
Chapter 839 The cave is open, and they come one after another

The deepest part of Yunmeng Swamp has always been inaccessible to people, and even monsters and beasts rarely penetrate into it. It is said that there are countless ancient prohibition circles in it, and it is very likely to fall here if one is not careful. In addition, Yunmeng Swamp In the deepest part, besides a strange ocean that stretches as far as the eye can see, there is also a wide and long river in the middle of the mountain land in the outermost part.


On this day, a series of strong winds came suddenly, condensing into wind pillars, and the center of the wind pillars was wrapped with layers of clouds, mist and clouds that could not be seen inside, and it paused slightly. After a while, they separated in groups in unison, each keeping a certain distance, the separation was very clear, and they did not interfere with each other.

I don't know when, many teams have come from beyond Changhe. The three major groups of human race, demon race, monster race all appeared, and they were divided into three camps.The three major camps are divided into ladder teams. The powerful team will naturally occupy the position closest to the long river in front, and the weaker the team, the further the position will be. Half a step across the thunder pond.

The result of half a step over the Thunder Pond is to attack in groups, how can anyone dare to risk the world's disgrace?

Whoa whoa whoa!

Within two days, the long river that was shrouded in mist and calm began to surge. At first, the water surface boiled and jumped, and then gradually the water waves became bigger and bigger, with a full one or two feet. And depending on the situation, Maybe the water wave will continue to grow.

This is a good omen, and this omen means that the ancient cave in the long river is getting closer and closer to the opening day.

The three camps kept their faces together, and silently opened up a small space, adjusted their breathing and meditated, and adjusted their cultivation to the best state, so that they could use their best state to face the enemy when the cave was opened.

Terran camp.

There are more than [-] groups of rippling Qingguang in the front. These Qingguang are all small spaces opened up, and they work independently. It seems that these [-] groups of Qingguang are quite familiar with other teams. Occasionally, some people come out of the small space , Entering another small space, I don't know what they are discussing and connecting with.

In a certain clear light at the front of the human camp, there were six people, all wearing the same clothes, and they seemed to be from a sect, all wearing golden robes with a pattern embroidered on the cuffs. The domineering and awe-inspiring small golden sword is surrounded by several colored halos in the center, and it looks like it is about to break out of clothes.

This piece of clothing turned out to be a defensive fairy treasure of not weak rank.

Golden Sword Immortal Palace!

The top first-class sect in the Black Prison State of the Northern Immortal Realm. This sect was originally qualified to become a super sect. However, the Golden Sword Immortal Palace recruits disciples only for excellence and not for many. Compared with other forces, the number of people is much smaller. The strong men who came out were all extremely strong.

At this time, a long-bearded middle-aged man in the Golden Sword Immortal Palace stood with his hands behind his back, his gaze seemed to penetrate the infinite void, and he took a long time to look away.

"All juniors and juniors, the opening of the ancient cave is extremely dangerous. If you encounter an irresistible opponent, you still hope to preserve your own strength as the primary goal."


The rest of the people agreed in unison.

Demon camp.

Different from the Human Race camp, the Demon Race only has more than ten small spaces, which are completely condensed by clusters of black clouds and mist, not the clear and light small spaces of the Human Race camp.

In the frontmost camp of the demons, there are eight small black cloud spaces mixed with a lot of lavender rays of light. Unlike the human camp, the demons are the most powerful in bloodlines, and these three small black cloud spaces are the demons who have the most say A strong man of noble royal blood.

"Hmph, those guys really think they are big shots. I think they don't cooperate when they encounter a large number of human races and extremely powerful monster races. How should they act?" A young man in fine snow-white armor With a sneer, there were actually three eyeballs on his forehead.

"Brother Cheng, why should you care? Forgive them for not daring to disturb our plan this time. If something happens, they won't find us." Beside him, a demon with a big head and a small body said with a light smile.


Monster camp.

Unlike the Human Race and the Demon Race, which have a clear banner and can tell who is strong and who is weak at a glance, the Monster Race camp divides forces vertically, and ranks them according to their strength from front to back, and no one violates them.

Moreover, there are only six small spaces of the monster race, and these six small spaces are much larger than the small spaces of the human and demon races.

In the small space, both men and women were tall and tall, and one of them, a giant iron tower man with a blue water mark on his forehead that looked like an ancient character, said in a low voice, "Everyone, this time the ancient cave is opened, we Although there are few people from the monster race, they will never be weaker than the other two races, but the human and demon races have always been full of conspiracies and tricks, so I have to be more careful!"

"Naturally, but my monster clan emperor has already dispatched several strong men from various races, and it will be here in a few days. Once our monster clan formation is formed, the human and demon races will not be a concern!"

"Don't let this matter spread!" The iron tower man frowned slightly.

"Don't worry."


Regardless of the fact that the three major camps have surrounded the long river at the entrance of the ancient cave, at this moment, where is our Young Master Luo who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger?

"It's too beastly!"

Deng Yu and the others saw that the inner alchemy of monsters below were thrown into the inner world skillfully by Luo Tian, ​​they couldn't help but feel speechless and depressed in their hearts.

This guy has no face or skin at all. It is obviously a monster beast killed by the joint efforts of five people. Although the monster beast is not very high-level, the way this guy silently collected all the inner alchemy in his pocket still made Deng Yu and the others were extremely depressed. These four were all prominent figures in the Northern Immortal Realm. Although they were upset, none of them would turn against Luo Tian because of this incident. After all, this guy's contribution was still needed after the ancient cave was opened. strength.

"Uncle is too fierce, alas, it seems that I also want to learn such a shameless style!"

"That's right, I want to save face, I want to suffer!" Natu and Qi Jie echoed.

Chen Juxiong rolled his eyes repeatedly. He is a gentleman, so naturally he can't understand Luo Tian's style of work, but it is undeniable that only Luo Tian's style of work can truly win enough benefits for his own people. Nianpi, everything is bullshit!

Even, Chen Juxiong already planned in his heart that he might as well not want this kind of naughty skin in the future, because boring hair and making a fortune is the kingly way.


a few days later.


All of a sudden, all the creatures in the entire inner area of ​​Yunmeng Swamp heard three soul-shaking soft sounds!After the three soft sounds, countless colorful lights shot straight into the sky, like countless fireworks blooming, and then a terrifying wave of spiritual energy rushed towards the face, sweeping the entire inner area of ​​Yunmeng Swamp in an instant.

Ancient Cave Mansion, opened!

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