
Chapter 850 4 Extreme Sects, 8 Desolate Sky Formation


A dreamlike glazed shadow slowly emerged in the void, and the whole body was covered with glazed light, which circulated endlessly, and it was impossible to see the appearance and figure clearly, but it was only from the voice that he could tell that it was a man.

Luo Tian is naturally more sophisticated than him, not only are there black swirls all over his body, but even his voice is difficult to tell whether it is a man or a woman.



Suddenly, two lights and shadows appeared in the void. One light and shadow had an incomparable aura, and the whole body was surrounded by silver-white flames, rippling around and around, condensing and condensing, like a piece of silver that could not stop surging. chrysalis.The other one is a woman whose whole body is wrapped in layers of black smoke, and several strange patterns occasionally fly out of the black smoke.

two women.

One is pretty and the other is indifferent.One is like a rose and the other is like an ice lotus.

"Hee hee, this fellow Taoist's cultivation is really not weak, and he even knows the hiding place of the slave family." The silver-white flames suddenly surged up, and quickly swirled around mid-air, and finally transformed into a man in silver clothes. The woman in the dress came, but the woman's appearance was changing, and she seemed to be blocked by a layer of space.

"Nujia Ning really met fellow Taoist."

"I'm Sima Xiang." The man in the glazed light suddenly retracted, and then an Angzang man wearing a light yellow floating gauze appeared. The man's face was also distorted, and he couldn't see his true appearance clearly.

"Fu Muhan." In the end, the black-clothed woman covered in black smoke also revealed herself. It was actually a young woman in a black dress. She seemed to have no hidden appearance.

In fact, all three of them, including Luo Tian, ​​knew that the opponent must have used a high-level fairy treasure to change his appearance. None of the Taiyi Jinxians who came to fight this time dared to reveal their true appearance, as if they had made an appointment Likely.

"I'm Li Yi, I've met three fellow Taoists." Luo Tian smiled faintly, and his appearance changed again. Under the spell of the Variety Immortal Dou, he transformed into an ordinary middle-aged man with a sallow complexion.

Although the other three people didn't communicate with each other when they saw this, they all flashed a tacit expression.Judging from the facial expressions of the three of them, I'm afraid not only their appearances are fake, but even their names may be fake.

"Since we are all people of the same path who have come out of the Dharma-protecting inheritance, how about the four of us working together to obtain the remaining inheritance of the Four Extremes?" Any objection to come.

"Hee hee, I have no objection." Ning Zhenzhen covered her mouth and chuckled, her voice was clear and sweet, and it was soul-stirring.

Fu Muhan frowned slightly, and said with some dissatisfaction, "It's not impossible for the four of us to cooperate, but can fellow Daoist Ning restrain your seductive secret technique? Do you think the three of us can be confused by you?"

Ning Zhenzhen and Sima Xiang are both members of the monster clan, Luo Tian had noticed it as early as when they showed up, and Fu Muhan must have known it clearly.

Fortunately, I have someone to accompany me.

Luo Tian thought in his heart, otherwise, if the opponents are all from the monster clan, I am afraid that I will leave immediately. Three against one, even if there is a strange treasure born, the opponent only needs two people to stop him for a moment. At that time, you will suffer a lot.

Luo Tian is famous for desperately trying to take advantage!

"Hee hee, sister, don't get angry, she is born with it." Ning Zhenzhen said aggrieved, "Besides, the three of you are all powerful men with profound strength, how could you be seduced by the slave family?"

"Hmph!" Fu Muhan snorted, but didn't say much.

"Hehe, since everyone is joining forces to seek the Four Extremes Sect, don't hurt your peace." Sima Xiang smiled gently, "Why don't the four of us talk while walking?"

"it is good!"

This time, the three of Luo Tian didn't procrastinate, they agreed directly, and followed Sima Xiang away with their respective magical powers.

The speed of the four Taiyi Golden Immortals was naturally extremely fast, and in a short while, the four of them directly entered the depths of the ancient Dongfu area, and landed on a mountain peak that looked like a long spear.

"Three, please look over there."

Immediately after landing, Sima Xiang placed a layer of restrictions, and then pointed to the four huge clouds in the sky in the distance and said, "That is the place where the Siji sect is inherited!"

The three of Luo Tian also set up a layer of restrictions, and then quietly looked into the distance.

But seeing the distant sky, countless bright colorful rays of light shot down from the high sky, and the four huge cloud clusters in the four directions were like magnets, absorbing the colorful rays of light in the high sky one after another.It's like four beautiful flowers floating in the sky, refracting strips of blurred halos.

"Fellow Daoist Sima, please tell me about the prohibition circle outside the Siji Sect."

Luo Tian pretended to look at it for a while, and then spoke first.

When Ning Zhenzhen and Fu Muhan heard the words, they couldn't help but glance at Luo Tian in surprise, as if hesitant to speak.

Sima Xiang said with a gentle smile, "Li Daoyou seems to be here for the first time?"

"How do you know?" Luo Tian looked cautious as if facing an enemy, "Could it be that Your Excellency followed me all the way?"

"Hee hee, you idiot." Ning Zhenzhen covered his mouth and chuckled, "Except for the powerhouse who knew about the Siji sect for the first time, who doesn't know that the Siji sect already has an ancient and unique magic circle, the Eight Desolation Heavens?" Xuanzhen?"

"Bahuang Tianxuan Formation!" Luo Tian turned pale with shock. This time, he was definitely not pretending. He is quite accomplished in the art of formation. The eight immortals in it were jointly arranged. The most powerful thing about this strange formation is that this ancient strange formation is almost completely regarded as a natural strange formation, and it is absolutely angry in the upper and lower reaches of the nine secluded!Once you enter it, you will be attacked by the eyes of the eight-square formation. If you are not careful, you will die, which is really powerful.It is one of the four ancient magic circles.

"That's right." Fu Muhan, who has always been quiet, also responded unexpectedly.

Sima Xiang smiled lightly, "Now, fellow Daoist Li knows why he invited you together, right?"

Luo Tian nodded, his expression serious, "Can the four of us block this array of divine power?"

"Of course I can't stop it, let alone break the formation!" Sima Xiang's expression also became serious, "However, this ancient cave has been opened several times. Yi Jinxian can barely enter it, no matter how deep his cultivation is, each of them can only withstand the attacks of two formation eyes. The four of us teamed up can barely resist eight formation eyes!"

"Is this method feasible?" Luo Tian asked with a worried expression on his face.

Once it fails, it will die, and even the immortals will not be able to save it!

"To be honest, I haven't tried it yet, so I chose this place to wait and see what happens. There are quite a few Taiyi Golden Immortals coming in this time, so someone must try it first." Sima Xiang said lightly.

"This method...is feasible!" Luo Tian pondered for a long time, then smiled silly.

Ning Zhenzhen and Fu Muhan were speechless for a moment. How did such a wretched and cowardly fellow become the Taiyi Golden Immortal?

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