
Chapter 863 Annihilation of Qi Primordial Spirit

Die if you touch it?

One touch is dead!

At this time, the remaining four people including Fu Muhan were stunned. The old woman's cultivation was not weak, and she was at the peak of the mid-term Taiyi Golden Immortal, but she died first when the other party did not fight back. This is really too weird.

The old woman's death was strange, and her death was even more aggrieved. She didn't even know how she died...

"Stop this little girl first, and then get rid of that weird guy!" The leader, the strong man surnamed Shouzhugan Wu, shouted resolutely and abnormally, "Even if the three of us are no match for that person, we can still treat this little girl as an opponent!" Hostage-taking!"

"Don't think about it!"

Fu Mu coldly shouted, opened his mouth and sprayed, and the dragon elephant pagoda was directly suspended above his head, and began to suppress the void.Aurora cables flew out of the Tianling Gai, turning into brilliant and extreme auroras to protect the whole body, radiating ten thousand rays of brilliance.

"Mixed Yuan Immortal Treasure!"

The three strong men surnamed Wu naturally had extraordinary eyesight, and they felt the aura in the dragon elephant pagoda sacrificed by Fu Muhan at the first sight.

Among the Hunyuan Immortal Treasures, there is a hint of Hunyuan heavenly aura, which cannot be erased or destroyed.This is the uniqueness and dignity of the Hunyuan Immortal Treasure.

The three of them looked at each other, each saw the passion and greed in their eyes, and then they all sacrificed their immortal treasures and used their supernatural powers, and they all went straight to the Dragon Elephant Pagoda.

Fu Muhan gritted his silver teeth tightly, and spat out a drop of primordial spirit blood with a pale complexion. The dragon-elephant pagoda immediately radiated a myriad of rays of light. Among them, the dragon soared and the tiger leaped, the flying dragon flew in the sky, and the tiger howled on the ground. The army galloped out like thousands of horses, wrinkling the starry sky.

Fu Muhan was furious, and he had used all his strength at this moment!

Among the layers of illusory images, the three strong men surnamed Wu slammed into it head-on. Even if the other party possessed the Hunyuan Immortal Treasure, as long as it was not a half-level Immortal Treasure, it would be difficult to pose a threat to them.

"No, there is actually a fairy treasure!"

"Ah! This breath turned out to be..."

"Go all out!"

Suddenly, the situation in the arena changed rapidly. In the dragon-shaped and tiger-shaped aperture inspired by the dragon-elephant pagoda, a layer of dazzling silver-white light suddenly rose, and then the silver-white light immediately enveloped the three strong men surnamed Wu inside.

Fu Muhan actually controlled three immortal treasures at the same time!


The next moment, Fu Muhan spat out a mouthful of blood with a pale complexion, and then his whole body swayed, almost falling to the ground, obviously seriously injured.

Naturally, the three strong men surnamed Wu did not get any favors, but seeing that although the three of them played their cards at the critical moment, they were still seriously injured.After all, Fu Muhan is also a quasi-Taiyi Golden Immortal late-stage powerhouse, although he has not fully stepped into it, but it is almost the same.

The immortal power of the three strong men surnamed Wu did not consume much, but the aura of the primordial spirit was a little sluggish.

"The primordial spirit attacks the fairy treasure!"

The strong man surnamed Wu said bitterly, and a pair of triangular eyes swept Fu Muhan back and forth, "Little girl, where did you hide that half-level fairy treasure? How dare you use half-handed treasure in the Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm?" Aren't Dao Grade Immortal Treasures afraid of being wiped out?!"

"I don't need you to worry about me!" Fu Muhan shouted tenderly, swearing for the first time.

"Looking at your level, I'm afraid you can push it one more time at most." The strong man surnamed Wu smiled sarcastically, "If you take down your little mother, I must enjoy you, so that I can relieve the hatred in my heart! Ha ha ha ha……"

"Two fellow daoists, can you hold on for one more time? If you can, the three of us will enjoy this little girl together!"

"Hey, it shouldn't be a problem, Fellow Daoist Wu, but can this little girl let me taste it first?"

"Of course there is no problem." A gleam of coldness flashed in the eyes of the strong man surnamed Wu, but he said with a smile on his face.

"Then let's take action! Don't delay too long and let this little bitch run away!"


Next, the three strong men surnamed Wu each sacrificed an immortal treasure. Judging by the aura of the immortal treasure, it turned out to be a high-level holy treasure.

"Hehehe, little girls, no matter how powerful your Yuanshen attacking fairy treasure is, if it is divided into three attacks, the power will be greatly reduced. Why don't you just follow the old man, hahaha..." The strong man surnamed Wu licked it. Lips, naughty | laughed, "Looking at you like this, it's obvious that you're still a baby. This old man likes to spoil this kind of woman the most!"

"Dirty things!"

Fu Muhan's lungs exploded, and he opened his mouth to spurt another stream of blood, and the dragon-shaped and tiger-shaped form of the dragon-elephant pagoda suspended above his head immediately weakened a bit.

The joy in the eyes of the three strong men surnamed Wu grew stronger.

"Even if this seat is dead, I will hold you back!"

Fu Muhan's face was ferocious, and two cold lights shot out from his beautiful peach eyes, and he was about to burn Shouyuan and Yuanshen to launch the strongest blow.


At this time, a big hand stretched out horizontally and landed directly on Fu Muhan's shoulder.

"Come out!" Fu Muhan actually smiled, and then felt a burst of incomparably abundant immortal energy from that big hand, which was directly injected into her body.

"Take a good breath, leave these beasts to me."

It was Luo Tian who had just refined the Star Clothes who appeared in time, but seeing him turn away with a warm smile on his face, his demeanor was really heartbreaking.

Fu Muhan suddenly had an illusion that this very ordinary-looking elderly man in front of him was his reliance.Thinking about it, Fu Muhan's face turned hot, and then he scolded himself in his heart, and seized the time to calm down the injury in his body.




Luo Tian stood in front of the three strong men surnamed Wu with a golden sword, and stretched out three fingers, "Three things that are not as good as beasts, are they men? Three big men bullied a woman? I blush for you The thing that annoys me the most is that you three men dealt with a woman and let her get hurt, I am! If I were like you, I would have killed myself with a piece of tofu!"

"..." Luo Tian was scolding so vigorously that the three strong men surnamed Wu and even Fu Muhan almost fainted, especially Fu Muhan, who was angry in his heart, how dare this guy look down on women? !

Bang bang bang!

Next, Luo Tian didn't say anything else, he waved his hands casually, as if driving away a few flies, the three strong men surnamed Wu exploded into a cloud of blood mist, and the Yuanshen was drawn by Luo Tian, ​​and directly used The fairy fire in the body is burning.

Light up the sky lantern!

"I hate scum like you the most!" Luo Tian ignored the wailing and begging of the three, and then performed the Yuqing Yuanshi Xuan Gong to bind the three tightly.

The three strong men surnamed Wu were horrified to the extreme. The three of them didn't even have time to react when he made a move just now, and the pressure on him was extremely strong. He was at least a half-step saint.

"I'm afraid I'll get my hands dirty with the scumbag's fairy treasure!" Next, what made Fu Muhan completely collapsed was that Luo Tian used his hand to slap the sacred fairy treasure in the hands of the three strong men surnamed Wu. Pinch off.

Reaching the half-step saint realm, Luo Tian's physical toughness has also reached the level of a half-level immortal treasure!

Next, Luo Tian walked up to Fu Muhan and squatted down beside Fu Muhan with a frivolous smile on his face, and said with a chuckle, "Fellow Daoist Fu, your smile almost fascinated me to death just now..."

"You go..." Before Fu Muhan could say that dead word, Luo Tian grabbed the jade hand waving in midair.

Luo Tian shook his head decently for a long time, and said shyly, "The injury is not too serious. What are you excited about, Fellow Daoist Fu? I have no interest in you. I just want to ask you now, do you want to follow me to make a big deal? Huh?" , why are you still holding my hand tightly? Let go, let go quickly, men and women can't kiss each other..."

The three strong men surnamed Wu who were lit by sky lanterns were howling miserably. Suddenly seeing Luo Tian's incomparably wretched and shameless behavior, they couldn't help being annihilated. They would rather suffer a hundred times more pain than lighting sky lanterns The annihilation of the primordial spirit, I really can't stand it anymore...

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