
Chapter 844 I'm serious and rich

Luo Tian couldn't help being startled for a moment, thinking what the hell is this old godmother doing?At the beginning, there was a rather ambiguous sentence about hand-to-hand combat. Damn, what good can a man and a woman do in hand-to-hand combat?




Luo Tian soon showed a shyness on his face, his face was flushed, but he was already extremely vigilant in his heart, half-way immortal treasure, Taiyi Jinxian cultivation base, and strong body, what is the origin of this old godmother?

"Yo yo yo, you're quite shy. The little guy must have never tasted the wonderful taste of women, right?"


Luo Tian cursed secretly in his heart, not to mention that you old godmother is many times older than Lao Tzu, but just to say that you are an uncle who doesn't care about the face that you don't love, who would want to have anything to do with you without opening your eyes!

"Hee hee, my little brother seems to be really a young chicken!" The woman in blue surnamed Wang smiled coquettishly, "Don't worry, in fact, although my sister is older than you, she has never been loved by a man..."


Luo Tian almost didn't vomit, this old godmother's feelings are lonely and unbearable, so I won't talk about it. Seeing her coquettish appearance, I'm afraid she has a pair of jade arms, a pillow, a little red lips, and thousands of people have tasted it. .Also, is I familiar with you?He called his brother without saying a word.

Goosebumps were popping up all over Luo Tian's body, and the woman in the blue dress surnamed Wang moved towards Luo Tian slowly with great interest, throwing a pair of winking eyes like silk.

It's pretty entertaining.

The corners of Luo Tian's mouth turned up slightly suddenly, and then he smiled shyly, "This fellow Taoist, don't step forward, or I'll be ruined!"

"Wow, little brother has such a cruel heart!" The woman in blue surnamed Wang took a few steps forward, her smile trembling, she had already figured out the opponent, but he was just a half-step Taiyi Qiang Those who are far from her opponent, thinking of this, the woman surnamed Wang in blue deliberately shook her upper body, and her chest was turbulent, "You can destroy flowers with hot hands, come on, don't pity my sister just because she is a delicate flower."


With a swipe of Luo Tian's finger, an awe-inspiring sword energy shot out directly, cutting out a hole as thick as an arm in the void.

"Ah, I'm really willing to attack my sister!" The woman in blue surnamed Wang quickly put on a shocked expression, but before she saw what she was doing, a layer of sky blue ice crystal mask appeared in front of her, letting the sword Air hits above.

Chi Chi!

Luo Tian naturally shot at will, but what he didn't expect was that the sword energy fell on the sky blue ice crystal mask around the body of the woman surnamed Wang in blue. It only stirred up several ripples, and then did nothing.

"Sure enough, it is a half-step Taiyi. Although the strength is not bad, it is still far from my mother!"

The charming look on the face of the woman surnamed Wang in blue suddenly disappeared, replaced by a cold look, and she whispered, "Ice muscle divine body!"

Then, the woman surnamed Wang in blue flew straight towards Luo Tian without hesitation. Wherever she passed, the void was infected by sky-blue ice crystals, and directly turned into sky-blue ice mist, which shattered one after another. open.

Looking at the trembling possession in front of her, the woman surnamed Wang in blue showed a bright smile, like a cat playing with a mouse, thinking that if the other party falls into her hands for a while, she will definitely absorb all the other party's essence.

"Old godly woman, fuck your mother!"

Luo Tian's kung fu has already figured out the opponent's strength, but he didn't expect that the opponent is actually a god with ice muscles, and judging from the Taoism practiced by the opponent, he should be from the famous and powerful Fengxuecheng in the fairy world!

Snow Wind City is located in a mysterious place in the Northern Immortal Realm, Luo Tian naturally knows it, but Luo Tian doesn't feel afraid because Snow Wind City is a superpower.


Suddenly, Luo Tian's long hair flew up high, and the five colors around his body couldn't stop flowing. His physical body was displayed to the extreme in an instant, and then he took a step forward, hammering the sky with both fists, and ruthlessly bombarded towards the opponent.

"Five elements holy body!"

The face of the woman surnamed Wang in blue changed. She didn't expect that the other party was the five-element holy body that had never appeared in the fairy world for countless years. According to legend, once this kind of holy body stepped into the Daluo Jinxian, it would be invincible at the same level.

Boom boom boom!

The next moment, most of the sky-blue ice crystals around the woman surnamed Wang in blue were scattered by Luo Tian's pair of iron fists, and she was kicked on the face by Luo Tian, ​​and she flew upside down.

"Taiyi Golden Immortal! He is also a Taiyi Golden Immortal!"

The woman surnamed Wang in blue looked horrified, and she had to use her Taoism to recall that half-level fairy treasure, otherwise she really wouldn't be absolutely sure of defeating her opponent.


Luo Tian stepped forward like a god, and immediately used a drop of Xianjun's power.

"38 times combat power!"

38 times the combat power is the limit that Luo Tian has achieved through hard training these days after he stepped into the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Feeling most of the first-order and second-order spiritual veins in his body that were quickly burned, Luo Tian's eyes turned red. The god damn old woman insisted on following Lao Tzu. Now that it has been exposed, it is absolutely impossible to keep you !

"You actually hid it so deeply!"

The blue-clothed woman surnamed Wang spurted five drops of primordial spirit blood and one drop of immortal power to bless her body, and then reached out to touch the center of her eyebrows, and a ray of sky-blue divine light burst out from it.

"Ice Muscle Light!"

Luo Tian's face was stern, and he sneered again and again, "Reverse the law of the five elements!"

Hula, the woman surnamed Wang in blue suddenly turned pale, and spit out a mouthful of blood. As a Taiyi Golden Immortal, she would not dare to come out rashly to fight with others, because once the law of the five elements is forcibly reversed, it will cause damage to herself. Very great.

Naturally, Luo Tian didn't have such worries, because he was the Holy Physique of the Five Elements!

clap clap clap!

The next moment, Luo Tian's attack fell like dense raindrops, and even more aggressively grabbed the ice-muscle light into his hands, and tore it apart like a barbarian.

"It hurts!"

Even if Luo Tian's physical body is about to reach the state of a half-level fairy treasure, he still can't bear the icy muscle light falling into his palm, and there are blood grooves appearing on the palm of his hand.


Then, Luo Tian and the woman in blue surnamed Wang roared together.

Luo Tian vented and shot with all his strength, while the woman in blue surnamed Wang howled miserably.

When Luo Tian attacked with all his might, the woman surnamed Wang in blue was beaten to a pulp by Luo Tian. The Yuanshen wanted to escape, but was annihilated directly by Luo Tian with the Jinghong knife. Any chance of her being reborn with the Yuanshen Jade Card.

"I told you, I'm a serious person! What's wrong with me?"

Luo Tian snorted coldly, and then moved towards the shuttle-shaped magic weapon that was stuck with the Five Elements Divine Thunder Restriction.

In the inner world, Chen Juxiong and the others were immediately shocked by Luo Tian's overbearing combat power...

To Luo Tian's surprise, after losing its owner, the shuttle-shaped half-level fairy treasure directly forcibly broke the five-element divine thunder restriction, and then fled into the void and disappeared.

Luo Tian hurriedly broke into several prohibitions and traced back. After a while, he murmured to himself with a sullen expression on his face, "You let it go away. The half-level immortal treasure is really not so easy to get along with."

Then, Luo Tian quickly entered the Treasure Cave within the restriction of the Five Elements God Thunder.

"Get rich..." Luo Tian couldn't help muttering while looking at the scene in front of him.

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