
Chapter 840

In the next moment, whether it was the strong man who had already entered the inner area of ​​Yunmeng Swamp or the strong man who was rushing over, their complexions changed slightly. The change in complexion was not due to fear or fear, but to the uncontrollable excitement and excitement in their hearts. .

In the fairyland, no matter it is the northern and southern fairylands, the best resources are controlled by extremely tyrannical forces. It can even be said that many giants in the heavens of the northern and southern fairylands jointly control it. Therefore, if it is not for the extremely high talent and extraordinary background, It is simply impossible to have many resources.In the fairy world, there are always those powerful casual cultivators with high talent and aptitude who stand out, but these strong people never dare to take advantage of resources that are jointly controlled by many sects. No matter how strong you are alone, even if you become a fairy king, Can you defeat the many immortals in the heavenly court?

What's more, without enough resources, it is impossible to become a fairy.The Heavenly Tribulation of the Immortal Monarch alone is enough to wipe you out.Therefore, in the end, those casual cultivators with extremely strong cultivation bases were eventually forced to join those super sects.In this way, the strength of those super sects became stronger and more awe-inspiring and inviolable.

Having said that, there are still some strong casual cultivators who really don't want to be driven by others, so they have to put their minds on the treasures left over from the ancient, ancient and immemorial times in the fairy world. Only in this way can they have the trace that can break the shackles possible.Otherwise, sooner or later, due to the exhaustion of life energy, he will have to sit down.

The ancient cave in Yunmeng Swamp, among the many treasures and relics in the Northern Immortal Realm, can already be regarded as an upper-middle level.So this time, at least those who dared to fight for the treasure were Da Luo Jinxian.It is lower than Da Luo Jinxian, and if he comes, he will die ten out of ten.

From Luo Tian's point of view, it is very likely that both Taiyi Jinxian and Shengxian will make a move this time.

"The ancient cave has finally opened, let's go!"

Deng Yu and the others looked into the distance with joy on their faces, and the excitement in their words could not be contained.

"Wait for me!"

Luo Tian took advantage of this effort to collect all the inner alchemy of a monster group that had just been killed into the inner world in his body. Even if he didn't need it, Chen Juxiong and others could barely use it for cultivation.After all, there are still many golden fairy-level monsters in the group of monsters that they encountered just now.

The four of Deng Yu couldn't help but look bitter when they heard the words, this hateful bumpkin!

On the edge of the long river.

Seeing this, the three camps of human monsters and demons immediately walked out of their respective small spaces, watched quietly for a while, and waited for the spiritual energy waves in the depths of the long river to gradually diminish, and immediately shouted loudly in unison.

"set off!"



Tens of thousands of strong men immediately poured into the long river shrouded in thick fog like a colorful river, without stopping at all.

After half a day.

The five people from Luo Tian finally arrived at the edge of the long river. At this moment, the edge of the long river was almost empty. Occasionally, a few casual cultivators gathered together, looking at Luo Tian and the others with apprehension in their eyes, and then one after another Step back into the distance.

None of Luo Tian's five people had a hidden aura, once the half-step Taiyi's aura was emitted, which blind guy came to seek death?

"Judging from the remaining aura here, those guys may have been in it for more than half a day." Deng Yu glanced at the field casually, giving a rough judgment.

However, Sikong Hai reached out and grabbed several poisonous insects in the void, and then the poisonous insects exploded one after another, condensing into a light green light mirror, and countless slightly blurred lines soon appeared on the light mirror. figure came.

"These guys are here indeed!" Bai Xinghui chuckled, the cold light in his eyes flashed away.

Ji Chun of Yushouzhai's face suddenly changed slightly, and then he slapped the distant void. The void immediately shattered, and several insects the size of moths fell out from it. There were three pairs of these insects. Wing Wing, but one after another lost their heads, and their bodies were cut off.

"So strong!" Ji Chun said with an ugly face, "I'm afraid it was the Taiyi Golden Immortal who was able to silently kill the spying insects of this seat!"

"It should be." Deng Yu also frowned, "Only the Taiyi Golden Immortal's reversal law can have such an effect. Brother Ji, can you deduce when these Taiyi Golden Immortals appeared?"

"About an hour and a half ago." Ji Chun took back the spirit worms with great heartache, and threw them into the portable space. Although their Beast Control Sect is good at raising spirit beasts and spirit worms, it takes a lot of money to raise them The price, now that the spirit worm is destroyed, he has lost money.

Luo Tian's heart skipped a beat, and then it dawned on him, which one of these guys is not an elite character, and there is nothing wrong with laying out the chess pieces in advance, but the chess pieces were arranged too early.Could it be that this group of guys arrived here early, and then left again?After so much effort, the picture must be not small!

But Luo Tian thought about it, and felt relieved again. Anyway, so far, he is just a guy who eats, drinks, and treasures. He is worried about so many things. Anyway, there are four good guys next to him.Since ancient times, we have been seeking wealth and danger, and we are afraid of a bird!

"The Taiyi Golden Immortal must have entered the deepest part of the ancient cave at an extremely fast speed. We just need to follow from afar and play by ear, let's go!" Deng Yu obviously didn't want to waste too much time worrying, Besides, even if it is the Taiyi Golden Immortal, among the five of them, including that country bumpkin, whoever has a hole card and a way to save his life, at worst, each will show his magical powers when the time comes.

In fact, the black lotus magic weapon in Luo Tian's body is really powerful. Not to mention the birth of such a peerless treasure as the Sanxiaopan, even the aura of the primordial spirit can be restrained and hidden at will. However, Luo Tian still has a little worry in his heart. Saint Immortal, I am afraid that it is very likely that his true strength will be seen.

After all, the Law of Da Luo is only the most basic self-generated law of the Golden Immortal. The Law of the Saint Immortal is the real law of the Golden Immortal.


Soon, under the leadership of Deng Yu, Luo Tian's five people rushed directly into the long river in front of them, and the thick fog dispersed like ice and snow melting.

"A spirit vein appears!"

"There is a spirit vein over there!"

"Quick grab!"

Not long after entering Changhe, there was a burst of yelling from the front. The strong people who entered belonged to three camps. If one party found the treasure, the other two parties would naturally spread it, even if they couldn't get it. And don't let them get away with it.Anyway, the conflict between the three camps has been going on for a long time, and they are not afraid of offending anyone at all.

"Guys, why don't we practice our hands first?" Deng Yu said with a smile on his face, and then cursed in a low voice, "Damn it! This guy runs so fast!"

Luo Tian has already rushed out, damn it, the spirit vein is currently the most scarce thing for him, how can he not run faster?If you go late, it will be gone!

Robbing without saying hello is Luo Tian's special skill...

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