
Chapter 846 Idle and Idle

"The law of reversal!"

At this moment, Luo Tian was casting out the formula with a serious face, and circles of black ripples immediately enveloped the place where he killed the white-clothed youth of the Prison Immortal Sect just now, and the laws of time and space in it immediately became disordered.

Luo Tian is currently at the peak cultivation level of the Taiyi Golden Immortal in the mid-term, and he can hardly bear it with his current situation reversal law. Finally, after this Taoism is completed, the circles of black ripples slowly condense into a point, and gradually disappear .


Luo Tian opened his mouth and spit out a bloody arrow.

"Damn it, play a little bigger this time!"

Luo Tian smiled wryly and said to himself.

"Hey, Brother Li, what's wrong with you?"

In an instant, Deng Yu's voice came from the void, and then this guy descended in an instant.

Luo Tian looked at Deng Yu with a slightly pale face, pretending not to see the change in Deng Yu's hands behind him, and said with a wry smile, "Just now I happened to meet that boy in white who suppressed the Immortal Sect, who would have known that he would fight back desperately?" , got some injuries, it doesn't matter."

Deng Yu frowned slightly, and said: "Brother Li, that kid is quite difficult to attack Dao with his primordial spirit, and he must not be allowed to escape. You are now here to recover from your injuries, and you will kill him for your brother!"

After finishing speaking, Deng Yu's figure flickered, and he immediately tore through the void and left.

Luo Tian's expression remained unchanged, he shook his head with a wry smile, and then slowly followed up from behind.


After Luo Tian left for a full incense stick of time, Deng Yu's figure appeared directly at the place where he had just stood, his complexion fluctuated, and then the magic formula in his hand was cast out one after another, and the pictures in front of him appeared out of thin air one after another.

"Hey, there is no scene of any battle here."

Deng Yu said in surprise, "That's right, that kid must have used a secret technique to hurt Li Yi at the cost of a serious injury! No, I want to catch up with that kid as soon as possible. The kid is seriously injured now, so I can just use this to earn a fortune." Pen!"

After finishing speaking, Deng Yu directly moved the void and traced forward.



Luo Tian quickly withdrew his primordial spirit consciousness, and thought contemptuously, "It took me so much to reverse the law of time and space. It's strange that you can trace the clues. You can accompany me to face the town with peace of mind." Prison Immortal Sect and Snow Wind City, if you want to stay out of it, there is no door!"

After half an hour.

Luo Tian and the livid-faced Deng Yu and the others met.

"Brother Deng, is it done?" Luo Tian asked knowingly.

"Let those two guys escape." Sikong Hai also had a grim look on his face, "Except for one of the two from the Prison Suppressing Immortal Sect, the other one couldn't find out where he came from, and he was able to escape while the five of us were chasing and intercepting him. Not small."

Deng Yu's face was very ugly, and he said: "At present, we can only take one step at a time. Those two guys can escape in front of us without a sound. Not yet known."

Luo Tian was stunned, and only sighed after a while, "That's the only way to go."

In fact, none of those two guys walked out of the middle-level cave in front of them, and they were all beheaded by Luo Tian. One of them was even concealed by Luo Tian for the Yuanshen jade tablet, but he completely disappeared, and the other was also killed by Luo Tian. Tian used his great supernatural powers to delay the time for merging the Yuanshen jade tablet. Presumably, after he was reborn after merging the Yuanshen jade tablet, the battle for the Dongfu would have ended long ago.

As for the worries of Deng Yu and the others, Luo Tian didn't have any, so he was not in a hurry.

Afterwards, Deng Yu immediately discussed with the other four people again, Luo Tian and the four people all swore to keep the secret, and then moved forward again.

The four of Deng Yu were obviously in a bad mood, and they didn't even intend to collect the treasures in the middle-level cave. From their point of view, perhaps the treasures in it had already been looted by the two who had fled.Besides, a mid-level cave is not something they can't give up.

Deng Yu and the others were even more critical of Luo Tian, ​​a troublemaker. If it wasn't for this guy, the four of them would not have had so many troubles this time.

One day later, under the leadership of Deng Yu, a few people had browsed through a grassland and several mountain ranges, and what they saw before them was an extremely empty and countless lakes. They were said to be lakes, but in fact they were just Occasionally, there are strange small mountains suppressing the surface of the lake, rolling up countless earth-type spiritual powers, and forcibly dividing the lake.

Those small mountains did not fall into the water, but were suspended hundreds of feet in the sky. From top to bottom, they exuded extremely vigorous earth element energy, condensed into a light mask, and then went up, high in the sky. Lie Lie, it was difficult for Luo Tian and others' primordial spirit and consciousness to penetrate into it, but they got into it by chance, and were quickly destroyed and strangled by the powerful destructive power contained in it.


Luo Tian shouted from the bottom of his heart, there was no deceit in the slightest, the high altitude above these small mountains was too weird, there was no energy of heaven and earth at all, instead it was filled with endless aura of destruction.

"The 81 small mountains probably represent the Dharma-protecting sects of the five major sects in the ancient cave." After a long time, Deng Yu withdrew his gaze and sighed lightly.

"It should be right." Bai Xinghui's eyes became brighter and brighter, "Don't underestimate these ninety-nine and 81 small mountains. Among them, they were condensed into what they are today by some great man using supernatural powers. Any one of these small mountains is probably hundreds of millions of miles wide."

Dharma protector 81 sects!

Luo Tian's pupils shrank suddenly. In the ancient times, powerful monks emerged one after another. The coercion emanating from any small mountain in front of him is extremely strong, at least it is not something Luo Tian can break through forcibly at present.It can be seen that among these 81 guardian sects, there must have been countless saints and strongmen, and even half-step saints and even immortals are unknown.

"Everyone, these 81 Dharma Guardian sects can't rush into them. If they enter without authorization, our opponents will seize the inheritance, and it may be difficult to come out again." Ji Chun, who was like a wild lion, shook his head and said.

Sikong Hai nodded in agreement.

"Therefore, it is a good strategy for the five of us to find a Dharma-protecting sect that has not been robbed and enter." Deng Yu said with a smile, "Look, there are already many strange formations outside the Dharma-protecting sect that have been closed, presumably Someone entered it and began to accept the inheritance."


Luo Tian's heart moved. When he was in Tianxuan Plane, he had won the inheritance of Bodhi Mountain. Although this Bodhi Mountain was finally absorbed by the Sanxiao Pan and became the main force to restore the first layer of the Sanxiao Pan, Luo Tian was very concerned about inheriting the inheritance. The words are still very familiar.Generally speaking, the sects that can have inheritance are all powerful sects in ancient times, and their strength is quite tyrannical. Obtaining inheritance means that their own strength has improved rapidly!

"Why don't we wait for five people to work together to grab a few inheritances?" Deng Yu suggested, "There are five jade tokens here, one, two, three, four, and five. The first inheritance belongs to him, and so on for the rest, No.5, I have to rely on my own strength to fight for the inheritance."

It is understandable for Deng Yu to raise this opinion, after all, it is extremely fair.

"Anyway, being idle is idle." Luo Tian shrugged and said indifferently.

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