
Chapter 849 Twice the Combat Power

Time flies, and soon 200 years have passed.

In the fairy world, 200 years is really nothing.The highest lifespan of Xuanxian in the fairy world can reach 200 million years, not to mention the Daluo Jinxian, Taiyi Jinxian and Shengxian above. [-] years, at best, is an inconspicuous little wave in the vast and far-reaching river of time in the fairy world, nothing more.

In the place where Taixuanzong inherited.

After absorbing so many Taixuan pills, Luo Tian finally succeeded in breaking through to the late Taiyi Golden Immortal cultivation base, but no matter how much he absorbed, his cultivation base would not be able to go any further, thus entering the realm of a half-step holy immortal .For this, Luo Tian was also quite helpless, so he had to try his best to directly inject the remaining Taixuan Dan into the inner world, leaving it to Chen Juxiong and others to absorb and refine it.

Another chance!

Good luck again!

Chen Juxiong's seven people have become insensitive. Originally, entering Yunmeng Swamp was just a small trial for the Wuwu Sword Sect. They never thought that just relying on these hundreds of years of adventures, their cultivation base would increase like flying!

Due to the restriction of Yuanshen's cultivation base, Chen Juxiong only broke through to the peak of Daluo Jinxian in the late stage and could no longer go any further.Natu and Li Minghua have practiced Yuqing Yuanshi Xuangong, and the cultivation base of Yuanshen does not have the disadvantage of going crazy, and they are almost equal to Chen Juxiong's cultivation base!Qi Jie also barely stepped into the late stage of Da Luo Jinxian, and his three juniors stepped into the middle stage of Da Luo Jinxian.

"Next, you just need to stabilize your current state, work hard to cultivate your primordial spirit consciousness and comprehend the laws of heaven and earth, and the world in your body must grow stronger!"

Luo Tian saw the weakness of the seven of them at a glance, and explained it right away.Of course, the reason why these guys cultivate so quickly is thanks to being in Luo Tian's inner world.The black lotus magic weapon in Luo Tian's internal body can increase the primordial spirit, speed up time, and even sit in Sanxiao Pan. Their primordial spirit cultivation base is also growing extremely fast, otherwise they would have been unable to keep up with the growth of cultivation base and would have exploded.

The seven of Chen Juxiong nodded repeatedly, yes, in front of Luo Tian, ​​even if they are well-cultivated, they are not opponents for the opponent's random move, even if they have the body protection of the holy treasure.Taiyi Jinxian can reverse the law and directly attack the inner world. If the inner world is destroyed, even if he survives, his cultivation will regress greatly, and he will never be able to recover.

Of course, the seven of Chen Juxiong were still extremely grateful to Luo Tian. Without Luo Tian, ​​even if their talents and aptitudes were against the sky, it would be useless.

"Uncle, it's almost 300 years..."

Li Minghua pursed his lips and sighed bitterly, his uncle said before that he and his party only had 300 years of fate, and it seems that there are still a few decades before the 300 years.


Luo Tian sternly reprimanded, "Minghua, your future is limitless now, why can't you see through the cause and effect of the world? There is no feast that lasts forever! I hope that after 300 years, I will see a brand new You! If you can't become famous in the Northern Immortal Realm in the future, don't say you know this old man."

"Uncle, how can we meet?" Natu also said with a sad face, the Great Prophet threw himself to you, you can't abandon me!

Luo Tian was stunned for a moment, and smiled lightly, "If you are qualified to participate in the battle between the two worlds, maybe you may be able to see the old man."

The battle of the two worlds!

Li Minghua and Natu's eyes immediately rounded, and they clenched their fists solemnly.

Chen Juxiong was also taken aback, and then fell silent.Qi Jie and the others were flushed, and they didn't know where to put their palms.The battle of the two worlds!That was the battlefield where all the great geniuses from the northern and southern fairy worlds gathered!If there is a chance to enter, this life is not in vain.

Chen Juxiong was silent on the face, but his heart was overwhelmed. The battle between the two worlds was a grand event that shocked the entire fairy world. Not to mention that all the geniuses who entered it were from the northern and southern fairy worlds, but the difference was not too much. What kind of strong ones were there?

The battle between the two worlds where the saints participated in the battle is no small matter!

Chen Juxiong thinks that his cultivation base has greatly increased now, but he is still at the bottom of the battle between the two worlds.

"It seems that there is still half a month at most, and the Taixuan Dan here will be absorbed completely, and it is time to go out."

Luo Tian didn't want to say more, looked up at the fewer and fewer Taixuan Dan in the sky, and said with a faint smile.



In the past 200 years, about 81 to [-] percent of the [-] inheritance places that have been completely occupied have been taken over and walked out of them. Some people are happy, and some people are sighing softly. There are joys and sorrows.

As the inheritance ended, light shot out from it very quickly. Among them, the place closest to Taixuanzong, where Luo Tian received the inheritance, was obviously the largest inheritance place. The woman in black stepped out slowly, and with her appearance, the surrounding void became crystal clear, and finally turned into fly ash very strangely.

Reverse the law!

This woman in black is the Taiyi Golden Immortal!

After the black-clothed woman appeared, she did not leave. Instead, she frowned slightly and looked at the place where Taixuanzong inherited. As one of the very few strong men who knew the background of Taixuanzong, the black-clothed woman was very curious. Who got it? Lost Taixuanzong's inheritance?Among the 81 guardian sects, Taixuanzong seems inconspicuous, but his strength can at least rank in the top five. However, Taixuanzong only has one key, which was taken away when the cave was closed last time. .

Next, the figure of the woman in black moved slightly, and the whole person escaped directly into the void and disappeared.

"Tianhe true solution! It really is a peerless skill of a foreign race!"

Luo Tian was overjoyed, he didn't expect him to practice the incomplete Tianhe True Solution, and now he has forty times the combat power!

Forty times the fighting power!

Even Luo Tian is definitely capable of fighting against a half-step saint who possesses a half-level immortal treasure now!

Luo Tian is a Taiyi Golden Immortal who cultivated in the late stage, and his physical body is still one step away from the half-level immortal treasure realm. The overall strength can definitely scare people to death.Once he breaks through to the half-step holy immortal, and his body reaches the half-level immortal treasure, he will be absolutely invincible under the holy immortal, sweeping the world.

Half a month passed in a flash.


On this day, the extremely strong restriction outside Taixuanzong only trembled slightly, and then in an inconspicuous corner, a white light flashed away.

"Hehe, since Fellow Daoist has obtained the inheritance of Taixuanzong, why don't you show up and see?"

A loud laugh came out, and soon the surrounding space was imprisoned and sealed off.

"Damn it! It's the Taiyi Golden Immortal!"

Luo Tian cursed secretly in his heart, neither moving nor not moving, moving would definitely reveal his whereabouts, and if he didn't move, he couldn't escape silently.

"The three Taiyi Golden Immortals really think highly of this old man!"

In the end, Luo Tian appeared helplessly, scratched his head and smiled honestly.

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