
Chapter 847 Taixuanzong

The result of the lottery was not beyond Luo Tian's expectation, he really got the jade plate with the number five on it.

The tricks of Deng Yu and the four of them did not escape the detection of Luo Tian's primordial spirit and consciousness. The four thought that with Luo Tian and their level of half-step Taiyi cultivation base, the four of them joined forces through some kind of method. The secret treasure came to adjust the directions and trajectories of the five jade tablets, but Luo Tian never discovered the reason.In fact, Luo Tian really hoped to get the No. [-] jade medal in his heart. These four irritating and uncertain guys were by his side, which was really not conducive to his ability to display his strength, and it would inevitably tie his hands and feet.

So, everyone is happy.

To put it bluntly, among the five, Bai Xinghui was probably the most depressed. He just happened to get the No. [-] jade medal. Of course, there was nothing he could do about it.Except for the newly joined Luo Tian, ​​the four of them knew the basics, the other three belonged to the Demon Sect, and he was the only one who belonged to the Righteous Sect, so the result was reasonable.You must know that the human race is also divided into three small camps, the orthodox way, the devil way, and the loose cultivators.

"Let's go."

Deng Yu smiled faintly, "Since you all have no objections, let's start."

Bai Xinghui felt resentful in his heart, but there was no clue on the surface. Hearing this, he said with a gentle smile, "Brother Deng, why are you panicking? If it is the most urgent, it should be Brother Ji's turn."

That's right, among the five, except for Luo Tian who was at the bottom, Ji Chun was number one, Deng Yu was number two, Sikong Hai was number three, and Bai Xinghui was number four.

However, Ji Chun didn't show any joy on his face, because the number one seemed to be the most popular, and five people joined forces to fight for an inheritance for him, but who knows if the other four will join forces to find him the worst one? lineage of sects.

Among the 81 Dharma-protecting sects in Jiujiu, not all of them are sect inheritances that everyone admires, but each has its own division of labor, including specialization in attack, defense, planting elixir, alchemy, and weapon refining. Ji Chun naturally hopes that he can Having obtained an attacking inheritance, their Beast Controlling Sect is quite unimpressed with other inheritances.

But apart from the incomplete information he had, Ji Chun couldn't correctly judge which inheritance was most suitable for him, and this was what troubled him the most.

"Damn it, almost all the inheritance information I have been taken over by others, and now only [-]% of the inheritance sects are left. No one has entered these inheritance sects before, so I can only try my luck." Ji Chun thought. thought.


Afterwards, Deng Yu and the others flew up into the sky together. Although there was no such aura of destruction in the sky, the faint coercion made Luo Tian and the other five have to pay more attention to deal with it. It can be seen that the coercion is tyrannical .

Soon, Ji Chun chose an inheritance on his own.

Few people know the information about this inheritance, and there are many strong people around at the moment, but no one has just tried it, and everyone is afraid of encountering the inheritance that is useless to them.

"Go away!"

Seeing this, Ji Chun yelled loudly, resounding through the void, his voice was like thunder that lasted for a long time.

"Ji Chun, this inheritance does not belong to your Beast Controlling Sect!"

Soon, three young men and women with plain faces came out of the void.

"Hey! It's you guys. Today's inheritance belongs to me, so what?" Ji Chun sneered, and pointed behind him, "Do you three think you can stop me?"

Soon, the complexions of the three men and women changed slightly.

"Deng Yu!"

"Sikong Hai!"

"Bai Xinghui!"

"There is also a mysterious strong man whose cultivation level is no less than that of you and me!"

"Hey, do the three of you think that you still have the strength to fight for this inheritance?" Ji Chun saw that the fox's fake tiger's power was effective, he sneered again and again, and his face was full of jokes.

"let's go!"

Those three young men and women are also half-step Taiyi's cultivation realm, but there are only three of them, and there are five people on the other side. If they match up, they will definitely suffer.Immediately decided to leave, anyway, there is still a lot left in the inheritance, so it is not necessary to take this place.

"A dog who bullies the weak and fears the hard!"

Ji Chun snorted coldly, and without hesitation, he transformed into a big hand, and directly grabbed the three keys floating above the inheritance here.

Three keys are enough for three people to enter and accept the inheritance.But there is such a benefit of being strong and tyrannical, and I can enjoy it alone!

Boom boom boom!

In addition to the three keys, there is naturally a prohibition circle left by the Dharma Protector sect here. Once Ji Chun activated it, countless jagged chains stretched out of the void.

"Four fellow daoists, please help me!" Ji Chun shouted in a low voice, and stretched out his hand to shoot out a ball of light, which immediately transformed into countless golden giant wolves galloping, roaring towards the chains.


Deng Yu flicked his fingers lightly, and groups of black and white Tai Chi diagrams swirled away like a group of winds.

Luo Tian followed closely behind, and the ten fingers of both hands popped out one after another, dozens of hurricane-like sword energy swept and stirred.

Bai Xinghui flapped the folding fan in his hand, and countless sky fires fell from the sky, falling directly like an empty cover.

Sikong Hai made the last move, and he was no more vigorous than the four of them. He just opened his mouth and took out a jade vial. The vial was slightly tilted, and a wisp of imperceptible green smoke shot out from it, and the smoke melted into the Among those chains, what is shocking is that those powerful chains melted one by one and disappeared one after another.

The five masters made their moves together, and after a while, Ji Chun took the three keys into his hands, then cupped his fists and said, "Thank you four friends, Ji will go!"

Afterwards, Luo Tian could clearly see that Ji Chun played several spells on one of the keys, and that key immediately produced a shining light shield to cover it, and then shot directly into the inheritance without hindrance .

Finally sent one away.

Next, the remaining four Deng Yu flew in the void one after another, exuding an incomparably domineering aura.

Soon, Deng Yu, Sikong Hai, and Bai Xinghui all got an inheritance, leaving only Luo Tian.

"Damn it, fortunately, I have gained a lot recently, and finally sent these four bereaved stars away, otherwise it would be really hard to support!"

Finally, when Bai Xinghui and Bai Xinghui seized an inheritance sect, they encountered several powerful enemies. If Luo Tian hadn't stopped the opponent in time and pretended to spray a few mouthfuls of blood, Bai Xinghui might have noticed the clue.

Bai Xinghui entered the place of inheritance with a face full of gratitude.

"You are the only one left now, let's see how you fight us!"

The remaining few strong men said viciously, sneered and left, they didn't have time to fight Luo Tian to the death, and the places of inheritance were getting less and less.

Chi Chi Chi!

At this time, there was a strange feeling in Luo Tian Yuanshen.

"It's that dark green jade pendant!" Luo Tian's complexion changed, and then his consciousness immediately penetrated into the dark green jade pendant. The dark green jade pendant turned rapidly, and three ancient characters in Qingli script flew out from it.

Tai Xuanzong.

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