Dare to ask Fellow Daoist Deng, when will the ancient cave be opened?"

High in the sky, Luo Tian asked with an expression of ignorance.

Deng Yu frowned slightly, calculated for a moment, and said, "Probably within five days. But there is no need for me to wait for the five of you to worry. The ancient caves were not opened all at once, they were opened in batches. The first caves were not worth me. Wait for the treasure you see."

"Yes! Yes!" Seeing this, Luo Tian shouted quickly, "I only have one self-refined fairy treasure so far, and I am worried that I don't have a fairy treasure in my hand. Why don't I speed up?"

The four of Deng Yu were astonished when they heard this.

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