
Chapter 855 Small Cave, 8 Stone Pillars

"May I ask Fellow Daoist Fu what you mean by this statement?"

Luo Tian turned around slowly, without any expression on his face, it was still a rigid wooden face.

"Nothing interesting, just asking casually."

Fu Muhan felt bitter in his heart, this guy is really unreasonable.

Luo Tian stared at Fu Muhan quietly for a moment, then suddenly scratched his head in a distraught manner, and said bitterly, "Fellow Daoist Fu, where is the trial star? Is there any treasure born?"

Fu Muhan's eyes almost went dark, does this guy really only have treasures in his heart?

Luo Tian waited for a while, seeing that the other party didn't intend to speak, he could only smile grinningly, very politely, but also kept a distance from the other party to a certain extent.

Trial star?

Memories surged in Luo Tian's mind, and scenes appeared like a fleeting scene, and he couldn't help but feel extraordinary fighting spirit. How could he not remember the Battle of Trial Stars that almost caused him to fall forever?That shocking battle was also Luo Tian's biggest setback since his debut, and if he had the chance, Luo Tian would naturally return to the trial Xingyi to avenge his shame.

In front of Fu Muhan, who was not considered an acquaintance, Luo Tian naturally wouldn't say a word.

Luo Tian was silent, Fu Muhan was silent, and the atmosphere between the two of them was a bit awkward for a while, except for the occasional howls from the famous human race powerhouse behind him.


Luo Tian dashed out, he didn't even bother to say hello to Fu Muhan, and flew away directly.

"Damn guy!"

Fu Muhan stomped her feet, she was of extraordinary background, how could she have received such treatment that was completely ignored by others, and when she saw this, she immediately chased after her.

"Women are his mother's troubles, and annoying!"

Luo Tian didn't need to look back to guess that Fu Muhan would follow, but he was going to follow Jinghongdao, so what's the point of Fu Muhan following behind?


Luo Tian's speed increased sharply, and he disappeared in an instant.

"Huh? How did that guy's breath disappear so cleanly?"

Fu Muhan quickly chased after him, but what surprised her was that with her cultivation, it was so difficult to detect Luo Tian's aura.

"Want to get rid of me? Hmph!"

Fu Muhan stretched out his hands quickly, forming an ancient seal, and blurred images suddenly appeared in his mind.


Not long after that, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Fu Muhan's mouth, and her body stepped out in the void.


"Did this Jinghong knife be stimulated by something?"

Luo Tian knew that the Jinghong Knife was also a Hunyuan Immortal Treasure, and there was an incomplete artifact spirit sealed in its body. This artifact spirit was sleeping most of the time, so it ignored Luo Tian at all, and left on its own this time. , it seems that Qi Ling has noticed some secrets in the Heavenly Sword Sect.

Fortunately, the Jinghong Knife has long been refined by Luo Tian, ​​and its trajectory cannot escape Luo Tian's control. Luo Tian chased after him for about a meal, and the speed of the Jinghong Knife finally slowed down slowly. down.

"There is a situation!"

Luo Tian's speed increased sharply again, and his figure was like a wisp of faint smoke, and he quickly rushed to the distance of thousands of feet behind Jinghong Dao.

Two groups of black vortexes slowly emerged in his eyes, Luo Tian took in all the scene in front of him through the void, and couldn't help being surprised, it turned out that there was an area with extremely strong sword intent in front of him, and the Jinghong knife was in it Like a candle in the wind, fluttering endlessly.

Bursts of invisible and tyrannical saber intent descended on the Jinghong Knife, and there were bursts of tinkling sounds from the Jinghong Knife, and the speed of the movement became slower and slower.

call out!

Luo Tian directly communicated with the world in his body, and when he came up, he burned five first-order spiritual veins. The abundant immortal power contained in these five first-order spiritual veins was poured into Luo Tian's body violently, and then the protective light around Luo Tian was like a bright light. When the light came on, even though the tyrannical saber intent could break through Luo Tian's protective light, it couldn't enter within five feet of Luo Tian's body.

"If I return empty-handed this time, I will lose a lot!"

Luo Tian's heart seemed to be cut with a knife, blood kept dripping, and at the same time, he was getting closer and closer to the Jinghong knife.


Suddenly, the Jinghong Dao, which was oppressed by the tyrannical saber intent like a dog in the water, rang out, and suddenly gave off a sense of domineering. It changed into an ancient and simple long knife.

The body of the knife is five feet and five inches. Except for the hilt, which seems to be a piece of black crystal jade, the body of the knife looks like countless small Dao patterns condensed. There are nine Dao patterns in total, including square, round, and ancient coins. There are many shapes, such as rhombus, etc., and the tip of the knife is like a long and narrow triangle. With a slight tremor, the tyrannical knife intent around seems to avoid it in extreme fear.

"Stimulated by this tyrannical sword intent, Jinghong Dao has actually been promoted to a half-level immortal treasure..."

Luo Tian was also a little dumbfounded.

The next moment, the Jinghong Dao was like an angry beast, rushing domineeringly towards the nearby tyrannical saber intent, a faint black light on the blade kept devouring the surrounding tyrannical saber intent.

Fu Muhan, who was far away behind her, was also dazed. She had never seen such a strange adventure. A fairy treasure had been promoted to a half-level fairy treasure by itself, which was too unbelievable.

The area covered by the tyrannical saber intent was only less than a hundred feet, but Jinghong Dao swallowed most of these tyrannical saber intents in less than half an hour. When it was about to rush to the place where other saber intents existed, it suddenly paused.

Chi Chi!

The Jinghong knife then slashed down in the void several times by itself, and a space portal that only one person can enter appeared in front of it.


The Jinghong knife shot into the space portal without hesitation.

"Small cave!"

Seeing this, Fu Muhan behind him couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice, and then rushed towards the space portal.

Luo Tian frowned slightly. He naturally found Fu Muhan at this moment. Since he was closer to the space portal and faster than Fu Muhan, he just hesitated a little before entering the space portal. Originally, he wanted to stay behind. He sent a few black thunderbolts to Fu Muhan, but then he thought that these black thunderbolts should not directly destroy the space portal, and he would suffer a big loss at that time.

After Luo Tian and Fu Muhan entered the space portal one after another, the space portal finally closed slowly and disappeared without a trace, and soon the surrounding tyrannical saber intent filled the area again.

The space passage was not too long, and Luo Tian reached the other exit after galloping through it for about a quarter of an hour.

Suspended stone platform.

Luo Tian landed directly on a suspended stone platform, which looked to be tens of miles in radius, from this side, we could only see scattered pavilions standing on the stone platform, there were eight pavilions in total, and each pavilion had There are eight stone pillars standing tall, inserted high into the void above, with no end in sight.

In addition to that, there was a loud bang from the fierce saber air and saber intent floating in the void outside the stone platform.

Luo Tian could even imagine that even if he used all his strength, if he fell outside the stone platform, the chance of surviving would probably be extremely small, the aura was too terrifying.

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