
Chapter 843 Fight me hand to hand?

The personable man in white didn't get angry when he heard the words, as if the woman in blue surnamed Wang didn't feel disgusted when she said such vulgar words, but wanted to explain something with a smile on her face.

"Who dares to spy on my old lady?!"

Suddenly, the face of the woman surnamed Wang in blue changed abruptly, her plain hand poked out from behind without warning, and slapped out from the air.The direction that the palm was facing happened to be the direction where Luo Tian and Deng Yu were.

"It was discovered."

Luo Tian's complexion changed, and he looked at the Xuanguang mirror that was about to fall apart in front of him, and said in a deep voice, "Brother Deng, I'm afraid you and I will split into two groups, and the two of them seem to be not weaker than you and me. , especially the blue-clothed woman surnamed Wang, who is quite tricky and really hard to deal with."

"it is good!"

Deng Yu was not a procrastinator either, he nodded solemnly when he saw this, then turned around and galloped towards the left.

There was a faint smile on Luo Tian's face, and then he rushed out towards the right.

After a few breaths, the void where the two of Luo Tian were originally standing fluctuated, and two figures flashed out of it, which were the man in white and the woman in blue surnamed Wang shown in the Xuanguang mirror.

The white-clothed man was shocked by the void in front of him, and pictures were condensed in the void, among which the figures of Luo Tian and Deng Yu appeared in it, but their faces could not be seen clearly.

"Two cunning guys." The white-clothed man laughed sinisterly, "I can't see his face clearly, and the soldiers escaped in two ways. It's a bit scheming. Wang Daoyou, what do you think?"

The woman surnamed Wang in blue smiled coquettishly and said, "Of course it's one for each of us. I'm afraid they overheard the conversation between you and me just now, so we can't keep it."

"That's good! After these two people are settled, you and I will discuss important matters!"

The man in white smiled, and then flew towards the left without hesitation, and there were layers of air explosions in the void.

The woman in blue surnamed Wang looked as usual, and soon opened her mouth to spray out a sky-blue magic weapon. This magic weapon was oval in shape, like a shuttle for weaving clothes. Each ice crystal operates according to a certain law, neither rising nor falling.


The woman surnamed Wang in blue turned into a ray of blue light and escaped into the shuttle-shaped magic weapon at an extremely fast speed.

Don't talk about what happened after Deng Yu left, just talk about Luo Tian.

Luo Tian deployed the Five Elements Reversal Law early on, and immediately cast the Earth Escape Technique, traveling through the mountains and through the ground. Although the speed was not fast, there was absolutely no trace that could be traced in the trajectory.

One thousand feet underground, Luo Tian's face changed, and he thought to himself, "It seems that the entire middle-level cave is surrounded by a circle of restraints, and the bottom can only go 1000 or two hundred feet deep at most. Now I'm already at one thousand feet If it goes further down, I am afraid that those prohibition circles will be triggered."

Thinking of this, Luo Tian's whole body was covered with earth-yellow light, and he sped forward again. Wherever he passed, the rocks and sundries in the ground separated by themselves, and after Luo Tian passed through, they returned to their original state. It looked like no one had ever been here before.

"What a cunning little fellow!"

What Luo Tian didn't know was that the woman surnamed Wang in blue was driving a shuttle-shaped magic weapon and chased him along the road he had passed as if locking onto his breath.The countless sky-blue ice crystals above the shuttle-shaped magic weapon kept changing, sometimes changing into ancient talisman characters, sometimes changing into a strange picture.

To be able to constantly calculate the way of heaven and spy on Luo Tian's trajectory!

This woman is actually a Taiyi Golden Immortal!

"Hehe, fortunately, I have already broken through to the Taiyi Gold Immortal Realm when I came, otherwise it would be quite difficult to catch you." When opened and closed, countless bowl-sized sky-blue spheres around the body suddenly trembled together, and streamers of light flickered in them, refracting countless strange pictures.

In fact, Luo Tian didn't know that even if he reversed the law of the five elements, his whole body could be protected from all kinds of magic, but if he didn't become a fairy king, there would always be a slight trace to spy on.Especially when a Taiyi Golden Immortal possesses an extraordinary immortal treasure, Luo Tian's reversal of the Five Elements Law is powerful, but he still can't cover up everything he did in this cave, otherwise he wouldn't be directly used by the man in white. The method of going back in time has searched for clues.

"No matter how much it is, I might as well take the opportunity to get the treasures from this cave first!"

Deep in the ground, Luo Tian had a thought, and then carefully displayed his primordial spirit consciousness and spread it around.

Since Luo Tian was originally not far from the core of the cave, after spying on it with a cup of tea, he finally locked the treasure in the core of the cave. Treasure, what a godsend opportunity!

After a while, a hole appeared silently in a corner of the cave, and then a white light flashed, and Luo Tian suddenly appeared from the hole.

After quickly checking the restraining circle in front of him, Luo Tian directly arranged a restraining circle nearby, and then stepped forward to break the formation.

Bo bo bo bo!

Soon, Luo Tian destroyed the prohibition circle on the periphery, leaving only the last and most powerful Five Elements Divine Lightning Restriction.

Luo Tian frowned slightly. Even for Luo Tian, ​​who had already advanced to the Taiyi Gold Immortal Realm, the Five Elements Divine Thunder was a bit of a headache.As we all know, the lightning spell is one of the few spells with the most powerful attack power in the fairy world, and it is extremely difficult to cultivate to a great success. With Luo Tian's current attainments in the array, I am afraid that he can only break it with brute force.


Luo Tian was about to use brute force to break through the gaps in the five-element divine thunder restriction, when he suddenly felt that the restriction formation he had set up was destroyed by someone incomparably fast, all of them were broken in the blink of an eye, and then a sky blue Liu Guang directly hit Luo Tian.

Although Luo Tian was shocked, his hands seemed to embrace the full moon, and then he let out a low cry in his heart.

"Yin Yang seal!"

That sky-blue streamer was beyond Luo Tian's expectation, and it actually contained overwhelming strength. If Luo Tian hadn't come up or displayed [-]% of his cultivation, he might not be able to control the opponent.

Ka Ka Ka!

Countless tearing forces suddenly popped out from that sky-blue streamer, which canceled out most of the power of Luo Tian's Yin-Yang Seal, but Luo Tian changed the direction and slammed towards the Five Elements Divine Thunder Restriction, which immediately triggered After the five-element divine thunder was restricted, the five-colored lightning flashed on it, turning into large nets that emerged from above, binding the sky-blue streamer.

At this time, Luo Tian had also seen clearly the sky-blue streamer, which turned out to be a sky-blue shuttle-shaped magic weapon, with astonishing circulation of the Dao pattern of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth on it.

"Half-grade Immortal Treasure!"

Luo Tian couldn't help but let out a low cry, who is this person?

call out!

At this time, a sky-blue streamer suddenly shot out from the sky-blue shuttle-shaped magic weapon, and fell directly towards Luo Tian's head.

Luo Tian narrowed his eyes, and immediately his whole body burst out with infinite strength like a thunderbolt, directly meeting the opponent.

After a burst of light bangs, the sky-blue streamer directly transformed into a woman in blue, but seeing the woman in blue who was only a few hundred feet away from Luotian had a charming smile on her lips, "Little guy, do you want to be with me?" The old lady fights hand to hand?"

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