
Chapter 856

"What is Xiaodongtian?"

Luo Tian had an extremely tangled expression, resting his chin with his right hand, racking his brains over and over again, but in the end he still couldn't come up with a reason.

Fu Muhan had just entered Xiaodongtian, when he heard such a destructive sentence, he almost lost his mind, "Where did this guy come from? He looks like he doesn't understand anything. You can also cultivate to the Taiyi Gold Immortal Realm. Could it be that this person is really a hermit master who is ignorant of the world?"

In fact, this little cave is not a secret to the disciples of the big sect, but all the disciples of the big sect know about the little cave, so they won't have the opportunity to tell it.This small cave is a small space or small world that can only be opened up by first-class forces in the fairy world. Often the small cave of a sect represents the highest inheritance of that sect, at least only the saints and saints have it Opportunity to get into it.

"... "

Fu Muhan walked past Luo Tian quite speechlessly, but he didn't know that he felt a white light and shadow blocking his way just after walking a few steps.

"I said Fellow Daoist Fu, we don't have any deep hatred, do we?" Luo Tian frowned and said.

"No." Fu Muhan also replied coldly.

"Then why do you follow me all the time? Could it be that I'm too handsome looking for a chance to be the overlord? Let me tell you, I'm a very serious person..." Luo Tian continued to babble.

"To shut up!"

Fu Muhan's lungs were going to explode with anger. She was originally in a very high state of mind, but for some reason she had the urge to get angry when she met this guy in front of her.

"Ah? I got it right, Fellow Daoist Fu. Although you are beautiful and handsome, I have always liked women who are as gentle as water. If you want to use force, I will fight to the death. ..." Luo Tian said solemnly, like a true moral defender.

"... "

Fu Muhan was in despair. In her life, she had seen countless men. They were extremely talented, shockingly handsome, and gentle, but she had never seen such a good-looking man with such a thick skin.

"But it doesn't matter." Luo Tian continued to say regardless, "It doesn't matter if you covet my strong body and pure and noble soul, but I will take [-]% of the things in this little cave."

"Why?" Fu Mu coldly sneered.

"Because I am the No.1 one who opened the small cave here!" Luo Tian said proudly.

"Each means." Fu Muhan didn't bother to talk to Luo Tianduo, he snorted coldly and walked forward.


At this moment, a ray of black lightning descended from the sky, directly smashing down with invincible power, forcing Fu Muhan to retreat a few steps.

Luo Tian chuckled, and then with a thought, he jumped on the black lightning and flew towards the first gazebo in Xiaodongtian.

Boom boom boom!

In the empty sky, a series of fierce and domineering sword-shaped lightning crashed down, and the target was Luo Tian.

"Get out of here!"

Luo Tian snorted and waved his hand, countless strange sword qi completely condensed by the law of swallowing the sky suddenly dispersed out of him, and these sword qi suddenly condensed into a lotus flower of sword qi in the void. The air lotus slowly rotated in the void, crystal clear like jade, glass, and crystal, it was difficult to distinguish the true color.

Strange to say, those knife-shaped lightning bolts in the void shot at Luo Tian's head one after another, but they were all blocked by the sword energy lotus, making it difficult to pose a real threat to Luo Tian.

"How dare you shoot at me!"

Fu Muhan was furious in her heart, but she still suppressed her anger. She knew that the farther back the small cave was, the greater the power of the restriction in the void would be. Fu Muhan still pointed at Luo Tian to act as a shield in front of him.

In a blink of an eye, Luo Tian galloped to the outside of the first gazebo in mid-air, and the lotus flowers around him shrank several times according to his intention.

In the first gazebo, there is a light yellow mask, and there is a small stone table inside the light yellow light mask, and two groups of brilliant lights are floating on the small stone table.

Among the Huaguang, there is a hammer-shaped fairy treasure and a colorful stone bracelet.

Luo Tian's eyes flashed, and he immediately swept towards the first stone pillar.

"Sure enough, on the stone pillar are the formulas and related introductions that drive these two immortal treasures."

"Five Lightning Hammers, Aurora Cable!"

Luo Tian was overjoyed, taking a step forward, he was about to break the light yellow mask.


A pagoda was suppressed directly from mid-air.

Luo Tian frowned, and the sword energy all over his body immediately went up to meet him, dragging the pagoda, and where he touched, bursts of lightning and sparks shot out.

"What does Fellow Daoist Fu mean?" Luo Tian smiled lightly.

"Each means." Fu Muhan said coldly.

"Could it be that because the Dragon Elephant Pagoda is a Hunyuan Immortal Treasure, which belongs to the peak Immortal Treasure of the Holy Grade, the old man can't do anything to you?" Luo Tian also turned cold.

"Then both will suffer." Fu Muhan still spoke in a cold tone.

Luo Tian worked his mind to calculate silently, and finally said helplessly, "Well, you and I will share the treasures here equally, but I will pick first. And if another person enters this place, you and I will work together to kill them. What do you think?"

A cold light flashed in Fu Muhan's eyes, he thought quietly for a moment, and finally nodded.

"Then I'll pick first." After Luo Tian finished speaking, the sword qi lotus around his body turned again, meeting the light yellow mask, and typed out the spells in his hand one after another, "Five elements reverse, break it for me!"

Fu Muhan's figure flashed, and he stood shoulder to shoulder with Luo Tian. With a light wave of his plain hand, countless black smoke changed into various shapes and covered the light yellow mask.

A quarter of an hour later.

The pale yellow mask shattered with a snap, and the two clusters of brilliant light flew away in an instant.

The old god Luo Tian stretched out his hand on the ground, and a big blue light hand appeared out of thin air, firmly grasping the Five Thunder Hammer. The Aurora Cable is a magic weapon for capturing people, but it was a bit tasteless for him, so he chose it. It is the Five Thunder Hammer.

"A high-level holy treasure, it's not bad." As soon as he got the Wulei Hammer, Luo Tian speculated in his heart, and then threw it directly into the inner world.It's not bad to leave it to Tang Yan and the unborn child.

Fu Muhan is a person who keeps his promises. Seeing that Luo Tian had made the selection, he took Aurora Cable under his command. Then he put his mind on the first stone pillar, and silently memorized the formula for driving Aurora Cable.


Luo Tian cast a vague glance at Fu Muhan, and then left first.

Fu Muhan looked at Luo Tian's back thoughtfully.

Not long after the two left, the script on the first stone pillar disappeared strangely.

On the second gazebo, the people visiting turned out to be eight Xuanqing pills. Xuanqing pills are high-level elixir, which have a great effect on the strong under the Taiyi Golden Immortal, and can transform the immortal energy in the body into a more refined one. Pure without impurities.

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