
Chapter 848 Mysterious Pill Sea, 2 Years

Tai Xuanzong?

Luo Tian frowned slightly, and then quickly reached out to wipe away the three ancient seals, but doubts welled up in his heart, this Taixuanzong must be one of the 81 Dharma-protecting sects, but just because of this jade pendant alone, could he be one by one? Tried the land of inheritance?

Next, Luo Tian poured his primordial consciousness into the dark green jade pendant, and the dark green jade tablet still only contained the three ancient seal characters of Taixuanzong, and nothing else.

"Fight it! Try it!"

At this moment, Luo Tian's primordial spirit and consciousness were fully released, and soon he discovered that there were still less than 81 of the [-] inheritance places left. If it continues to drag on, the competition will inevitably become more and more fierce , when the time comes, it will be more difficult to get the land of inheritance, and the chances will become more and more remote.


Luo Tian took the risk this time to use Shrink to Inch, directly moving in the space.



"Still failed!"

Soon, Luo Tian held the dark green jade pendant tightly in his hand and tried five or six inheritance places in the void, but all ended in failure.

"The inheritance land ahead occupies a huge area!"

Luo Tian was flying in the void, and soon saw the land of inheritance appearing in front of him, but this land of inheritance was actually the largest he had seen all the way. From the appearance alone, this land of inheritance was With a radius of tens of thousands of miles, the world contained in it must be even greater.

However, what makes Luo Tian frowned slightly is that there are many strong people outside the inheritance land here, and there is even a hidden Taiyi Jinxian strong man.

"Someone is here again!"

"It's him!"

Naturally, many people sensed Luo Tian's arrival, but only a few people knew this ugly man in white clothes who was quite powerful.Not many people cared about Luo Tian, ​​after all, no matter how strong the other party was, there was only one person. The weakest people here were all late-stage Da Luo Jinxian strongmen.

Luo Tian rolled his eyes, it wasn't a conflict with the other party, but he started to circle around the inheritance place in front of him. Anyway, there are too many strong people around here, so he wanted to choose a place with the weakest defense to test The dark green jade pendant in his hand will do.

Chi Chi!

After that, Luo Tian carefully changed the protective light into dark green, so that even if he drives the dark green jade pendant, the opponent will relax his guard against it.

"right here!"

Soon, Luo Tian detoured to an area with a small number of people, and then quickly flew towards the place of inheritance. During the flight, the dark green precious light all over his body swelled.

Luo Tian didn't see the jokes and ridicules that flashed in the eyes of the powerful people around him, either overtly or secretly.


Sure enough, as everyone expected, the dark green brilliance of Luo Tian's body suddenly dimmed, and an invisible force invaded from all directions, and bounced Luo Tian tens of thousands of feet away.

Although Luo Tian was unscathed, he was horrified in his heart. The place of inheritance in front of him could not even do anything to the Taiyi Gold Thread. It was probably a powerful sect with a very deep foundation.


Luo Tian narrowed his pupils and looked at a place behind the inheritance place in front of him.

There is also a place of inheritance, but this place of inheritance is not to mention compared with the place of inheritance just now, even compared with the place of inheritance encountered before, it is quite despised.

It occupies a small area and looks barren, especially that there is no half shadow of the key in the sky above the land of inheritance.

Wasted inheritance?

Luo Tian shook his head slowly, no matter what, the dead horse is right to be a living horse doctor, anyway, since the dark green jade pendant in his hand has shown a clue, there must be an inheritance that can be entered, otherwise there will be corresponding information on the dark green jade pendant .


Luo Tian bit the bullet and flew towards the place of inheritance that almost no one cared about, and quickly circled around, and then rather helplessly threw the dark green jade pendant in his hand, a layer of dark green light The hood immediately enveloped the body, and shot out towards the place of inheritance in front of him.


As if the sound of the ice cracking was transmitted into Luo Tian's mind, Luo Tian smiled wryly.

isn't it?

The place of inheritance in front of him is Taixuanzong?Such a grand and overbearing name, how dare you match such a dilapidated place of inheritance?

Swish swish!

Soon, the light curtains outside Taixuanzong burst into dazzling clear light, and then condensed into a huge indestructible vortex mask.

"Grass, that guy just now entered the land of inheritance!"

"That guy must have the key!"

"It's a pity, I should have joined hands to kill him just now!"


Luo Tian had just entered the place where Taixuanzong inherited, but he was stunned by the abundant spiritual energy coming to him.

"This is? How could the fairy world have such a pure aura? Even the innate land doesn't have such a level!"

Luo Tian was shocked.

"No, this doesn't seem to be the pure energy between heaven and earth, but more like..."

Luo Tian raised his eyebrows suddenly.

"Elixir power!"


Luo Tian flicked his robe sleeves, soared into the sky, and flew towards the very center of the place of inheritance.In Taixuanzong, the first thing that catches the eye is a vast and boundless ocean. From a distance, one can see a continent suspended in the middle of the ocean.

clap clap!

Luo Tian's feet landed on the ground, and then he looked up, his face was full of joy, the inheritance of Taixuanzong is really powerful!

The entire sky, even the sky above ten feet, is densely covered with elixir. At a glance, there may be hundreds of millions of them!

Standing next to it is a stone tablet with a line of writing on it.

Taixuanzong, who started his career by refining alchemy, encountered a catastrophe this time, and had no possessions. He only left the Taixuan Dan, which was refined by the whole sect, for those who are destined!

"This is too profound pill..."

Luo Tian quickly reached out and grabbed a Taixuan Pill, and after a little observation, he knew that it was a high-level peak elixir, and it was about to become a king-grade elixir. The king-grade elixir is always flocking to the Taiyi Jinxian!

"Unfortunately, there is only one key."

Luo Tian quickly injected his spiritual consciousness into the stele, and instantly refined the stele. From then on, this Taixuanzong was in Luo Tian's pocket.Of course, after recognizing the master, unless the other party possesses great supernatural powers capable of defeating the 81 Dharma Guardian sects united collectively, Luo Tian will be safe and sound.

To be able to defeat the prohibition of the 81 Dharma Protector sects united together, even the Saint Immortal probably doesn't have this level of cultivation!

"let's start!"

Luo Tian's body levitated directly, and landed on the Taixuanzong Square, and began to absorb the Taixuan Pill with all his strength.This sea of ​​mysterious pills is endless, Luo Tian naturally separated a part of it into the inner body world for Chen Juxiong's seven people to practice.

"Hurry up and practice, this Taixuan Dan can be directly absorbed without becoming obsessed because of the rapid growth of cultivation!"

Luo Tian exhorted, and then practiced with all his strength.

Even Luo Tian himself didn't know that it took him 200 years to practice like this.

ps: Crashbird, after logging in all afternoon, I finally got on it. If I can’t log in again, I’m going to go out, and the website server is too unstable.

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