
Chapter 861 Shocking the Half-Step Saint Immortal

It was thanks to the tireless teaching of the wretched robber Xianjun that Luo Tian, ​​a despicable and shameless masterpiece, appeared.

Under the circumstances that Fu Muhan didn't know anything about it, Luo Tian was refining the planet in the star clothes without stopping. Slow down, and talk to Fu Muhan casually, lest Fu Muhan know what he is doing at the moment.

Extremely wretched!

Two days passed quickly, and Luo Tian was using time to speed up refining the planet that day, and his eyes were aimed at Fu Muhan intentionally or unintentionally.

Fu Muhan had a pensive look on his face, he didn't know what he was thinking about, maybe he was thinking about how to get out of this weird place, or maybe he was thinking about something else.

When the third day was coming to an end, Luo Tian finally heaved a sigh of relief. He finally refined half of the number of planets in the star clothes. It was difficult to catch up with his progress, and the Star Clothes seemed to be under his control.

"Li Daoyou, I have a question, I don't know if I should talk about it or not?"

Suddenly, Fu Muhan sighed slowly, then fixed his gaze on Luo Tian, ​​as if he wanted to see him through completely.

"Just say what you have to say." Luo Tian looked indifferent, his heart skipped a beat, didn't this little girl see some clues?

"In the past three days, the primordial spirit consciousness in Li Daoyou's body has been strong and sometimes weak. I don't know why?" Fu Muhan said word by word.

Luo Tian said with a righteous face, "That's because of the kung fu practiced by the old man. Could it be that Fellow Daoist Fu knows this kung fu?"

Fu Muhan shook his head, and said with a wry smile, "You Li Daoyou, don't rely on your old age to sell your old age. The exercises I cultivate are very strange, and I can roughly calculate your age. Li Daoyou's body is full of energy like a bright sun, and your lifespan is only a few hundred thousand years at most. , is a genius born in the fairy world, isn't it a bit dishonest to call yourself an old man at this age?"

Luo Tian was startled when he heard the words, and immediately said with a dry smile, "Hey, Fellow Daoist Fu is really hiding something, even the old... I am a genius can see it, admiration, I really admiration!"

In fact, Luo Tian's real age is really less than [-] years old, but since the other party can see that Luo Tian is very young, he is already very powerful.

The vigilance in Luo Tian's heart was fleeting. This woman has a lot of background, and he must not capsize in the gutter. At that moment, the time in the world inside his body accelerated to the extreme, speeding up the refining of the planet in the star clothes.

"Actually, I would like to know more. You only need to obtain the classics and inheritances among these countless stars. Why do you have to refine all these planets?"

Fu Muhan's next words made Luo Tian's body stiffen.

"You already knew why you asked more." Luo Tian turned to look at Fu Muhan, without any expression on his face.

"Just asking, I'm not as perverted as you are to refine planets." Fu Muhan suddenly smiled.

Luo Tian was shocked, he naturally knew that Fu Muhan hadn't refined a planet, but he knew that Fu Muhan's primordial spirit and consciousness had covered a planet tightly at this moment.

what did she find

What does she know?

Luo Tian quickly separated a piece of primordial consciousness to shuttle among the many planets, and after a while, he finally found the planet surrounded by Fu Muhan's primordial consciousness, and the primordial consciousness directly broke through Fu Muhan's body prevent access to it.

"What is Li Daoyou's intention?" Fu Muhan's face suddenly turned cold.

"Hey, it's nothing, I just came to see what good things Daoist Fu saw." Luo Tian smiled obscenely, and then his heart was shocked, "It turned out to be Yuqing Yuanshi Xuangong!"

"Li Daoyou, please leave the planet." Fu Muhan said extremely coldly.

"It's nothing, you and I don't interfere with the river water, there is no conflict." Luo Tian smiled, secretly driving Yuanshen and Consciousness to quickly pass over this planet, Yuqing Yuanshixuan Gong agreed As the Great Elder of Qingyan Town, he can't keep his word.

"Please leave!" Fu Muhan was obviously angry at this moment, the aura around him suddenly dispersed, and countless powerful auras of laws were entwined.

"I'm sorry, this Yuqing Yuanshi Xuangong is useful to me!" Luo Tian also yelled in a low voice without emotion, and the law of swallowing the sky came out through his body, directly colliding with the aura of law diffused by Fu Muhan .


Like a gust of wind sweeping out, the space in all directions rippled with layers of transparent ripples, densely packed like countless small fish floating out of the water.

"You actually know Yuqing Yuanshi Xuangong?!"

Fu Muhan waved his hand with an extremely ugly expression, and the Dragon Elephant Pagoda and Aurora Suo Qiqi were floating beside him, ready to make a move.

"You don't know what to do!" Luo Tian scolded angrily, "I was born in Qingyan Town, and this Yuqing Yuanshi Xuan Gong is the foundation of Qingyan Town, and you still want to attack me? Come on, what I am most afraid of It's time to fight!"

"Are you from Qingyan Town?" Fu Muhan's complexion changed, and he shook his head slowly, "Don't deceive me, I have never heard of a person like you in Qingyan Town!"

"If you don't believe me, go ask Li Qingming, the chief elder of Qingyan Town. Anyway, I have my name on the family tree!" Luo Tian said proudly.

"If you can tell the name of the Great Elder, I believe you [-]% to [-]%."

Fu Muhan's expression finally softened, "But you must not be a native of Qingyan Town, and it is impossible for a native of Qingyan Town to have your cultivation level. It seems that you must have reached some kind of agreement with the Great Elder."

Luo Tian was taken aback. It seemed that this woman knew the situation in Qingyan Town very well, but he didn't bother to explain.

Luo Tian's primordial spirit and divine consciousness were unparalleled, and he quickly plundered all the exercises of Yuqing Yuanshixuan Gong here, and then deeply imprinted them in his mind. As for other classic exercises, he mostly It was refined and thrown directly to Chen Juxiong and others in the inner world.

Luo Tian is now walking an unprecedented path, and he doesn't need to practice these classics of exercises at all, he just needs to learn from them.

Next, Fu Muhan didn't stop Luo Tian too much, allowing Luo Tian to collect all the Yuqing Yuanshi Xuangong here.

However, after Luo Tian collected it, he was also a little puzzled. It was true that Yuqing Yuan Shixuan Kung Fu was wrong, but it was just that he had cultivated to the realm of a fairy king at most, and the following kung fu methods were still blank.

"Boy, you have almost refined [-]% of the planets in the Star Clothes, and the original power in these planets has also been absorbed by you. You can try to absorb it while hitting a higher realm! This is a good opportunity! "

The voice of the robber fairy came over.

"it is good!"

Luo Tian immediately responded, and then turned his full strength, and began to crazily devour the many planets in the star clothes.

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