
Chapter 862


As the speed at which Luo Tian refined the planets in the star clothes became faster and faster, he seemed to have some kind of intimate connection with the star clothes. Layers of blurry bright starlight radiated out, and the starlight became more restrained as the number of Luotian refining planets gradually increased.If the previous starlight gave people a feeling of supreme invincibility, now it is more and more restrained, like a piece of gentle and beautiful jade that does not show its sharpness.

Fu Muhan glanced at her brows, from the beginning to the end, she never thought about what this guy Luo Tian was doing or planning.But as time passed, she was not a fool, and she immediately saw some clues.

"Is he crazy? He even tried to refine all the planets here?!"

Fu Muhan was horrified immediately, this guy was really daring, he dared to act rashly without any understanding of this place, but he was greedy for life and afraid of death, it really gave people a feeling of extreme contradiction.

Called Fu Muhan, she would never dare to do what Luo Tian did.Not to mention how much primordial spirit and spiritual consciousness it takes to refine the thousands of planets here, the original energy contained in the refined planets alone is enough to explode her physical body.

How did Fu Muhan know that Luo Tian is currently the only five-element sacred body in the fairy world, and one of the oldest sacred bodies. In terms of physical toughness, almost no one among the younger generation can match him, and he has a rich background Incomparable.

It's like Fu Muhan's body is like a vast Yangtze River tens of thousands of miles away, while Luo Tian's body is like a vast ocean!

The two cannot be compared at all, and cannot be compared.

Whoa whoa whoa!

Soon, Luo Tian was surprised to find that the more planets he refined, the faster the refining speed became. Afterwards, it was as if time was accelerated several times, and the starlight in the starry sky The converging Changjiang River flew towards Luo Tian crazily, but it did not inject into Luo Tian's body, but circled around Luo Tian like a galaxy, and soon condensed into a huge cocoon of starlight that would wrap Luo Tian in the air. The sky is wrapped in it.

Looking at Luo Tian's gradually disappearing figure, Fu Muhan took a few steps back helplessly, and then penetrated the primordial spirit into the starry sky, looking for those planets that have not been refined by Luo Tian, ​​to see if there are any possible planets on them. The classics of exercises for reference.At the level of Taiyi Jinxian, it is extremely difficult to succeed in practicing the classics of exercises.

As the days go by.

Another half month later, [-]% of the planet was refined by Luo Tian!

Then, another half a month, [-]%!

Four percent!


About two months later, Luo Tian had already refined [-]% of the planets in the star clothes, but Luo Tian didn't seem to stop, and was still refining the planets in the star clothes crazily.

"Anyway, you can recognize the master after five achievements in refining, but now even if someone comes, they can't steal me. Why not refine more planets, so that the background will be richer!" Luo Tian thought in his heart.

"Quickly recognize the master!" The robber Xianjun's sudden roar almost deafened Luo Tian's ears.

"Can't you refine more?"

"No! No! No!" The Robber Immortal roared again and again, "Don't fall short! If a strong man finds you at this moment, he can still kill you, and then regain control of the Star Clothes!"

"Isn't it?" Luo Tian's complexion also changed slightly, and then he shouted, "Then what should I do to recognize the Lord?"

"Three drops of primordial essence and blood seeped into the star clothes, just communicate with the star clothes."

"Three drops of primordial spirit blood!"

Luo Tian couldn't help but his complexion changed slightly, and he muttered, "It's too dark."

"Whatever you want." Robber Xianjun was obviously driven mad by Luo Tian's stingy Bala, so he said it in a very flat tone.

Luo Tian knew the Robber Immortal Lord well. Generally, if this old guy roared and roared, he would be in a pretty good mood.If he gets serious once, it means that the old guy is really angry.

At that moment, Luo Tian hurriedly gathered his mind, touched the space between his eyebrows with his backhand, and then three drops of primordial spirit blood flew out.

Luo Tian's primordial spirit blood is a little different from ordinary people, but it is glowing with five colors and is extremely beautiful.

Puff puff!

Luo Tian carefully manipulated three drops of primordial spirit blood to seep into the void, and then detonated all at once. The three drops of primordial spirit blood instantly transformed into three multicolored lotus flowers. Inside.

Luo Tian's primordial spirit immediately followed the three drops of primordial blood and seeped into the void. He didn't dare to be negligent in the slightest. You must know that this is primordial blood, which is different from ordinary blood. It can be refined with a little supplementation. return.Primordial spirit blood is the most important life essence in a fairy's body. If it is not a special opportunity, it will be difficult to regenerate it, so it is extremely precious.

After a moment.

Luo Tian's face turned dark, he didn't find any sign of communication in the starry sky at all.

After another half an hour, Luo Tian finally vaguely felt a bright rune communicated with his primordial spirit blood in the void, and then quickly sucked three drops of Luotian's primordial spirit blood into it.

"It must be enough, it must be enough!"

Luo Tian prayed with a gloomy face, three drops of primordial spirit blood were not enough, asking him to take out another drop of primordial spirit blood would really cut his heart.


"who are you?"

Luo Tian was wrapped in a giant cocoon of starlight, while Fu Muhan was bored to collect ancient exercises, but it didn't take long for her primordial spirit and consciousness to be forced back by an invisible force, and she never It is difficult to enter the starry sky.

"This guy!"

Just as Fu Muhan stomped his feet, he noticed a Hongqiao stretching from afar, above which were four powerful Taiyi Golden Immortals.

"Hehehe, I didn't expect this fellow Taoist to find this place first by himself?"

The guy in charge was tall, thin as a bamboo pole, with a sad smile on his face, which was really uncomfortable to hear.

"Hey, Fellow Daoist Wu, this woman is not alone." Suddenly, the ordinary-looking dark man next to him grinned with a big mouth, and there was a frivolity in his words.

"Oh?" Thin bamboo pole glanced at the giant starlight cocoon, surprised on his face, "I didn't expect this fellow Taoist to almost lose all vitality in his cultivation, he is really overbearing!"

"Fellow Daoist Wu, the three of you captured that little lady, and this guy will be handed over to me!"

Suddenly, the short old woman standing at the end suddenly soared into the air, stretched her thighs in mid-air, and a huge mountain-like foot appeared in the void, and stepped straight down.


Fu Muhan was startled, and was about to move over to face the old woman, but three beams of light flashed on her body one after another, while the remaining three surrounded her with gloomy faces.


After a soft sound, what is surprising is that the cocoon of starlight that encased Luo Tian did not change at all. Instead, the old woman let out a miserable cry, and then flew upside down, and fell to the ground. Do not move.

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